Turkey 2016
In August 2016, my team working on the tectonic evolution of Turkey in the context of my ERC and VIDI projects ‘Subduction Initiation reconstructed from Neotethyan Kinematics (SINK)’, organized an excursion for other members of the team working elsewhere, and a group of international guests. The idea for such an excursion was born a long time ago: when I was doing my PhD, my supervisor Johan Meulenkamp told me that when I wanted to publish a paper about a field study, I should be ready to bring an international excursion to my field area to show them the evidence. So we did. And it was an unforgetable 10 day trip with lots of discussion, feedback, progress, and fun. Below you’ll find a list of participants and an impression of the excursion.

Pete McPhee, PhD student at Utrecht University (SINK), working on the kinematic evolution of the Taurides and the uplift of the Anatolian plateau

Kalijn Peters, PhD student at Utrecht University, (SINK) working on metamorphic soles below Anatolian ophiolites

Derya Gürer, PhD student at Utrecht University (SINK), working on the kinematic evolution of central and eastern Anatolia since the Cretaceous

Lydian Boschman, PhD student at Utrecht University, working on (circum-)Paleo-Pacific plate reconstructions

Alexis Plunder, Post-Doc at Utrecht University (SINK), working on numerical modeling of subduction initiation processes, and Anatolian metamorphic rocks

The amazing Marco Maffione, Post-Doc at Utrecht University (SINK), working on the kinematic evolution of Neotethyan ophiolites

Eldert Advokaat, Post-Doc at Utrecht University (SINK), working on SE Asian plate kinematics and tectonics

Ayten Koç, Assistant Professor at Van University, Turkey and former PhD student and Post-doc of mine, working on Neogene basins around and on the Taurides

Murat Özkaptan, Assistant Professor at Trabzon University, Turkey

Fernando Corfu, Professor of Geochronology at the University of Oslo

Carl Guilmette, Assistant Professor at Laval University, Quebec, Canada

Shihu Li, Post-Doc at Institute of Geology and Geophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing and visiting scientist at Utrecht University

Zhenyu Li, Assistant Professor at the Institute of Tibetan Plateau Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, and visiting scientist at Utrecht University

Pete Lippert, Assistant Professor at the University of Utah, USA

…and yours truly!

For some, the excursion started with a balloon ride over Cappadocia!” width=”772″ height=”500″ /> For some, the excursion started with a balloon ride over Cappadocia!

he route of the excursion: from the metamorphic sole of Pinarbasi that is the highest structural unit, through the Kirsehir Block, Afyon Zone, and the Taurides, and overlying sedimentary basins, down to the Bey Daglari foreland

Kalijn, drawing her section through the Pinarbasi ophiolite

Kalijn, teaching the group

Sole mates: Carl, Alexis, and Kalijn

This is what all the fuss is about: garnet amphibolites!

Fernando and Marco, digging in

Eldert, explaining the Ayhan basin

Me, drawing this basin in the Turkey-wide cross sections

Putting the field observations in context using a geological map

Derya and Pete, discussing the Ulukisla basin

Derya, showing an overview of the Ulukisla basin using the geological map

Derya, explaining the geology of central Anatolia

and to a donkey…

Carl, showing his favorite rock to Marco and Kalijn

Happy rock…

Marco, explaining about the Alihoca ophiolite

…with coarse gabbros

Pete Lippert (a.k.a. papa bear), taking notes

Derya showed us intensely sheared limestones preserving numullites

Derya showed us intensely sheared limestones preserving numullites

…and some pretty nice onlap structures with evidence for synsedimentary tectonics

Group picture in front of beautiful pillow lavas in the Ulukisla basin

Walk up to the blueschists around lake Karagöl in the Bolkar mountains

Catching our breath

Ocean’s 11…

Group picture on the Bolkar mountain front

…at sunset

Beautiful outcrops in the Upper Cretaceous of the Ulukisla region

Carl, pondering

Carl and Fernando at the Hatti relief, right below Derya’s favorite detachment

Shihu, enjoying the view

Ayten and Pete, discussing

Alexis, explaining blueschists

Me, building my cross sections for the group

Kalijn and Alexis, enjoying some Cappadocia volcanics


Marco, zooming in on Carl’s latest find

Alexis, Derya, and Murat, enjoying the view

Ayten, preparing for her day as field guide in the basins around Konya

Ayten, pointing stuff out

Ayten, explaining the Sultandaglari fault

Pete McPhee (a.k.a. baby bear) and Alexis, listening

Sunset over Lake Beysehir

Pete, enjoying a beer before his day of fame in the Taurides

Pete, getting the attention

Pointing out where we are in his cross section

Building the section in the field

Or on me

The group, enjoying the spectacular view over the Köprüçay river valley

…at sunset

The team, checking out one of the thrusts in the Taurides

Me, approving the view

Pete L, taking pictures of the Köprücay gorge

…said gorge

Me, wrapping up the excursion, with a mild hangover…this was an amazing trip, let’s do one again!
Excellent field photographs some of them are superb vividly exhibiting composition and structure of the rocks. The diversity of rocks are fascinating to see and to work on them.