1. Nu.nl (the Netherlands) – Krijgen de andere Griekse eilanden ook last van aardbevingen?
  2. Nu.nl (the Netherlands) – Hoe zeldzaam is aardbevingszwerm Santorini? ‘Verontrustende situatie’
  3. Merdeka (Indonesia) – Ahli Geologi Ungkap India Sedang Terbelah Jadi Dua
  4. SSZEE media (USA) – Scientists uncover Indian plate’s unseen rift under Himalayas
  5. Moneycontrol (India) – Is India splitting apart? Gap in tectonic plates widening, say geologists
  6. Wonderful Engineering (India) – Geologists Discover That India Is Splitting Into Two
  7. News 18 (India) – Indian Plate Breaking Beneath Tibet? What Do Geologists Say? | Explained
  8. Business Today (India) – ‘The Himalayas’ secret’: Indian Plate tearing apart beneath Tibet. claims study
  9. The Brighter Side (India) – Geologists discover that India is splitting into two
  10. Volkskrant – Zó ontstond de aardbeving van Tibet: ‘pudding’ die wegzakt
  11. Nederlands Dagblad (the Netherlands) – Zo ontstond de aardbeving op het Tibetaanse plateau: ‘pudding’ die naar het oosten wegzakt
  12. IFL Science – Tourists May Have Spent Their Holiday On The Lost Continent Of Greater Adria “Without Realizing It”


  1. van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Schenkeveld, W.D.C., Mogollón, J.M., Morriën, W.E., Campforts, B., Dzigan, Y., Manzella, I., and Root, B.C., 2024, White Paper Earth and Environmental Sciences (EES) in the Netherlands Securing and Integrating the Broad Foundation of Earth and Environmental Sciences to Build a Sustainable Future.
  2. Karlobag (Croatia) – Geolozi na Uskršnjem otoku otkrili 165 milijuna godina stare minerale koji mijenjaju teorije o Zemljinom plaštu
  3. Plumas Libres (Mexico) – Aclaran un misterio geológico de la Isla de Pascua
  4. Daily Geek Show (France) – Des découvertes sur l’île de Pâques aident à percer les mystères du manteau terrestre
  5. Voyagers (USA) – Echoes from ancient Earth: Zircon clues reveal Easter Island’s hidden volcanic history
  6. Invides (Mexico) – Aclaran un misterio geológico de la Isla de Pascua
  7. Head Topics (Germany) – Natur: Bewegt sich der Erdmantel langsamer als gedacht?
  8. Terra Rara (Brazil) – Pequenos minerais de 165 milhões de anos encontrados na Ilha de Páscoa estão mudando nossa compreensão dos livros de geografia.
  9. Focustech (Italy) – Scoperta sull’Isola di Pasqua Rivela Nuove Teorie sul Mantello Terrestre
  10. Scinexx (Germany) – Bewegt sich der Erdmantel langsamer als gedacht?
  11. Newsyou (Ukraine) – Циркони-примари з острова Пасхи похитнули уявлення про мантію Землі
  12. Tomorrow Science (China) – 復活節島解開地球板塊與地幔的新謎團
  13. Aktualno (Bulgaria) – Призрачни циркони от Великденския остров разклащат общоприетото мнение за мантията на Земята
  14. Telisik (Indonesia) – Lempeng Pontus Usia 120 Juta Tahun Diklaim Masih Ada hingga Kini di Kalimantan
  15. Lenta (Russia) – Остров Пасхи поставил под сомнение представления о недрах Земли
  16. MU 4 (Indonesia) – Peneliti Temukan Lempeng Bumi yang Lama Hilang Ada di Kalimantan
  17. Suarakaltim (Indonesia) – Usia 120 Juta Tahun, Ilmuwan Temukan Lempeng Tektonik Purba Pontus di Kaltara
  18. Scienze Notizie (Italy) – Il mistero dei vulcani estinti di Rapa Nui
  19. Cikavosti (Ukraine) – Знайдені на острові Пасхи циркони свідчать про стабільність мантії
  20. Olhar Digital (Brazil) – Saiba os segredos que a Ilha de Páscoa guarda sobre as placas tectônicas e o manto da Terra
  21. Science et Vie (France) – Nouveau mystère sur l’Île de Pâques : des minéraux vieux de 165 millions d’années laissent les scientifiques perplexes
  22. Naked Science (Russia) – Цирконы-призраки с острова Пасхи пошатнули общепринятые представления о мантии Земли
  23. BB (Latvia) – Остров Пасхи поставил под сомнение представления о недрах Земли
  24. Explorer’s Web (USA) – Exploration Mysteries: The Lost Continent of Argoland
  25. Kozmos (Croatia) – Drevni minerali na Uskršnjem otoku otkrivaju neočekivane tajne Zemljinog plašta
  26. Noticias de la Ciencia (Spain) – Aclaran un misterio geológico de la Isla de Pascua
  27. Bundle (Germany) – Bewegt sich der Erdmantel langsamer als gedacht?
  28. Esquire (USA) – Un equipo de geólogos que estudia la isla de Pascua ha hecho un sorprendente descubrimiento sobre la edad de sus volcanes que afecta a toda a Tierra
  29. Caliber (Azerbaijan) – Geologists uncover surprising insights into Easter Island’s volcanic history
  30. Las Condes (Chile) – El sorprendente descubrimiento en Isla de Pascua que cambia todo lo escrito sobre la geología de la Tierra
  31. 163 (China) – 复活节岛上发现的距今1.65亿年的神秘矿物否定了板块构造学说
  32. Newsworld (the Netherlands) – Nieuw onderzoek: het complexe raadsel van de aardmantel onder Paaseiland onthuld
  33. Vanpeople (China) – 复活节岛上发现上亿年神秘矿物否定了板块构造学说
  34. Terra Daily (USA) – Echoes from ancient Earth: Zircon clues reveal Easter Island’s hidden volcanic history
  35. Tendencias Informativas (Spain) – Científicos descubren una inusual ruptura que está partiendo la Tierra a la mitad
  36. Popyard (China) – 复活節島上發現神秘礦物,否定了板塊构造學説
  37. Codigo Oculto (Spain) – Volcanes de la Isla de Pascua desafían los libros de texto sobre el interior de la Tierra
  38. CN Beta (Taiwan) – 复活节岛上发现的距今1.65亿年的神秘矿物否定了板块构造学说
  39. Zap AEIOU (Portugal) – Descoberta na ilha de Páscoa muda tudo o que sabíamos sobre o manto da Terra
  40. Nauka Offnews (Bulgaria) – Циркони на 165 милиона години от Великденския остров противоречат на тектониката на плочите
  41. LBV (Spain) – Hallazgos en la Isla de Pascua cambian todo lo que sabemos del manto terrestre y de como se mueve bajo la corteza
  42. Reddit (USA) – Mysterious 165-Million-Year-Old Minerals Found on Easter Island Defy Plate Tectonics
  43. Knowridge (USA) – Easter Island’s volcanoes reveal new clues about Earth’s mysterious mantle
  44. SciTechDaily (USA) – Mysterious 165-Million-Year-Old Minerals Found on Easter Island Defy Plate Tectonics
  45. Science Daily (USA) – Echoes from the past: A geological mystery unravelled on Easter Island
  46. La Brujula Verde (Spain) – Easter Island findings change everything we know about the Earth’s mantle and how it moves beneath the crust
  47. Phys.org (USA) – Easter Island’s volcanic history suggests Earth’s mantle behaves quite differently than previously assumed
  48. El Diario (Mexico) – Falla geológica en el Himalaya pone en alerta a los científicos
  49. La Nacion (Ecuador) – Advierten que la Tierra se está partiendo en dos: esta es la zona en donde estaría sucediendo dicho fenómeno
  50. Meganoticias (Chile) – Estudio genera preocupación por falla geológica en el Himalaya que provocaría serias consecuencias en la Tierra
  51. La Red (Chile) – ¿La Tierra se está partiendo en dos? Descubre la zona donde podría estar ocurriendo este fenómeno alarmante
  52. Huffington Post (Spain) – La corteza de la Tierra podría estar partiéndose en dos según un estudio
  53. El Tiempo (Colombia) – La falla geológica de la Tierra que preocupa a los científicos: ¿el planeta podría partirse?
  54. El Comercio (Peru) – ¿Qué se acaba de encontrar en las profundidades de la Luna que podría influir en la humanidad?
  55. El Heraldo (Mexico) – Falla geológica en el Himalaya alerta a científicos: ¿la Tierra podría partirse en dos?
  56. NCR Noticias (Costa Rica) – La falla geológica de la Tierra que preocupa a los científicos: ¿el planeta podría partirse?
  57. Wapa (Peru) – ¿La Tierra se partirá en dos? Falla geológica en el Himalaya alerta a comunidad científica
  58. Cambio 22 (Mexico) – Falla Geológica en el Tíbet, Causa Alarmas en Científicos de EU y China
  59. ADN 40 (Mexico) – Falla geológica en el Himalaya podría aumentar terremotos, alertan científicos
  60. Times of India (India) – Truth behind the discovery of a 120-million-year-old lost part of Earth in Borneo
  61. Unilad (USA) – Long lost part of Earth thought to be 120,000,000 years old could change what we know about our planet
  62. All India Media Association (India) – Scientists discover lost 120-million-year-old tectonic plate
  63. WION (USA) – 120-million-year-old part of Earth lost since break up of Pangea discovered
  64. SE Asia (Indonesia) – Lost for 20 Million Years: Scientists Uncover a Missing Part of the Earth in Borneo
  65. Fox Report (Greece) – Pontus: Ανακαλύφθηκε χαμένη τεκτονική πλάκα 120 εκατομμυρίων ετών – Τι αλλάζει στην ιστορία της Γης;
  66. CNBC (Indonesia) – Lempeng Bumi yang Dikira Musnah Ditemukan di Bawah Kalimantan
  67. IDN Times (Indonesia) – Bagian Bumi yang Hilang 120 Juta Tahun Ditemukan di Kalimantan
  68. Kompas (Indonesia) – Di Bawah Kalimantan, Peneliti Temukan Jejak Lempeng Tektonik “Hantu”
  69. Media Seruni (Indonesia) – Penemuan Mengejutkan: Lempeng Bumi yang Hilang Kembali Terungkap di Kalimantan
  70. Asia One (Indonesia) – Lost 120-Million-Year-Old Tectonic Plate Unearthed in Borneo
  71. Epoch Times (Indonesia) – Bagian Bumi Berusia 120 Juta Tahun yang Hilang Sejak Pecahnya Pangea Ditemukan, Itu di Indonesia
  72. Lampost (Indonesia) – Lempeng Tektonik Kuno 120 Juta Tahun di Kalimantan Ungkap Banyak Misteri Bumi yang Hilang
  73. Bisik (Indonesia) – Temuan Lempeng Tektonik Kuno Berusia 120 Juta Tahun di Kalimantan
  74. Detik (Indonesia) – Lempeng Bumi yang Lama Hilang Ditemukan di Kalimantan!
  75. Merdeka (Indonesia) – Lempengan Tektonik Kuno Berusia 120 Juta Tahun Ditemukan di Kalimantan
  76. Borneo Globe (Indonesia) – Ternyata Pulau Kalimantan Memiliki Jejak Lempeng Tektonik yang Misterius, Peneliti Asing Ungkap Fakta Mengerikan
  77. Jalantikus (Indonesia) – Dikira Hilang, Lempeng Purba Misterius Berusia 120 Juta Tahun Ditemukan di Kalimantan
  78. Kalteng Lima (Indonesia) – Bumi Kalimantan Ketar-Ketir, Lempeng Tektonik Ditemukan Disini
  79. Cronica (Guatemala) – Se descubre en Borneo una parte de la Tierra perdida hace mucho tiempo
  80. Cikycaky (Slovakia) – Na Borneu bola objavená dávno stratená časť Zeme
  81. Megaphone (USA) – Groundbreaking study reveals a massive country splitting into two
  82. Good (Iceland) – Geologists discover 155 million-year-old ‘lost continent’ that was once as wide as the U.S.
  83. Aventuras na Historia (Brazil) – Conheça Grande Adria, continente perdido há mais de 100 milhões de anos
  84. The Economic Times (India) – Scientists discover 120-million-year-old Earth section: Here’s how it could change what we know about our planet
  85. Madhyamam (India) – Scientists uncover ancient Pontus Plate, a 120-million-year-old tectonic remnant in Borneo
  86. La Nacion (Argentina) – ¿La Tierra podría partirse en dos? Qué se sabe sobre la falla geológica que preocupa a los científicos
  87. Good (Iceland) – One of the biggest countries is starting to split into two, a new study discovers
  88. Imagen de Vera Cruz (Mexico) – Alarmante descubrimiento: La corteza terrestre se está dividiendo bajo el Tíbet
  89. Scienze Notizie (Italy) – Milioni di anni fa scomparve un intero continente. Ora sappiamo dov’è
  90. Zono (Chile) – Nueva investigación acaba de determinar que la corteza terrestre se está partiendo en dos mitades
  91. Ensede Sciencia (Spain) – Nueva investigación acaba de determinar que la corteza terrestre se está partiendo en dos mitades
  92. Ecoportal (Spain) – La corteza terrestre se está partiendo en dos mitades
  93. El Cronista (Argentina) – Una nueva investigación advirtió que la Tierra se está partiendo en dos mitades, ¿cuáles son las razones?
  94. NOS (the Netherlands) – Aardverschuivingen maken de klimmetjes in de Ronde van Vlaanderen steeds steiler
  95. De Geobronnen (the Netherlands) – De ronde van Vlaanderen…. Geologisch gezien
  96. The Brighter Side (USA) – Scientists discover ‘lost continent’ from over 100 million years ago
  97. Medjugorje (Croatia) – VELIKO OTKRIĆE Ispod Hrvatske se nalazi izgubljeni kontinent zvani Veliki Jadran
  98. Koha (Albania) – Zbulohet një kontinent i zhdukur nën Evropë, quhet Adria e Madhe
  99. Cronica (Guatemala) – India está empezando a dividirse en dos, según un nuevo estudioCronica (Guatemala) –
  100. Scoop Upworthy (India) – One of the largest nations in the world might be splitting into two, claims a new study
  101. Greek Reporter – When Greece Was Part of the Lost Continent of Greater Adria
  102. ADN40 (Mexico) – Falla geológica en el Himalaya podría aumentar terremotos, alertan científicos
  103. Hello Magyar (Hungary) – India elkezdett kétfelé hasadni egy új tanulmány szerin
  104. Imagen Zacatecas (Mexico) – Falla geológica en la cordillera del Himalaya alerta a científicos
  105. 24 Morelos (Mexico) – Crecimiento de falla geológica en el Himalaya aumentará terremotos: científicos
  106. Dnevno (Croatia) – Jedna od najvećih zemalja na svijetu se počela razdvajati: ‘Nismo znali da se tako ponašaju’
  107. El Caribe (Dominican Republic) – ¿La Tierra se partirá en dos? Falla en el Himalaya ALERTA a científicos
  108. El Debate (Spain) – Un estudio ve indicios de que la India pueda fracturarse en dos
  109. Debate (Mexico) – No solo es Africa, Asia tambien SE ESTA PARTIENDO EN DOS cerca del Himalaya
  110. Colombia Check (Colombia) – Investigación no descubrió una falla geológica que podría partir la Tierra en dos
  111. Medium (USA) – India is Splitting into Two Continents and Most People Are Not Aware
  112. Meteoweb (Italy) – L’India sta iniziando a “dividersi in due”: è colpa della placca indiana
  113. Interez (Slovakia) – Záhadný proces trhá na dve časti jednu z najväčších krajín na svete. Vedcov šokovalo, že kontinenty sa môžu takto správať
  114. Coduvigo Oculto (Spain) – La corteza terrestre se está partiendo en dos por debajo del Himalaya, determina investigación
  115. Sign of the Times (Croatia) – Nova studija otkriva da se Indija počinje dijeliti na dva dijela
  116. La Nacion (Argentina) – La falla geológica en Asia que estaría causando que un punto de la Tierra se divida en dos: “Un desgarro”
  117. Time News (Indonesia) – Jika Benar Berlokasi di Indonesia Berarti kita Bukan Berasa di Benua Asia? Yuk Baca Sejarah Penemuan Benua Argoland yang Hilang
  118. El Pais (Uruguay) – Geólogos detectaron una fragmentación en la cordillera del Himalaya: ¿Qué consecuencias tiene este fenómeno?
  119. El Heraldo (Mexico) – Falla geológica en el Himalaya alerta a científicos: ¿la Tierra podría partirse en dos?
  120. Kukuriku (North Macedonia) – Една од најголемите земји во светот почнала да се разделува ! „Не сме знаеле дека вака се однесуваат“
  121. Indy 100 (India) – India is starting to split in two, new study discovers
  122. Unilad (USA) – India is beginning to split in two according to new study finds
  123. De Geobronnen (the Netherlands) – De Geologie achter de Tour de France 2024
  124. Chequeado (Colombia) – No, la Tierra no se está partiendo en dos
  125. Sarkul Avsat (Turkey) – Avrupa’da okyanus altına gömülü kayıp bir kıta keşfedildi
  126. Popyard (China) – 复活节岛上发现神秘矿物,否定了板块构造学说
  127. Cn Beta (China) – 复活节岛上发现的距今1.65亿年的神秘矿物否定了板块构造学说
  128. El Confidencial (Spain) – El gran misterio geológico de la Isla de Pascua podría haber sido resuelto
  129. Space Daily (USA) – Echoes from ancient Earth: Zircon clues reveal Easter Island’s hidden volcanic history
  130. The Daily Guardian (India) – Ancient Tectonic Plate Discovered Offering Insights Into Earth’s History
  131. The Times of India (India) -120-million-year-old part of Earth just got discovered
  132. Good (Iceland) – Geologists stunned on discovering a part of the Earth that disappeared 20 million years ago
  133. Sindonews (Indonesia) – Bgian Bumi yang Hilang Berusia 120 Juta Tahun Ditemukan di Kalimantan
  134. Faharas (Dubai) – Unveiling a Long-Lost Part of Earth in Borneo.. Ancient Secrets and Wonders Await in This Hidden Paradise
  135. Espresso Litoral (Brazil) – Placa tectônica do tamanho de um oceano existiu no passado; veja
  136. Daily Star (Lebanon) – 120-Million-Year-Old Fragment of Earth from Pangea Breakup Discovered
  137. Bejagadget (Indonesia) – Sebidang tanah yang telah lama hilang telah ditemukan di Kalimantan
  138. The Economic Times (India) – Scientists discover 120-million-year-old Earth section: Here’s how it could change what we know about our planet
  139. Tatvia (India) – Scientists discover 120-million-years-old lost tectonic plate in Borneo
  140. Kompas (Indonesia) – Di Bawah Kalimantan, Peneliti Temukan Jejak Lempeng Tektonik “Hantu”
  141. Merdeka (Indonesia) – Lempengan Tektonik Kuno Berusia 120 Juta Tahun Ditemukan di Kalimantan
  142. Radar Cirebon (Indonesia) – Berusia 120 Juta Tahun, Lempengan Teknonik Kuno Ditemukan di Kalimantan!
  143. Newsweek (USA) – Easter Island Volcanoes Challenge Textbooks on Earth’s Interior
  144. IFL Science (USA) – Easter Island Reveals Odd Insights Into Earth’s Tectonic Plates And Mantle
  145. Geobulletin (South Africa) – Geo-Sports: Earth-science outreach to an unsuspecting audience
  146. Tweewielers Podcast (the Netherlands) – Herman valt op datgene waar Douwe verstand van heeft
  147. NPO Radio 1 (the Netherlands) – Hoe geologen de aarde kunnen redden
  148. NOS (the Netherlands) – Geologie in de Tour: drie gesteenten voor verschillende soorten rennersNOS (the Netherlands) –
  149. NOS (the Netherlands) – Touretappe elf finisht op de flanken van ‘Europa’s supervulkaan’
  150. NOS (the Netherlands) – Geologie in de Tour: gravel, gravel, gravel, waar komt dat eigenlijk vandaan?
  151. Geografie (the Netherlands) – Zonder geologie geen Tour de France
  152. NOS (the Netherlands) – Geologie in de Tour: tijdrijden langs de duurste wijn ter wereld
  153. NOS (the Netherlands) – Geologie in de Tour: 2.000 hoogtemeters klimmen naar vier kilometer diepe oceaan
  154. DUB (the Netherlands) – Hoogleraar Van Hinsbergen verklaart geologische hoogtepunten Tour de France
  155. NOS (The Netherlands) – Geologie in de Tour: peloton fietst naar Bologna langs ‘glimmende’ kristallen
  156. NOS (the Netherlands) – Geologie in de Tour: koersen door een regio die berucht is om zijn aardbevingen
  157. Phys.org (USA) – No Tour de France without geology
  158. KNGMG Geobrief (the Netherlands) – Geo-Sports en de geologie van de Tour de France
  159. Factchequeando (Spain) – No, la Tierra no se está partiendo en dos
  160. Eos (USA) – Sharing the Geology of the Tour de France
  161. NOS (the Netherlands) – Geologie van Luik-Bastenaken-Luik: valleien uit of heuvels op?
  162. NOS (the Netherlands) – Aardverschuivingen maken de klimmetjes in de Ronde van Vlaanderen steeds steiler
  163. Koha (Albania) – Zbulohet një kontinent i zhdukur nën Evropë, quhet Adria e Madhe
  164. Medjugorje Info (Croatia) – VELIKO OTKRIĆE Ispod Hrvatske se nalazi izgubljeni kontinent zvani Veliki Jadran
  165. The Brighter Side (USA) – Scientists discover ‘lost continent’ from over 100 million years ago
  166. De Geobronnen (the Netherlands) – De ronde van Vlaanderen…. Geologisch gezien
  167. Zono (Chile) – Nueva investigación acaba de determinar que la corteza terrestre se está partiendo en dos mitades
  168. Scienze Notizie (Italy) – Milioni di anni fa scomparve un intero continente. Ora sappiamo dov’è
  169. Imagen (Mexico) – Alarmante descubrimiento: La corteza terrestre se está dividiendo bajo el Tíbet
  170. van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Carpenter, M.B., Been, J., and Naudé, M., 2024, Geology of the Tour de France: taking a sports audience by surprise, Geology Today 40, 180-186
  171. La Voix du Nord (France) – « Il n’y a plus de respect » : mais qui a volé les pavés du Paris-Roubaix ?
  172. Lodi Valley News – Can a continent disappear? Science responds!
  173. Economía Sustentable (Argentina) – Científicos hallaron que la corteza terrestre se está diviendo en dos mitades
  174. NWO (the Netherlands) – Wonders of the Tour décor: Tour de Geology
  175. Digiro (Iran) – نتایج یک مطالعه جدید: هند در حال تقسیم شدن است!
  176. Sindonews (Indonesia) – Salah Satu Negara Terbesar di Dunia Diprediksi Terbelah Dua, Ini Buktinya
  177. Liberty Times Net (Taiwan) – 地質學家發現失落的大陸!就掩埋在南歐底下…
  178. Promotions (Hungary) – Veszély előtt állunk? Kettészakadhatott a föld az egyik kontinens alatt
  179. QQ (China) – 科学家又找到一块地球的“隐藏”大陆!还绘制了地图,约等于0.5个澳大利亚
  180. 163 (China) – 科学家又找到一块地球的“隐藏”大陆!还绘制了地图,约等于0.5个澳大利亚|东南亚|地球|大陆|新西兰|澳大利亚|马达加斯加_手机网易网
  181. Fanatik (Romania) – Regiunea din lume care se va rupe în două: “Nu am știut că este posibil”
  182. Esquire (Spain) – Las fuerzas de la Tierra provocan la división en dos de esta enorme placa
  183. Startitup (Slovakia) – Indická tektonická platňa môže rozdeliť Tibet na dve polovice, hovoria vedci
  184. Mon Planeta (Spain) – El comportament d’una placa tectònica sorprèn els geòlegs
  185. Moneycontrol (India) – India’s Continental Plate splitting horizontally, finds new stud y
  186. Smechlapi (Slovakia) – Hrozí nám nebezpečie? Jeden z kontinentov sa asi roztrhne
  187. Guancha (China) -科学家又找到一块地球的“隐藏”大陆!还绘制了地图,约等于0.5个澳大利亚
  188. IFL Science (USA) – What Makes A Lost Continent, And How Are They Found Again?
  189. Qrius (India) – Is India splitting up in two?
  190. Front Page Detectives (USA) – Groundbreaking Revelation: Discovery of Tectonic Plates ‘Unzipping’ Beneath Tibet May Help Predict Future Earthquakes
  191. Gulf Insider (USA) – India Is Starting To Split In Two, New Study Discovers
  192. Popular Mechanics (USA) – Earth’s Forces Are Causing This Massive Plate to Split in Two
  193. TS 2 (Poland) -Ongelooflijke Ontdekking Suggereert dat de Indische Continentale Plaat Mogelijk Horizontale Splijting Ondergaat
  194. Business Insider (USA) – Tectonic plates that are causing the Himalayas to grow may also be splitting Tibet in two, study suggests
  195. Brighter Side of News (USA) – India is beginning to split in two, study finds
  196. Inkl (USA) – Indian Continental Plate potentially splitting in two, study suggests
  197. NDTV (India) – Indian Tectonic Plate Moving Below Himalayas Could Be Splitting Tibet: Study
  198. Klik (Croatia) – Nova istraživanja dokazala zastrašujuću stvar: Jedna od najvećih država se počela ‘raspadati’
  199. Correio Braziliense (Brazil) – Placa tectônica indiana pode estar se dividindo em duas, revela estudo
  200. Yahoo! (Germany) – Die tektonischen Platten, die die Berge im Himalaya wachsen lassen, könnten einen Riss im Kontinent unter Tibet herbeiführen
  201. B1 TV (Romania) – Fenomen neobișnuit, descoperit de cercetători. Munții Himalaya și Tibetul s-ar putea rupe în două
  202. Pro TV (Moldova) – Regiunea care se rupe in doua. „Ruptura” ar putea provoca cutremure devastatoare in zona
  203. Digi 24 (Romania) – Munții Himalaya și Tibetul s-ar putea rupe în două. Cercetătorii au descoperit un fenomen neobișnuit
  204. Capital (Romania) – Au anunțat marele cutremur! Această regiune se va rupe în două, la propriu
  205. Motilokal (Albania) – Studim: Pllaka tektonike e Indisë mund të ndahet në dysh, ashtu si Afrika
  206. Dijital Iridir (Turkey) – Yeni bir Araştırmaya göre Hindistan İkiye Bölünmeye Başlıyor!
  207. N1 (Slovenia) – Geologi imajo novo teorijo o tem, kaj se dogaja z indijsko tektonsko ploščo
  208. Kukuriku (North Macedonia) – Тибет се подели на два дела | Огромен тектонски судир предизвикува раст на Хималаите | Видео
  209. Gegonota (Greece) – Πώς μια από τις μεγαλύτερες περιοχές του κόσμου “χωρίζεται στα δύο”
  210. News 24/7 (Greece) – Πώς μια από τις μεγαλύτερες περιοχές του κόσμου “χωρίζεται στα δύο”
  211. Stirile Pro TV (Romania) – Regiunea care se rupe în două. „Ruptura” ar putea provoca cutremure devastatoare în zonă
  212. The Epoch Times (Indonesia) – Para Ilmuwan Menemukan Salah Satu Negara Terbesar di Dunia ‘Terbelah Dua’
  213. La Nacion (Ecuador) – Científicos descubren que la corteza terrestre se está partiendo en 2 debajo del Tíbet
  214. Radio Pro Hit (Romania) -Munții Himalaya și Tibetul s-ar putea rupe în două. Cercetătorii au descoperit un fenomen neobișnuit
  215. Intriper (Argentina) – Los científicos descubren que uno de los países más grandes del mundo se está «partiendo en dos»
  216. Info Cancha (Spain) – Un nuevo estudio revela que India comienza a dividirse en dos partes
  217. Radios de los Andes (Peru) – Ciencia | Científicos descubren que la corteza terrestre se está partiendo en 2 debajo del Tíbet
  218. Revista Port (USA) – Um novo estudo revela que a Índia está começando a se dividir em duas partes
  219. Vi Cong Ly (Vietnam) – Một nghiên cứu mới tiết lộ rằng Ấn Độ đang bắt đầu chia thành hai phần
  220. KB (Poland) – Płyta indyjska pęka na pół. Czy coś grozi także Europie?
  221. La Ronge Northerner (Canada) – A new study reveals that India is beginning to divide into two parts
  222. Bejagadget (Indonesia) – Sebuah studi baru mengungkapkan bahwa India mulai terpecah menjadi dua bagian
  223. Indian News Weekly (India) – War under the ground… Indian plate breaking into two parts going towards the underworld, a big earthquake can occur in the Himalayas… Study – Indian tectonic plate breaks in two parts going inside mantle of earth causes big earthquakes in himalayan range
  224. HL 1 (Germany) – Eine neue Studie zeigt, dass Indien beginnt, sich in zwei Teile zu spalten
  225. Infinity News (Italy) – L’India potrebbe dividersi in due (con l’Himalaya proprio in cima all’azione)
  226. Yurui (Japan) – インドが二つに分かれ始めたという新しい研究結果が出ました。
  227. Descargitas (China) – 一项新研究显示印度正开始分裂成两部分
  228. Techweeky (India) – India is starting to split in two, new study discovers
  229. Paudal (USA) – What do the drone photos tell after the earthquakes in Turkey?
  230. Unilad (USA) – Scientists discover one of the biggest countries in the world is ‘splitting in two’
  231. Nu.nl (the Netherlands) – Wat vertellen de dronefoto’s na de aardbevingen in Turkije?
  232. Invdes (Mexico) – Científicos descubren que la corteza terrestre se está partiendo en 2 debajo del Tíbet
  233. ZAP (Portugal) – A Índia pode estar a dividir-se em dois (com os Himalaias mesmo em cima da ação)
  234. Economia Sustentable (Argentina) – Científicos determinaron que la corteza terrestre se está partiendo en dos mitades
  235. BSC Happy Portal (Serbia) – NEVEROVATNO OTKRIĆE KOJE MENJA TOK ISTORIJE: Pronađen misteriozni kontitnent
  236. Law & Justice (Indonesia) – Afrika Bakal Terbelah Jadi Dua Benua, Laut Baru Tercipta Tanda Kiamat?
  237. Zmiany na Ziemi (Poland) – Indyjska płyta tektoniczna może podzielić się na dwie części
  238. Le República (Peru) – Científicos descubren que la corteza terrestre se está partiendo en 2 debajo del Tíbet
  239. Cerebro Digital (Spain) – India ha comenzado a partirse al igual que África
  240. Info Barcelona (Spain) – Una colisión tectónica masiva que hace crecer el Himalaya también puede estar dividiendo al Tíbet
  241. Overdoso (Brazil) – Colisão tectônica massiva que está causando o crescimento do Himalaia também pode estar dividindo o Tibete
  242. Pod Pod (Czech Republic) – Pod povrchem Země se něco děje. Po staletích klidu se probouzí nebezpečné síly
  243. Trouw (the Netherlands) – Wat wetenschappers afleiden uit de opvallende dronefoto’s na de aardbevingen in Turkije
  244. Stiripesurse (Moldova) – Sub pământ se întâmplă un fenomen ciudat: Tibetul se rupe efectiv în două
  245. India Times (India) – Tibet Could Be Splitting In Two Parts As Himalayas Still Continue To Grow
  246. Studeer Snel (the Netherlands) – De aarde over 200 miljoen jaar
  247. Business Insider (USA) – The Himalayan mountains are growing — but Tibet could be splitting apart in the process
  248. Gizmodo (Brazil) – Movimento de placas tectônicas pode fazer o Tibete rachar ao meio
  249. Hello Magyar (Hungary) – Az indiai tektonikus lemez is kettéhasadhat, akárcsak Afrika
  250. Ezadar (Croatia) – Indijska tektonska ploča bi se mogla podijeliti na dva dijela, baš poput Afrike
  251. Descopera (Romania) – Fenomenul care ar putea împărți Himalaya și Tibetul în două bucăți
  252. Ça m’Interesse (France) – La plaque tectonique sous le Tibet sur le point de se séparer en deux
  253. Hayka (Bulgaria) – Масивният тектоничен сблъсък, причиняващ издигането на Хималаите, може да раздели Тибет
  254. Nova (Serbia) – Zabrinjavajuće otkriće naučnika: Indijska tektonska ploča se raspada na dva dela
  255. Detik (Indonesia) – Daratan India Diprediksi Terbelah Dua Seperti Afrika
  256. Dotyk (Czech Republic) – Indie se trhá na dva kusy, stejně jako Afrika, tvrdí studie. Vznikne nový mikrokontinent. Podívejte!
  257. Hellas Journal (Greece) – Τα Ιμαλάια ψηλώνουν, το Θιβέτ σκίζεται στα δύο: Η ανηλεής τεκτονική σύγκρουση της ινδικής με την ευρασιατική πλάκα που αλλάζει την Ασία
  258. Tiempo (Argentina) – La placa tectónica india podría estar dividiéndose en dos, al igual que África
  259. Tinmoi (Vietnam) – Va chạm kiến tạo lớn có thể khiến Tây Tạng bị chia cắt bởi dãy Himalaya
  260. 24 (Hungary) – Szép lassan széthasad Tibet
  261. Alo! (Serbia) – REŠENA ISTORIJSKA MISTERIJA! Australija se POCEPALA i deo davno izgubljenog kontineta se POJAVIO i to na najnevrovatnijem mestu
  262. Sindo News (Indonesia) – Sama seperti Afrika, India Diprediksi Akan Terbelah Dua
  263. Indy 100 (USA) – Major process that’s growing the Himalayas could be tearing Tibet apart
  264. The Weather Channel (India) – Indian Tectonic Plate Collision May Split Tibet In Two, Putting Millions In the Region at Earthquake Risk
  265. Live Science (USA) – Massive tectonic collision causing Himalayas to grow may also be splitting Tibet apart
  266. IFL Science (USA) – The Indian Tectonic Plate Might Be Splitting In Two, Just Like Africa
  267. Science (USA) – Tectonic plate under Tibet may be splitting in two
  268. Oboz (Ukraine) – Scientists warn that tectonic plate under Tibet may split in two
  269. Halkin Sesi (Turkey) – Anadolu’da depremler Olusturan Tektonik hareketler
  270. KCH Communicacion (Ecuador) – El misterio de la placa tectónica perdida: por qué puede reescribir la historia de la geología
  271. Perfil (Argentina) – Encuentran restos de una milenaria y gigantesca placa tectónica perdida en el Océano Pacífico


  1. Velo Outside Magazine (USA) – The Tour de France rocks: A fascinating look at the geology of Le Tour
  2. Focus TV (the Netherlands) – Focus Jaaroverzicht
  3. Popular Mechanics (USA) – Lost Lands: Why Some Continents Go Missing—And How Scientists Find Them Again
  4. Khrono (Norway) – 23 forskere i Norge på listen over verdens mest siterte
  5. El Cronista (Argentina) – Hallazgo geológico: apareció el continente perdido hace 155 millones de años
  6. Frankfurter Neue Presse (Germany) – Forscherin entdeckt bisher unbekannte tektonische Platte
  7. Merkur (Germany) – Forscherin entdeckt bisher unbekannte tektonische Platte
  8. Bear Essential News (USA) – Long Lost Continent Finally Found!
  9. NTR Wetenschap (the Netherlands) – Instagram reel about Argoland
  10. NTR Wetenschap (the Netherlands) – Tiktok clip about Argoland
  11. Eindhovens Dagblad (the Netherlands) – Suzanna verbaast geologen wereldwijd: ‘Nooit verwacht zo’n opzienbarende vondst te doen’
  12. CNN Brazil (Brazil) – Continente perdido: como cientistas encontraram a Argolândia
  13. Sambad (India) – ପୁନରାବିଷ୍କୃତ ହେଲା ନବମ ମହାଦେଶ ‘ଆର୍ଗୋଲାଣ୍ଡ୍‌’
  14. IBC Tamil (India) – 155 மில்லியன் ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு காணாமல் போன கண்டம் கண்டுபிடிப்பு
  15. Future Zone (Germany) – Erde: Dieser Kontinent war Millionen Jahre verschollen
  16. Inibaru (Indonesia) – Argoland, Alasan Kenapa Fauna di Indonesia Beragam
  17. Muito Curioso (Portugal) – Continente perdido ‘Argoland’ localizado 155 milhões de anos depois
  18. Wikipedia (Spain) – Argolandia
  19. Wikipedia (Portugal) – Argolândia
  20. News 18 (India) – Seven Years Of Research Unearth The Lost Continent Of Argoland
  21. Kashmir Life (India) – After Seven Years Hunt, Scientists Rediscover Lost Ancient Continent of Argoland Off Western Australia Coast
  22. 7 News (Australia) – Scientists discover buried lost continent Argoland that broke off West Australia in Jurassic period
  23. Cancan (Romania) – Descoperire unică în istoria omenirii. A fost găsit un nou continent, dispărut în urmă cu 155 de milioane de ani
  24. EVZ (Romania) – Continent redescoperit după 115 milioane de ani. Cum a dispărut
  25. ABP (India) – Argoland: 15 करोड़ साल बाद एशिया में मिला वो महाद्वीप, जो ऑस्ट्रेलिया से हुआ था अलग, वैज्ञानिकों का दावा
  26. Big Think (USA) – How an entire continent went missing
  27. Prohaba (Indonesia) – Argoland Ditemukan, Benua yang Jadi Kunci Keragaman Fauna Indonesia, Berikut Penjelasan Ahli
  28. IBC Tamil Nadu (India) – 15 கோடி வருஷம்; மாயமான ஆர்கோலாண்ட் – ஒரு வழியா கண்டுபிடித்த ஆய்வாளர்கள்!
  29. Sakshi (India) – After 155 Million Years, Continent Separated From Australia Discovered In Argoland
  30. Sputnik (India) – ‘Argoland’ Continent Missing for 155 Million Years Found Near Australia
  31. Sindo News (Indonesia) – Jejak Bahasa Kekaisaran Het yang Hilang 3.000 Tahun Lalu Terungkap dalam Teks Rahasia
  32. One India (India) – “வாவ்” கண்டம்! 15 கோடி ஆண்டுக்கு முன் தொலைந்துபோன ஆர்கோலாண்ட்.. ஒரு வழியாக கண்டுபிடித்த ஆய்வாளர்கள்
  33. Temoignades (Reunion) – Les scientifiques ont retrouvé l’Argoland
  34. Fjala (Albania) – Gjenden pjesë të humbura të kontinentit Argoland nën ishujt e Azisë Juglindore
  35. Meteored (UK) – Remains of Pontus, the lost tectonic plate of the Pacific Ocean, are found
  36. In het Nieuws (the Netherlands) – ‘Een tektonische plaat vinden, dat gebeurt niet elke dag.’ Suzanna van de Lagemaat gebeurde het wel
  37. Galaxus (Belgium) – Remains of an ancient megaplate discovered
  38. Aardrijkskunde.nl (the Netherlands) – Platentektonische verrassing: restanten van een verloren gegaan megaplaat Pontus
  39. Live Hindustan (India) – 155 मिलियन वर्षों से लुप्त महाद्वीप आर्गोलैंड, ऑस्ट्रेलिया के पास मिला, नई दिल्ली न्यूज
  40. Liputan 6 (Indonesia) – Terapung di Laut, Daratan Ini Ditemukan Setelah Hilang Selama 155 Juta Tahun
  41. Prohaba (Indonesia) – Argoland Ditemukan, Benua yang Jadi Kunci Keragaman Fauna Indonesia, Berikut Penjelasan Ahli
  42. R7 (Brazil) – Argolândia: geólogos reconstroem a história de continente desaparecido há 155 milhões de anos
  43. Cuakz Media (Indonesia) – Hilangnya Benua Argoland dan Penemuan Terbarunya
  44. Focus (Italy) – Abbiamo ritrovato il continente perduto di Argoland
  45. All That’s Interesting (USA) – Scientists Just Discovered A Lost Continent Thought To Have Disappeared Without A Trace 155 Million Years Ago
  46. Popular Mechanics (USA) – A Lost World of Lagoons Has Suddenly Appeared in Argentina
  47. BBC News Tamil (Sri Lanka) – கோண்ட்வானாவில் இந்தியா இருந்த போது பிரிந்து சென்ற கண்டம் இப்போது எங்கே?
  48. De Kijk (the Netherlands) – ‘Na jaren zoeken vonden we het verdwenen continent Argoland’
  49. Alvinet (France) – Articles similaires à Des chercheurs ont retrouvé Argoland, un paléocontinent éparpillé en Asie du Sud-Est
  50. Newsbeast (Greece) – Επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν την Αργολάνδη – Η ήπειρος που «εξαφανίστηκε» πριν από 155 εκατ. χρόνια
  51. Lao Dong (Vietnam) – 4 học sinh lớp 5 ở Phú Yên mất tích khi rủ nhau tắm sông
  52. Magyar Hírlap (Hungary) – Megtalálták az elveszett földrészt, Argolandet
  53. Courrier International (France) – Des chercheurs ont retrouvé Argoland, un paléocontinent éparpillé en Asie du Sud-Est
  54. Sign of the Times (USA) – Finding Argoland: How a lost continent resurfaced
  55. MoneyControl (USA) – Argoland, a continent missing for 155 million years, found off Australia
  56. Tinmoi (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa Argoland bị thất lạc từ 155 triệu năm trước
  57. New York Post (USA) – Long-lost continent of Argoland found after 155M-year disappearance
  58. Revista Port (Portugal) – O continente há muito perdido de Argolândia foi encontrado após um desaparecimento de 155 milhões de anos
  59. Appki (Poland) – Dawno zaginiony kontynent Argoland został odnaleziony po 155 milionach lat zniknięciaAppki (Poland) –
  60. Conca Ternana (Italy) – Il continente perduto di Argoland è stato ritrovato dopo una scomparsa durata 155 milioni di anni
  61. Pipa (Pakistan) – 15 million years ago lost continent has been found, researchers claim Pipa News
  62. Eventoplus (Argentina) – El continente Argoland, perdido hace mucho tiempo, ha sido encontrado después de una desaparición de 155 millones de años.
  63. TV 100 (Turkey) – Dünyanın 155 milyon yıldan bu yana kayıp olan köşesi bulundu. Araştırma ekipleri yeryüzüne çıkan kıta ile şaşkına döndü
  64. Borobudur News (Indonesia) – Benua Argoland Ternyata Tak Hilang Tapi Terpecah, Lempengan Ditemukan di Indonesia
  65. Vigour Times (USA) – Argoland, the Lost Continent, Rediscovered after 155 Million Years
  66. US Time Today (USA) – The long-lost continent of Argoland has been discovered after 155 million years of disappearance
  67. Conowego (Poland) – Zaginiony kontynent odnaleziony? Najnowsze ustalenia!
  68. Websul Blogspot (Italy) – Argoland: gli scienziati scoprono il “continente perduto”
  69. VietBF (Vietnam) – 115 triệu năm trước toàn bộ lục địa này đã biến mất không chút dấu vết, giờ mới được tìm thấy ‘tung tích’
  70. Gündem Kibris (Northern Cyprus) – 155 milyon yıl önce kaybolmuştu: Kayıp kıta Argoland’ın yeri tespit edilmiş olabilir
  71. Fuenlabrada Noticias (Spain) – Encuentran el continente perdido de Argoland
  72. Prosieben (Germany) – Forscher entdecken, was mit dem verschollenen Kontinent “Argoland” passiert ist
  73. Haibunda (Indonesia) – Pecahan Benua Argoland yang Hilang Ratusan Juta Tahun lalu Ditemukan, Ada di Indonesia
  74. Esquire (Philippines) – There’s a Lost Continent Hiding Underneath Southeast Asia
  75. Nation World News (USA) – The continent that disappeared 155 million years ago and was finally discovered
  76. Rakéta (Hungary) – Megtalálták az elveszett földrészt, Argolandet
  77. Kompas (Indonesia) – Argoland “Ditemukan”, Benua yang Jadi Kunci Asal-usul Keanekaragaman Fauna Indonesia
  78. Indian Flash (India) – Lost Continent’ of Argoland Found Under Southeast Asia
  79. Saigon Economy (Vietnam) – 115 triệu năm trước toàn bộ lục địa này đã biến mất không chút dấu vết, giờ mới được tìm thấy ‘tung tích’Saigon Economy (Vietnam) –
  80. Norm Haber (Turkey) – 155 milyon yıl önce kaybolmuştu: Kayıp kıtanın yeri tespit edilmiş olabilir
  81. Fayer Wayer (Spain) – Argolandia: El continente que se perdió hace 155 millones de años y que al fin fue descubierto
  82. Fakulteti (North Macedonia) – пронайден-е-континентот-арголенд-кой-исчезнал-пред-115-милиони-годи
  83. ABP Live (India) – Science News:সাড়ে ১৫ কোটি বছর ধরে নিখোঁজ মহাদেশ লুকিয়ে ইন্দোনেশিয়ায়? নয়া দাবি গবেষণায়
  84. Dunav Most (Bulgaria) – Учени откриха изгубения континент Арголанд
  85. Softonic (USA) – Did we just find a continent that disappeared 155 million years ago? It seems so
  86. Mudo Sociál (Peru) – Descubren los restos dispersos de Argolandia, un continente perdido al norte de Australia
  87. Berita Malut (Indonesia) – Pakar Temukan Benua yang Hilang dari Indonesia
  88. Softonic (Spain) – ¿Acabamos de encontrar un continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años? Eso parece
  89. Ekstrabladet (Denmark) – Endelig fundet: Her er det ‘forsvundne’ kontine
  90. Wikipedia (USA) – Argoland
  91. BBC News Indonesia (Indonesia) – Argoland, benua yang hilang ratusan juta tahun lalu jadi kunci asal usul keanekaragaman fauna Indonesia
  92. The Limited Times (UK) – How Researchers Found Argoland, the Lost Continent
  93. Tysol (Poland) – Podróże to przeszłość, siedź w domu i nie zostawiaj śladu węglowego
  94. Jantaserishta (India) – वैज्ञानिकों ने की 15.5 करोड़ साल पुराने महाद्वीप की खोज
  95. Actualno (Bulgaria) – Находка: Учени са открили изгубения континент Арголанд
  96. 5 Minuti (Bulgaria) – Находка: Учени са открили изгубения континент Арголанд
  97. Gossip Italia (Italy) – Come hanno fatto i ricercatori di Argoland a trovare il continente perduto?
  98. Futur en Seine (France) – Des scientifiques ont découvert le continent perdu d’Argoland
  99. Cerebro Digital (Mexico) – Los científicos desentierran el continente perdido “Argoland” de 155 millones de años
  100. Çeviri Haber (Turkey) – Güneydoğu Asya’da kayıp kıta ‘Argoland’ 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu
  101. Futurism (USA) – Scientists Rediscover Lost Continent That Broke Off From Australia
  102. Neural Narrative (USA) – Lost Continent Found: Argoland
  103. Unilad (USA) – Researchers discover lost continent after 155 million years
  104. Focus (Ukraine) – Затонувший гигант: ученые смогли обнаружить древний континент Арголанд
  105. Caribe Magazine (the Netherlands) – Hoe vonden Argoland-onderzoekers het verloren continent?
  106. Express (Germany) – Vor 155 Millionen Jahren verschwundenForschende finden verschollenen Kontinent
  107. Firenews (USA) – Scientists have discovered where the ancient continent of Argoland disappeared
  108. Janam Online (India) – ഓസ്‌ട്രേലിയയുടെ ഭാഗമായിരുന്ന ഭൂഖണ്ഡത്തെ ഏഷ്യയിൽ കണ്ടെത്തി!! തിരികെ കിട്ടിയത് 155 ദശലക്ഷം വർഷങ്ങൾക്ക് ശേഷം; അമ്പരന്ന് ലോകം
  109. Wahana News (Indonesia) – Pecahan Benua yang Hilang 155 Juta Tahun Ternyata Ada di Indonesia
  110. Bolly Inside (India) – Scientists Unearth 155 Million-Year-Old Lost Continent ‘Argoland’ and Its Remnants Across Southeast Asia
  111. Frankfurter Rundschau (Germany) – Bedeutender Fund – Bisher unbekannte tektonische Platte entdeckt
  112. Merkur (Germany) – Forscherin entdeckt bisher unbekannte tektonische Platte
  113. Esquire (Italy) – Clamoroso! C’è un nuovo continente, è enorme e si trova sotto l’oceano
  114. TS2 (the Netherlands) – Ontmanteling van het raadsel van het lang verloren gegane ‘Argopelago’
  115. Meteored (Italy) – Argolandia: il continente perduto che è stato scoperto
  116. NewsYou (Russia) – Scientists have found a continent that disappeared 115 million years ago
  117. TdG (Switzerland) – Le mystère du continent perdu d’Argoland en partie résolu
  118. CNews (India) – Geologists rediscover the lost continent of Argoland
  119. Tech Balad (India) – Argoland: Scientists unearth 155 million-year-old lost continent
  120. Hindi Gadgets (India) – 15.5 करोड़ साल पहले ऑस्ट्रेलिया से अलग हो गया था धरती का इतना बड़ा टुकड़ा! वैज्ञानिकों का दावा
  121. WRTV (USA) – Scientists find lost continent that split off 155 million years ago
  122. Futurism (USA) – Scientists Rediscover Lost Continent That Broke Off From Australia
  123. Videnskab (Denmark) – ‘Forsvundet kontinent’ endelig fundet, 155 millioner år efter dets forsvinden
  124. 24 Noticias (USA) – El continente perdido finalmente ha sido descubierto.
  125. Tendencia Tech (Colombia) – Increíble hallazgo: Un continente perdido emerge en las selvas de Asia en Argolandia
  126. Bharat Times (India) – Scientists unearth 155 million-year-old lost continent ‘Argoland’
  127. TresPM (Mexico) – Científicos encuentran “Argolandia”, un continente perdido hace 155 millones de años
  128. DUB (the Netherlands) – 2023: Opzienbarende ontdekkingen, dolle vreugde en intens verdriet
  129. Greek Reporter (Greece) – When Greece Was Part of the Lost Continent of Greater Adria
  130. Mega Curioso (Brazil) – Argolândia: continente se separou da Austrália há 155 milhões de anos
  131. Tech Planet (USA) – Unearthing Earth’s Past: The “Atlas of the Underworld” Discovers Vanished Oceans and Mountains
  132. Time News (USA) – How researchers found Argoland, the lost continent
  133. 24h (Vietnam) – Lục địa chưa từng biết lộ diện, chiếm một phần Đông Nam Á
  134. La Vanguardia (Spain) – Descubren los restos dispersos de Argolandia, un continente perdido al norte de Australia
  135. ABC Action News (USA) – Scientists find lost continent that split off 155 million years ago
  136. Mint (India) – Scientists unearth 155 million-year-old lost continent ‘Argoland’. All you need to know
  137. Style Guide (Romania) – Oamenii de știință găsesc continentul pierdut, care a dispărut acum 155 de milioane de ani
  138. El Universo (Ecuador) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
  139. SciNews (Greece) – Εντοπίστηκε η χαμένη ήπειρος Argoland (βίντεο)
  140. Meteored (Spain) – Argolandia: el continente perdido finalmente ha sido descubierto
  141. Retizen (Indonesia) – Ilmuwan Pecahkan Misteri Daratan yang Terbelah 155 Juta Tahun Lalu
  142. Future Zone (Germany) – Erde: Dieser Kontinent war Millionen Jahre verschollen
  143. Ivoox (Spain) – The lost continent of Argoland has been found — And other science news of the week
  144. Aydinlik (Turkey) – 115 milyon yıl önce okyanusa gömülmüştü! Bakın kayıp kıta Argoland nasıl keşfedildi
  145. Detik (Indonesia) – Pecahan Benua yang Hilang 155 Juta Tahun Lalu Ditemukan di Indonesia
  146. KTNV (USA) – Scientists find lost continent that split off 155 million years ago
  147. Interesting Engineering (Turkey) – Lost continent ‘Argoland’ found in Southeast Asia after 155 million years
  148. ND TV (India) – Scientists Find Lost Continent That Had Been Missing For 155 Million Years
  149. Tísen TV (Czech Republic) – Vědci našli ztracený kontinent, který chyběl před 155 miliony let
  150. Norte Bonaerense (Argentina) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
  151. Haber Tekno (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta ‘Argoland’ 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu
  152. EZ News (India) – Scientists discover lost continent missing for 155 million years
  153. Teletika (Costa Rica) – Encuentran Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
  154. Broadway (Montenegro) – The researcher discovers a previously unknown tectonic plate
  155. Noticiero Madrid (Spain) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
  156. Diestra (USA) – Científicos localizan por fin el “continente perdido” de Argolandia
  157. Naqeeb (India) – अर्गोलैंड महाद्वीप में आज भी वैज्ञानिक कई अनसुलझे सवालों के जवाब तलाश रहे हैं
  158. Los Periodistas (Mexico) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
  159. Web Mu (Japan) – オーストラリアの西に眠る「アルゴランド」はムー大陸の痕跡か? 最新研究を機に幻の大陸を再検証/世界ミステリーch
  160. El Cronista (Argentina) – Argolandia: así era el continente perdido que hallaron científicos
  161. Retizen (Indonesia) – Ilmuwan Pecahkan Misteri Daratan yang Terbelah 155 Juta Tahun Lalu
  162. Ayo Bogor (Indonesia) – Benua Kuno yang Terpisah 155 Juta Tahun Lalu Akhirnya Ditemukan Ilmuwan, Indonesia Termasuk?
  163. Lex 18 (USA) – Scientists find lost continent that split off 155 million years ago
  164. Scripps News (USA) – Scientists find lost continent that split off 155 million years ago
  165. Tendencia Tech (Colombia) – ¡Descubre Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años que cambiará tu perspectiva de la historia!
  166. Ngay Nay (Vietnam) – Phát hiện lục địa cổ Argoland tại châu Á
  167. Ky Anh School (Vietnam) – Hidden Continent Discovered After Vanishing Over 100 Million Years Ago
  168. N News (Ukraine) – Вчені знайшли континент, який зник 115 мільйонів років тому
  169. Abriendobrecha (Mexico) – Hallan Argolandia: el continente perdido, recientemente descubierto por científicos
  170. Canal 13 (Mexico) – Encuentran continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años.
  171. Ecuador Envivo (Ecuador) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
  172. Phunumoi (Vietnam) – 115 triệu năm trước toàn bộ lục địa này đã biến mất không chút dấu vết, giờ mới được tìm thấy ‘tung tích’
  173. Mendoza Today (Argentina) – Hallaron Agrolandia, un continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
  174. Op Online (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  175. Time News (USA) – The Mystery of Argoland’s Ribbon Continents: Geologists’ Breakthrough Findings
  176. Stiri (Moldova) – Continentul care a dispărut acum 115 milioane de ani, redescoperit
  177. Trend (Slovakia) – 155 milionoch rokov ho konecne nasli vedci objavili polohu tajomneho kontinentu argoland
  178. Aruba Native (Aruba) – Geologonan Hulandes a yuda resolve e misterio di Argoland, ‘e continente perdi’
  179. Giant Freakin Robot (USA) – Hidden Continent Discovered After Vanishing Over 100 Million Years Ago
  180. T13 (Chile) – Localizan Argolandia, el “continente perdido” hace 155 millones de años
  181. Well (Poland) – Naukowcy odnaleźli zaginiony kontynent. Mityczny Argoland ukrywał się w cieniu azjatyckiej dżungli
  182. Tulsa World (USA) – Ancient Continent Lost in Time has Finally been Found
  183. El Cronista (Argentina) – Argolandia: así era el continente perdido que hallaron científicos
  184. Desde Entrerios (Argentina) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
  185. Express (Germany) – Vor 155 Millionen Jahren verschwundenForschende finden verschollenen Kontinent
  186. Zmiani na Zimi (Poland) – 115 milionów lat temu zniknął cały kontynent, a teraz odkryto, gdzie się chowa
  187. Incredibilia (Romania) – Descoperirea unui continent dispărut: Localizare și rezultate ale cercetărilor
  188. Trend (Slovakia) – Po 155 miliónoch rokov ho konečne našli. Vedci objavili polohu tajomného kontinentu Argoland
  189. Mundo Occulto (Spain) – Hace 115 millones de años desapareció un continente entero. Ahora hemos encontrado dónde se esconde
  190. El Deber (Bolivia) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
  191. IBC Tamil (Sri Lanka) – 155 மில்லியன் ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு காணாமல் போன கண்டம் கண்டுபிடிப்பு
  192. Veja (Brazil) – Cientistas identificam continente perdido na separação da Pangeia
  193. El Día (Chile) – ¿Qué?: científicos encuentran “Argolandia”, un continente perdido hace 155 millones de años
  194. Sindo News (Indonesia) – Lenyap 115 Juta Tahun Lalu, Benua Argoland Ditemukan Bersembunyi di Bawah Asia Tenggara
  195. La Prenza (Nicaragua) – El hallazgo de Argolandia el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de ano
  196. Puranoticia (Chile) – Científicos neerlandeses hallaron Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
  197. Potok Media (Russia) – Голландские ученые обнаружили потерянный 155 млн лет назад континент Арголанд
  198. Trust my Science (France) – Argoland ressurgit : la redécouverte d’un continent perdu depuis 155 millions d’années
  199. Metrotime (Belgium) – Découvrez «Argoland» : ce mystérieux continent refait surface après 155 millions d’années
  200. Berita Utama (Indonesia) – Benua yang hilang akhirnya ditemukan!
  201. La Prensa Grafica (El Salvador) – Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años que fue encontrado por científicos
  202. Meteo Giornale (Italy) – Argoland: il continente perduto finalmente scoperto!
  203. Cyprus News (Cyprus) – Εντοπίστηκε η χαμένη ήπειρος Argoland
  204. Business Insider (Poland) – Zaginiony kontynent ponownie odkryty. 155 mln lat po zniknięciu
  205. Playtech (Romania) – Continentul care a dispărut acum 115 milioane de ani a fost descoperit: Unde se află, ce au aflat cercetătorii
  206. Onet (Poland) – Na Grenlandii niebezpieczne ocieplenie wód. “Nie ma już 30 proc. stabilnych lodowców “
  207. El Imparcial (Mexico) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
  208. Yeeyi (China) – 1.15亿年前,整个大陆消失了。现在我们找到了它的藏身之处
  209. The Daily Sentinel (USA) – Ancient Continent Lost in Time has Finally been Found
  210. Bio Bio (Chile) – Científicos encuentran la ubicación de Argolandia, un continente perdido hace 155 millones de años
  211. La Nacion (Argentina) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
  212. Slate (France) – Le mystère du continent disparu Argoland vient d’être résolu
  213. Sci News (Greece) – Εντοπίστηκε η χαμένη ήπειρος Argoland
  214. Ruetir (USA) – Argoland, the missing ancient continent, is discovered after 155 million years
  215. Dziennik (Poland) – Z powierzchni Ziemi zniknął cały kontynent. Badacze odkryli, gdzie jest Argoland
  216. Das Wetter (Austria) – Argoland: der verlorene Kontinent, der endlich entdeckt wurde!
  217. GK Today (India) – Discovery of the Lost Continent of Argoland
  218. Yahoo News (USA) – Scientists locate ‘lost continent’ of Argoland that vanished 155 million years ago
  219. Soy Nómada (Mexico) – Argolandia: Cientificos encuentran continente perdido en el fondo del mar
  220. N 24 (Mexico) – Científicos encontraron rastros del continente perdido de Argolandia
  221. E-Noticias (Chile) – ¿Qué?: científicos encuentran “Argolandia”, un continente perdido hace 155 millones de años
  222. Binoticias (Mexico) – Descubren los restos de Argolandia, un continente perdido por más de 155 millones de años en el mar
  223. SoCietifica (Brazil) – Após 155 milhões de anos, cientistas encontram Argolândia
  224. Afropages (France) – Chats sauvages et domestiques, Argoland et utilité de l’appendice : l’actu des sciences
  225. Bullfrag (USA) – They find a continent that was lost 155 million years ago
  226. Africa Press (Central African Republic) – Sur les traces d’un continent disparu : on a retrouvé Argoland
  227. Daily Hunt (India) – Argoland: This continent was lost 155 million years ago. We finally know where it is now
  228. Lao Dong (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa Australia mất tích 155 triệu năm tại Đông Nam Á
  229. 1 Peseshk (Iran) – میلیون سال پیش یک قاره ناپدید شد، اما این قاره کجا مدفون شده؟ تحقیقات جدید در این زمینه
  230. El Tiempo (Colombia) – Científicos encontraron rastros del continente perdido de Argolandia
  231. Segye (South Korea) – 1억5000만년전 호주에서 분리돼 동남아시아로 이동한 사라진 대륙 ‘아르고랜드’
  232. La Opinión (USA) – Científicos localizan por fin el “continente perdido” de Argolandia
  233. Courrier International (France) – Des chercheurs ont retrouvé Argoland, un paléocontinent éparpillé en Asie du Sud-Est
  234. Tech Z (Vietnam) – Lục địa mất tích bí ẩn hàng trăm triệu năm trước bỗng ‘tái xuất’, nằm ngay tại Đông Nam Á
  235. Fehmarn 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  236. 163 (China) – 1.15亿年前,整个大陆消失了。现在我们找到了它的藏身之处
  237. Dinero en Imagen (Spain) – Científicos encuentran continente perdido hace 155 millones de años
  238. Daily Motion (USA) – Ancient Continent Lost in Time has Finally been Found
  239. ZLSQLT (China) – 根据一项新的研究,在1.55亿年前从澳大利亚分离出来后似乎已经消失的阿尔戈兰(Argoland)大陆终于被发现了。
  240. Canal 26 (Spain) – Científicos localizan el “continente perdido” de Argolandia
  241. Scienze Notizie (Italy) – Milioni di anni fa scomparve un intero continente. Ora sappiamo dov’è
  242. Sierra County Sentinel (USA) – Ancient Continent Lost in Time has Finally been Found
  243. Haystack News (USA) – Ancient Continent Lost in Time has Finally been Found▼
  244. Voice of Alexandria (USA) – Ancient Continent Lost in Time has Finally been Found
  245. KTBS (USA) – Ancient Continent Lost in Time has Finally been Found
  246. SCNow (USA) – Ancient Continent Lost in Time has Finally been Found
  247. Gearrice (USA) – Argoland, the missing ancient continent, is discovered after 155 million years
  248. Sciences et Avenir (France) – Chats sauvages et domestiques, Argoland et utilité de l’appendice : l’actu des sciences en ultrabrèves
  249. Das Wetter (Germany) – Argoland: der verlorene Kontinent, der endlich entdeckt wurde!
  250. Tulsa World (USA) – Ancient Continent Lost in Time has Finally been Found
  251. Ticker TV (USA) – The Mysterious Journey of Argoland: A Fragmented Continent Hidden beneath Southeast Asia
  252. TS 2 (Poland) – Argoland: The Lost Continent of our PlanetTS 2 (Poland) –
  253. The Weather Channel (India) – Case of the Missing Continent: ‘Argoland’, Which Got Lost 155 Million Years Ago, Found Near Southeast Asia!
  254. Véras (Mexico) – ¿Continente perdido? Esto localizan científicos cerca de Australia Occidental
  255. SmallCapsNews (UK) – Scientists have found traces of the lost continent of Argoland
  256. WION (Inda) – Argoland: This continent was lost 155 million years ago. We finally know where it is now
  257. Hipertextual (Spain) – Encuentran un continente que se perdió hace 155 millones de años
  258. Sind News (Indonesia) – Lenyap 115 Juta Tahun Lalu, Benua Argoland Ditemukan Bersembunyi di Bawah Asia Tenggara
  259. CNN Indonesia (Indonesia) – Pakar Temukan Benua yang Hilang dari Indonesia
  260. Cong Dong (Vietnam) – Phát hiện lục địa bí ẩn Argoland tại Đông Nam Á
  261. Wired (Spain) – Descubren la localización de Argolandia, el “continente perdido”
  262. Daum (South Korea) – 1억5000만년전 호주에서 분리돼 동남아시아로 이동한 사라진 대륙 ‘아르고랜드’
  263. Chinese News (Australia) – .55亿年前澳洲大陆分裂的“碎大陆”被找到:在亚洲
  264. Diario Presente (Mexico) – Encuentran el “continente perdido” de Argolandia
  265. El Diario (USA) – Científicos localizan Argolandia, un “continente perdido”
  266. Ugly Hedgehog (USA) – An Entire Continent Went Missing—But Scientists Have Found It Again
  267. TV Azteka (Mexico) – ¡Increíble! Científicos localizan rastros de continente perdido Argolandia
  268. Lamoneta (Italy) – Argolandia
  269. Berita Baru (Indonesia) – Pakar Temukan Benua yang Hilang dari Indonesia
  270. Lritas (Lithuania) – Mokslininkai pagaliau atrado „dingusį žemyną“
  271. 24 Noticias (Spain) – Los científicos localizan el «continente perdido» de Argoland
  272. DW (Germany) – Científicos localizan el “continente perdido” de Argolandia
  273. Alvinet (France) – Articles similaires à Sur les traces d’un continent disparu : on a retrouvé Argoland
  274. Informer (Serbia) – Svet nauke na nogama, pronađen nestali kontinent koji se odvojio od Australije pre 155 miliona godina!
  275. Gizmodo (Brazil) – Cientistas encontram Argolândia, o continente que desapareceu no oceano
  276. TZ (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  277. Afropages (France) – Sur les traces d’un continent disparu : on a retrouvé Argoland
  278. Sciences et Avenir (France) – Sur les traces d’un continent disparu : on a retrouvé Argoland
  279. SCMP (China) – Missing continent found in Asia 155 million years after splitting from Australia
  280. New Scientist (the Netherlands) – Geologen hebben het verdwenen continent Argoland gevonden
  281. Al Najm (Iran) – دانشمندان یک “قاره گمشده” را کشف کرده اند که گمان می رود بدون هیچ اثری ناپدید شده است
  282. CN Fossil (China) – 科学家终于发现了被认为已经消失得无影无踪的“失落的大陆”阿尔戈兰
  283. Noa (Albania) – Ka ekzistuar 155 milion vjet më parë/ Gjendet ‘kontinenti i humbur’ Argoland!Noa (Albania) –
  284. Escola Educaçāo (Brazil) – Mistério revelado? Cientistas revelam dados da pesquisa sobre um continente perdido
  285. Reddit (Mexico) – Argoland, así se separó y desapreció este continente de Australia: video
  286. Nase Tema (Czech Republic) – Vědci objevili v jihovýchodní Asii ztracený kontinent Argoland
  287. Informazione (Italy) – Svelato il mistero di Argoland: ritrovato il continente perduto da 150 milioni di anni
  288. Dotyk (Czech Republic) – Vědci našli ztracený kontinent, který se odlomil od Austrálie. Podívejte se, kam až doplul
  289. Well (Poland) – Naukowcy odnaleźli zaginiony kontynent. Mityczny Argoland ukrywał się w cieniu azjatyckiej dżungli
  290. Business Insider (USA) – An ancient missing continent was finally rediscovered 155 million years after it vanished
  291. Bobo (Indonesia) – Fenomena Alam Benua yang Hilang 155 Juta Tahun Lalu Ditemukan, di Mana Letaknya?
  292. Telepolis (Poland) – Naukowcy odnaleźli zaginiony ląd. Nie chodzi tu o Atlandydę
  293. Uno TV (Mexico) – Encuentran “piezas” de Argoland, el verdadero continente perdido: video
  294. The Messenger (USA) – ‘Lost Continent’ Discovered Hiding Under Southeast Asia
  295. En Vols (France) – A lost continent re-emerges after more than 155 million years
  296. Vice (the Netherlands) – Wetenschappers hebben het mysterie van een oud verloren continent opgelost
  297. Tedencia Tech (Colombia) – Descubre Argoland: El misterioso continente sumergido que desapareció sin avisar
  298. Hua Giang (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa biến mất 155 triệu năm trước
  299. Zeenews (India) – 15 कोटी वर्षांपूर्वी पृथ्वीवरुन कसा गायब झाला ऑस्ट्रेलियातील अर्गोलँड खंड; संशोधकांचा सर्वात मोठा खुलासा
  300. Live Journal (Russia) – Геологи нашли древнюю тектоническую мегаплиту
  301. Eleftheria (Greece) – Εντοπίστηκε η χαμένη ήπειρος Argoland
  302. TV Sur (Peru) – Ciencia | Científicos descubren la ubicación de Argolandia, el continente perdido hace 155 millones de años
  303. France Topnews (France) – cet ancien continent disparu refait surface après 155 millions d’années
  304. Titrespresse (France) – Argoland, un continent que l’on pensait disparu il y a 155 millions d’années, a refait surface
  305. Günboyu (Turkey) – Bilim insanları uzun süredir şüpheleniyordu!155 milyon sonra ortaya çıktı
  306. Likavitos (Greece) – Οι επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν τη «χαμένη ήπειρο» (Video&Εικόνες)
  307. Otpor (Croatia) – Znanstvenici konačno pronašli izgubljeni kontinent
  308. National Geographic (Spain) – Argolandia: resuelven el misterio del continente perdido en el Sudeste Asiático
  309. Tecno Android (Italy) – Scoperto Argoland, il continente perduto da 150 milioni di anni
  310. Alkeemia (Estonia) – Kagu-Aasia kandis leidub kadunud muinasmandri tükke
  311. Sakhbedhadak (India) – नई स्टडी में वैज्ञानिकों खुलासा, 15 करोड़ साल पहले लुप्त हुआ था महाद्वीप
  312. Teller Report (USA) – Argoland. Discovery of a lost continent in the Pacific Ocean
  313. Manorama Online ( India) – ഓസ്‌ട്രേലിയയിൽ നിന്ന് പൊട്ടിമാറി ചിതറിപ്പോയ ഭൂഖണ്ഡം! ആർഗോലാൻഡ് കണ്ടെത്തി ശാസ്ത്രജ്ഞർ …
  314. Van Postasi Gazetesi (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland nereye gitti?
  315. Khoahoc (Vietnam) – Lục địa mất tích từ hàng trăm triệu năm trước tái xuất ở Đông Nam Á
  316. News 18 (India) – Argoland: ఎట్టకేలకు అర్గోలాండ్ ఖండాన్ని కనుగొన్న శాస్త్రవేత్తలు.. ఆ లాస్ట్ కాంటినెంట్ ఆసక్తికర విశేషాలు ఇవే!
  317. Trust my science (Franve) – Argoland ressurgit : la redécouverte d’un continent perdu depuis 155 millions d’années
  318. Yemen Publisher (Yemen) – آرغولاند.. اكتشاف قارة مفقودة في المحيط الهادي
  319. Tecnoguide (Italy) – Incredibile scoperta: Argoland, il continente perduto da 150 milioni di
  320. Sic Noticias (Portugal) – Descoberto “continente perdido” que se acreditava ter desaparecido sem deixar rasto
  321. Thathu (Sri Lanka) – වසර මිලියන 155ක් පැරැණි අභිරහසක් විස‍ඳෙයි: ‘අතුරුදන්ව ගිය’ ආර්ගොලන්ඩ්(Argoland) මහාද්වීපය අන්තිමේ දී සොයාගැනේ
  322. Jeddah Post (Saudi Arabia) – آرغولاند.. اكتشاف قارة مفقودة في المحيط الهادي
  323. La Stampa (Italy) – Pronti per andare in vacanza ad Argoland? Ritrovate le isole che formavano l’antico continente perduto
  324. Demotivateur (France) – Introuvable depuis 155 millions d’années, un continent disparu refait surface
  325. Sat 1 (Germany) – Forscher entdecken, was mit dem verschollenen Kontinent “Argoland” passiert ist
  326. Everyeye (Italy) – Dopo 150 milioni di anni abbiamo trovato Argoland, il continente perduto
  327. SmallCapsNews (UK) – They discover a lost continent beneath the jungles of Asia
  328. Express (UK) – Lost continent of ‘Argoland’ finally FOUND after being buried for millions of years
  329. Spiritualia (Belgium) – Niet Atlantis, maar duizenden kilometers groot verloren continent ontdekt…
  330. Ziarul de Iasi (Romania) – Oamenii de știință au descoperit, în sfârșit, “continentul pierdut”, despre care se credea că a dispărut fără urmă
  331. Op-Online (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  332. Realitatea (Moldova) – Oamenii de știință au descoperit, în sfârșit, „continentul pierdut”, despre care se credea că a dispărut fără urmă
  333. World News Today (USA) – Scientists Discover Argoland: The Continent That Broke Away from Australia
  334. Muy Interessante (Spain) – Argolandia: descubren un continente perdido bajo las selvas de Asia
  335. Mannheim 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  336. Stirile (Romania) – Oamenii de știință au descoperit, în sfârșit, “continentul pierdut”, despre care se credea că a dispărut fără urmă
  337. Le Bonbon (France) – Pour réduire la consommation de viande, des chercheurs proposent une solution
  338. Newsbeezer (Belgium) – 155 miljoen jaar geleden verdwenen, duikt een continent weer op
  339. Pudhari News (India) – एक होते आर्गोलँड!
  340. Berita Satu (Indonesia) – Ilmuwan Akhirnya Temukan Benua yang Hilang di Australia, Bergabung ke Indonesia?
  341. The News (Romania) – Oamenii de știință au descoperit, în sfârșit, “continentul pierdut”
  342. Tauta Runa (Latvia) – Nīderlandes ģeologi okeāna dzelmē veikuši iespaidīgu atklājumu
  343. NTDVN (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa được cho là đã biến mất không dấu vết cách đây 155 triệu năm
  344. The Epoch Times (France) – Argoland: un mystérieux continent disparu depuis 155 millions d’années refait surface
  345. Prosieben (Germany) – Forscher entdecken, was mit dem verschollenen Kontinent “Argoland” passiert ist
  346. Dan Tri (Vietnam) – Lục địa mất tích từ hàng trăm triệu năm trước tái xuất ở Đông Nam Á
  347. Moustique & La Libre (Belgium) – La bonne nouvelle du jour : Argoland, ce morceau de continent disparu depuis 155 millions d’années, enfin retrouvé
  348. Valeurs Actuelles (France) – Argoland, le mystérieux continent disparu il y a 155 millions d’années, resurgit
  349. Karapaia (Japan) – 1億5500万年前に失われた大陸「アルゴランド」をついに発見
  350. Kontrast 1 (Norway) – Forsvant for 155 millioner år siden, reiser et kontinent seg igjen
  351. Real Clear Science (USA) – Lost Continent Discovered Hidden Beneath Jungles
  352. Stirile Pro TV (Romania) – Oamenii de știință au descoperit, în sfârșit, “continentul pierdut”, despre care se credea că a dispărut fără urmă
  353. Archeology Wiki (USA) – Finding Argoland: how a lost continent resurfaced
  354. Pudhari (India) – एक होते आर्गोलँड!
  355. Sachbedhadak (India) – नई स्टडी में वैज्ञानिकों खुलासा, 15 करोड़ साल पहले लुप्त हुआ था महाद्वीप
  356. Khoahoc (Vietnam) – Lục địa mất tích từ hàng trăm triệu năm trước tái xuất ở Đông Nam Á
  357. Au Tour de la France (France) – Le retour inattendu d’un continent perdu depuis des millions d’années
  358. France Live (France) – Le mystère du continent disparu Argoland vient d’être résolu
  359. Die Heutigen Nachrichten (Germany) – Forscher finden „verlorenen Kontinent“ – er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren
  360. Informazione (Italy) – Pronti per andare in vacanza ad Argoland? Ritrovate le isole che formavano l’antico continente perduto
  361. DH Net (Belgium) – Disparu il y a 155 millions d’années, un continent refait surface
  362. Kien Giang (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa biến mất 155 triệu năm trước
  363. Valeurs (France) – Argoland, le mystérieux continent disparu il y a 155 millions d’années, resurgit
  364. La Libre (Belgium) – Disparu il y a 155 millions d’années, un continent refait surface
  365. Demotivateur (France) – Introuvable depuis 155 millions d’années, un continent disparu refait surface
  366. Ça m’interesse (France) – Ce continent longtemps perdu a finalement été retrouvé !
  367. Le Bonbon (France) – Un continent ressurgit 155 millions d’années après avoir disparu !
  368. La Stampa (Italy) – Pronti per andare in vacanza ad Argoland? Ritrovate le isole che formavano l’antico continente perduto
  369. Moustique (Belgium) – La bonne nouvelle du jour : Argoland, ce morceau de continent disparu depuis 155 millions d’années, enfin retrouvé
  370. En Vols (France) – Un continent perdu refait surface après plus de 155 millions d’années
  371. Samagame (Germany) – Argoland, der Kontinent, der (fast) spurlos im Meer versunken ist
  372. Emlak Manset (Turkey) – Avustralya Açıklarındaki Kayıp Kıta, 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu
  373. Netcomsn (France) – Ce continent refait surface après avoir disparu… il y a 155 millions d’années
  374. Lefkada Zin (Greece) – Oι επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν επιτέλους την «χαμένη ήπειρο» – Θεωρούσαν ότι είχε εξαφανιστεί πριν από 155 εκατ. χρόνια
  375. BSC Happy Portal (Serbia) – „SKLOPLJENA SLAGALICA“: Pronađen ogroman komad Zemlje koji nedostaje 155 miliona godina
  376. Hello Scholar (India) – Lost Continent Found: Argoland Emerges from the Depths of Time
  377. Liputan 6 (Indonesia) – Terapung di Laut, Daratan Ini Ditemukan Setelah Hilang Selama 155 Juta Tahun
  378. Moi Truong & Doti (Vietnam) – Phát hiện lục địa biến mất 155 triệu năm trước
  379. Vietgiaitri (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa biến mất 155 triệu năm trước
  380. I Like It (Romania) – Un întreg continent a dispărut în urmă cu 115 milioane de ani. Acum cercetătorii au descoperit unde „se ascunde”
  381. Vajiram & Ravi (India) – What is Argoland?
  382. India Posts English (India) – Mayam 15.5 million years ago.. Appeared in the Asian continent! | Argoland continent separated from Australia discovered in Asia after 155 million years
  383. Hanauer Anzeiger (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  384. 7 Sur 7 (Belgium) – Ce continent refait surface après avoir disparu… il y a 155 millions d’années
  385. Dan Tri (Vietnam) – Lục địa mất tích từ hàng trăm triệu năm trước tái xuất ở Đông Nam Á
  386. Everyeye (Italy) – Dopo 150 milioni di anni abbiamo trovato Argoland, il continente perduto
  387. Slate (France) – Le mystère du continent disparu Argoland vient d’être résolu
  388. Xataca (Mexico) – Argoland, el continente que se perdió bajo el océano (casi) sin dejar rastro
  389. Voh (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa tách ra khỏi Australia và biến mất 155 triệu năm trước
  390. Baomoi (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa biến mất 155 triệu năm trước
  391. Geo (France) – Argoland, un continent que l’on pensait disparu il y a 155 millions d’années, a refait surface
  392. The Peterborough Examiner (UK) – Remains of 3,000-mile-wide ‘lost continent’ has been found
  393. Viznews (India) – धरती का खोया महाद्वीप आर्गोलैंड 15 करोड़ साल पहले कैसे हुआ गायब, नई स्टडी में वैज्ञानिकों ने कर दिया खुलासा
  394. Navtemporiki (Greece) – ΕΕ: Απαγόρευση χρήσης των δεδομένων για στοχευμένες διαφημίσεις από την Meta
  395. NCR Noticias (Costa Rica) – Científicos descubren la ubicación de Argolandia, el continente perdido hace 155 millones de años
  396. Revista Who (Albania) – Gjendet ‘kontinenti i humbur’ Argoland, gjeologët hedhin dritë mbi misterin 155 milion vjeçar
  397. New Science (Russia) – Арголанд выходит на поверхность: повторное открытие континента, потерянного 155 миллионов лет назад
  398. Nurubod (Uzbekistan) – Olimlar okean tubida qolib ketgan qit’ani topishdi
  399. National Geographic (USA) – Argolandia: resuelven el misterio del continente perdido en el Sudeste Asiático
  400. India Posts English (India) -Argoland: The scientists who finally discovered the continent of Argoland.. these are the interesting features of that lost continent..
  401. India Times (India) – क्या 15 करोड़ साल पहले गायब हुए महाद्वीप Argoland को वैज्ञानिकों ने ढूंढ निकाला?
  402. WA (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  403. Trust my Science (Switzerland) – Argoland ressurgit : la redécouverte d’un continent perdu depuis 155 millions d’années
  404. Innsalzach 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  405. Good News from Indonesia (Indonesia) – Argoland, Benua Hilang yang Menjawab Mengapa Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia Begitu Kaya
  406. Nu.nl (the Netherlands) – Suzanna verbaast geologen wereldwijd
  407. Rosenheim 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  408. Frankfurter Rundschau (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  409. Berliner Zeitung (Germany) – Forscher spüren verschollenen Kontinent „Argoland“ auf
  410. Heidelberg24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  411. Mangfall 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  412. Günboyu (Turkey) – Bilim insanları uzun süredir şüpheleniyordu!155 milyon sonra ortaya çıktı
  413. Alkeema (Estonia) – Kagu-Aasia kandis leidub kadunud muinasmandri tükke
  414. Frankfurter Neue Presse (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  415. Wasserburg 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  416. Hypescience (Brazil) – Desvendando o mistério da Argolândia: Um continente perdido revelado
  417. scientific Inquirer (USA) – Finding Argoland: how a lost continent resurfaced
  418. Labuhanvbatu (Indonesia) – Terungkap Jejak Daratan Kuno Tersebar Terkubur di Bawah Negara Indonesia hingga Myanmar
  419. NBC News (USA) – Ancient continent lost in time has finally been found
  420. Quoshe (USA) – Scientists Solved the Mystery of an Ancient Continent That Disappeared
  421. Poisk News (Russia) – Ученые наконец-то обнаружили «потерянный континент», который считался бесследно исчезнувшим
  422. Hellas Now (Greece) – Ανακαλύφθηκε η χαμένη ήπειρος «Αργολάνδη» 155 εκατομμυρίων ετών
  423. The Limited Times (USA) – Researchers find ‘lost continent’ again – it disappeared 155 million years ago
  424. La República (Peru) – Científicos descubren la ubicación de Argolandia, el continente perdido hace 155 millones de años
  425. Dealtime (USA) – Scientists Solved the Mystery of an Ancient Continent That Disappeared
  426. 24 Hamburg (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  427. O Parla Pipas (Greece) – Οι επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν επιτέλους την «Xαμένη ήπειρο» – Θεωρούσαν ότι είχε εξαφανιστεί πριν από 155 εκατ. χρόνια
  428. Lykavitos (Greece) – Οι επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν τη «χαμένη ήπειρο» (Video&Εικόνες)Lykavitos (Greece) –
  429. Klik (Croatia) – Znanstvenici konačno pronašli izgubljeni kontinent: Nestao je prije 155 milijuna godina, a evo gdje se nalazi
  430. Gündem (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu!
  431. Merkur (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  432. HNA (Germany) – Forschung findet „verlorenen Kontinent“ – Er war 155 Millionen Jahre lang verschollen
  433. BNN (Hongkong) – Unveiling Argoland: The Continent Found in Fragments Beneath Southeast Asia
  434. Science Springs (USA) – Finding Argoland – how a lost continent resurfaced
  435. Kids News (Australia) – Lost continent ‘Argoland’ found after 155 million years
  436. UA Portap (Ukraine) – Науковці заявили, що знайшли втрачений 155 млн років тому континент (відео)
  437. Remscheider General-Anzeiter (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  438. Echo 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  439. Rosenheim 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  440. Hightech FM (Russia) – Тайну пропавшего континента, который считался исчезнувшим, наконец-то раскрыли
  441. Hallo München (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  442. Solinger Tageblatt (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  443. Knowledia (USA) – Geologists Have Found ‘Lost Continent’ of Argoland
  444. Navbharra Times (India) – धरती का खोया महाद्वीप आर्गोलैंड 15 करोड़ साल पहले कैसे हुआ गायब, नई स्टडी में वैज्ञानिकों ने कर दिया खुलासा
  445. Vice (USA) – Scientists Solved the Mystery of an Ancient Continent That Disappeared
  446. Yunostsibiri (Russia) – RG: голландские учёные нашли древний затерянный континент Арголанд
  447. BN de Stem (the Netherlands) – Suzanna verbaast geologen wereldwijd: ‘Nooit verwacht zo’n opzienbarende vondst te doen’
  448. HLN (Belgium) – Nederlandse wetenschapper verbaast geologen over heel de wereld: “Nooit verwacht om zo’n opzienbarende vondst te doen”
  449. Algemeen Dagblad (the Netherlands) -Suzanna verbaast geologen wereldwijd: ‘Nooit verwacht zo’n opzienbarende vondst te doen’
  450. De Gelderlander (the Netherlands) – Suzanna verbaast geologen wereldwijd: ‘Nooit verwacht zo’n opzienbarende vondst te doen’
  451. De Stentor (the Netherlands) – Suzanna verbaast geologen wereldwijd: ‘Nooit verwacht zo’n opzienbarende vondst te doen’
  452. Greek Unboxing (Greece) – Ανακαλύφθηκε ηπείρος που εξαφανίστηκε πριν από 155 εκατομμύρια χρόνια
  453. Portaltele (Ukraine) – Нарешті вчені виявили «втрачений континент», який, як вважають, зник безслідно
  454. Es de Latina (Mexico) – Los científicos finalmente descubren el ‘continente perdido’ que se cree que desapareció sin dejar rastro
  455. ABNews (Russia) – Голландские ученые обнаружили следы затерянного в океане континента Арголанд
  456. Potok Media (Russia) – RG: голландскими учеными найден древний затерянный континент Арголанд
  457. Mangfall 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  458. Akpars (Russia) – RG: найден учеными древний затонувший континент Арголанд
  459. WA (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  460. Yuz (Uzbekistan) – Olimlar okean tubida qolib ketgan qit’ani topishdi
  461. Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  462. Innsalzach (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  463. Frankfurter Neue Presse (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  464. Wetterauer Zeitung (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  465. BG land 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  466. Chiemgau 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  467. Zarpa News (Greece) – Οι επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν επιτέλους την «χαμένη ήπειρο» – Θεωρούσαν ότι είχε εξαφανιστεί πριν από 155 εκατ. χρόνια
  468. The Chronicle (Australia) – Lost continent discovered after 155 million years as ‘missing piece’ is spotted at bottom of ocean
  469. Rosenheim 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  470. Newsbase (Greece) – Οι επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν επιτέλους την «χαμένη ήπειρο»
  471. Hallo München (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  472. Novosty DNY (Russia) – Обнаружен потерянный континент Арголанд под джунглями Юго-Восточной Азии – «Процесс познания»
  473. Frankfurter Neue Presse (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  474. Merkur (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  475. TZ (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  476. Kreisbote (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  477. Finans Gümdem (Turkey) – 155 milyon yıllık gizem çözüldü: Kayıp kıta ‘Argoland’
  478. Hightech (Russia) – Тайну пропавшего континента, который считался исчезнувшим, наконец-то раскрыли
  479. Politic (Greece) – Οι επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν επιτέλους την «χαμένη ήπειρο»
  480. The Times of India (India) – ‘Argoland’: Scientists finally discover ‘lost continent’
  481. Navtemporiki (Greece) – Εντοπίστηκε έκρηξη κρυοηφαιστείου στον Πλούτωνα η οποία αποκαλύπτει τον υπόγειο ωκεανό του (βίντεο)
  482. Enikos (Greece) – Οι επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν επιτέλους την «χαμένη ήπειρο» – Θεωρούσαν ότι είχε εξαφανιστεί πριν από 155 εκατ. χρόνια
  483. Frankfurter Rundschau (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
  484. ABC (Spain) – Resuelto el misterio de Argolandia, el continente perdido escondido bajo las selvas de Indonesia y Birmania
  485. Verve Times (India) – Scientists Uncover Elusive ‘Lost Continent’ Previously Believed to Have Mysteriously Disappeared
  486. Coupaki (Greece) – Εντοπίστηκε η χαμένη ήπειρος Argoland (βίντεο)
  487. Newstora (Greece) – Εντοπίστηκε η χαμένη ήπειρος Argoland (βίντεο)
  488. Crumpe (France) – Des scientifiques découvrent enfin un « continent perdu » qui aurait disparu sans laisser de trace
  489. Glavny (Russia) – Ученые обнаружили следы затерянного в океане континента Арголанд
  490. Muzambinho (Brazil) – Estudo revela continente perdido há 155 milhões de anos
  491. Telegraph Herald (USA) – Study: Remains of 3,000-mile-wide ‘lost continent’ discovered beneath ocean
  492. Merdeka (Indonesia) -Hilang 155 Juta Tahun Lalu, Benua Seluas AS Akhirnya Ditemukan di Dasar Laut
  493. Life (Hungary) – 155 millió éves, elveszett kontinens nyomára bukkanhattak tudósok
  494. Vansesi (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland nereye gitti?
  495. Keliling Dunia Yuk! (Indonesia) – Mengenal Argoland, Benua Asli Negara Indonesia?
  496. Neatorama (USA) – The Other Long Lost Continent, Argoland
  497. Tech Svet (Chech Republic) – Na dně oceánu byl po 155 milionech letech objeven ztracený kontinent z doby dinosaurů. Rozloha takzvaného Argolandu byla srovnatelná s velikostí Spojených států
  498. News.com (Australia) – Lost continent discovered after 155 million years as ‘missing piece’ is spotted at bottom of ocean
  499. BBC Mundo (UK) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
  500. Novaator (Estonia) – Kagu-Aasia kandis leidub kadunud muinasmandri tükke
  501. F1 Mundial (Mexico) – Los científicos finalmente descubren el ‘continente perdido’ que supuestamente desapareció sin dejar rastro
  502. The Sun (UK) – Lost continent discovered after 155 million years as 3,000-mile-wide ‘missing piece’ is spotted at bottom of ocean
  503. Livescience (USA) – Scientists finally discover ‘lost continent’ thought to have vanished without a trace
  504. Sahebkhabar (Iran) – بقایای یک قاره گمشده 155 میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس کشف شد
  505. Armanmeli (Iran) – کشف یک قاره گمشده 155 میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس
  506. Uncut News (Switzerland) – Wissenschaftler entdecken verlorenen Kontinent unter dem Dschungel
  507. Cikycaky (Slovakia) – Geológovia našli „stratený kontinent“ Argoland
  508. Review Berkasi (Indonesia) – Ahli geologi telah menemukan “benua yang hilang” di Argoland
  509. Conca Ternana (Italy) – I geologi hanno trovato il “continente perduto” in Argoland
  510. Kienthuc (Vietnam) – Các nhà khoa học chuyên về địa chất từ lâu đã nghi ngờ rằng, khoảng 155 triệu năm trước, một phần lục địa dài đã tách khỏi phía tây bắc của Australia và di chuyển đi nơi khác.
  511. Naftemporiki (Greece) – Εντοπίστηκε η χαμένη ήπειρος Argoland (βίντεο)
  512. Aviation Analysis (USA) – Discovering thousands of kilometers of the “lost continent”
  513. Scientias (the Netherlands) – Niet Atlantis, maar Argoland: duizenden kilometers groot ‘verloren continent’ ontdekt
  514. Akhbarejadid (Iran) – کشف بقایای یک قاره گمشده ۱۵۵ میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس هند
  515. Technologijos (Lithuania) – Slepiasi aiškiai matomoje vietoje. Po 155 milijonų metų pagaliau atrastas „dingęs“ žemynas (Video)
  516. Armanmeli (Iran) – کشف یک قاره گمشده 155 میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس
  517. Pravda (Russia) – GR: учёные нашли древний затерянный континент Арголанд
  518. Gazete Vatan (Turkey) – Argoland 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu
  519. Posta (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu! Avustralya’dan koptuktan sonra nereye gitti?
  520. Focus (Poland) – Geologiczna Atlantyda odkryta. Resztki prehistorycznego lądu „wypłynęły” na powierzchnię
  521. Mfame (USA) – 3,000-mile-wide ‘Lost Continent’ Discovered on Ocean Floor
  522. Mashable Türkiye (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu! Avustralya’dan koptuktan sonra nereye gitti?
  523. Lonradio (the Netherlands) – Geologen hebben het ‘verloren continent’ in Argoland gevonden
  524. Terra Daily (USA) – Finding Argoland: how a lost continent resurfaced
  525. Future Zone (Germany) – Zufällig entdeckt: Forscher machen 160 Millionen Jahre alten Sensationsfund
  526. Okvir (Croatia) -Na dnu okeana otkriveni ostaci 3.000 milja širokog ‘izgubljenog kontinenta’, kaže studija
  527. Eeook (China) – 研究称,在海底发现3000英里宽的“失落大陆”阿戈兰德遗迹
  528. Vista (Iran) – به گفته محققان، این قاره زمانی به اندازه پهنای ایالات‌متحده امتداد داشته است.
  529. Purson (Iran) – کشف بقایای یک قاره گمشده در کف اقیانوس!
  530. Khabarfoori (Iran) – بقایای یک قاره گمشده 155 میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس کشف شد
  531. Zawaya Media (United Arab Emirates) – العثور على قارة مفقودة في أعماق المحيط
  532. Kabar Farsi (Iran) – فیلم| کشف بقایای یک قاره گمشده 155 میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس – آفتاب نیوز
  533. Borna News (Iran) – بقایای یک قاره گمشده 155 میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس کشف شد
  534. Aftab News (Iran) – فیلم| کشف بقایای یک قاره گمشده ۱۵۵ میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس
  535. Ghatreh (Iran) – فیلم| کشف بقایای یک قاره گمشده ۱۵۵ میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس
  536. CMV (Venezuela) – Los geólogos han encontrado el «continente perdido» de Argoland
  537. Naya Approach (India) – पृथ्वी पर 7 नहीं 8 महाद्वीप थे||जाने विलुप्त हुआ था#Argoland🤔
  538. Berita Satu (Indonesia) – Ilmuwan Klaim Temukan Sisa Benua Argoland yang Hilang di Dasar Laut
  539. Dnevno (Hungary) – Pronašli smo davno izgubljeni kontinent Argoland: ‘Locirali smo ga nakon 155 milijuna godina’
  540. Paid for Articles (USA) – How Remains of 3,000-mile-wide ‘lost continent’ discovered on ocean floor, study says
  541. The Morning News (USA) – Geologists Discover Lost Continent After Millions Of Years
  542. Newser (Australia) – Geologists Have Found ‘Lost Continent’ of Argoland
  543. Nexofin (Argentina) – Encuentran una gigantesca placa milenaria clave para el rompecabezas geológico de la tierra
  544. Novespravy (Slovakia) – Veľká záhada vyriešená: Našiel sa stratený kontinent! Pozrite sa na to
  545. Blic (Serbia) – PRONAĐEN DAVNO IZGUBLJENI KONTINENT Rešena misterija: Otkriveno je da se zapravo SKRIVA ISPOD AZIJSKIH DŽUNGLI (FOTO, VIDEO)
  546. Hiroszto (Hungary) – Több mint 150 millió év után megtalálhattak egy elveszett kontinenst
  547. Gazeta de Bucuresti (Romania) – Un nou continent necunoscut găsit pe Pământ. Cercetătorii au rămas muți de uimire
  548. Syri (Albania) – Zgjidhet misteri 155 mln vjeçar, gjendet ‘kontinenti i humbur’ Argoland
  549. NOA (Albania) – Ka ekzistuar 155 milion vjet më parë/ Gjendet ‘kontinenti i humbur’ Argoland!
  550. Milliyet (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
  551. Sputnik (Russia) – Геологи нашли в Индийском океане древний затерянный континент
  552. Involta (Russia) – Найден затерянный континент Арголанд, существовавший 155 миллионов лет назад
  553. Digiato (Iran) – بقایای یک قاره گمشده 155 میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس کشف شد [تماشا کنید]
  554. Sad Online (Iran) – بقایای یک قاره گمشده 155 میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس کشف شد
  555. Zivot (Croatia) – Rešena drevna misterija: Otkriven davno izgubljeni kontinent ispod azijskih džungli VIDEO
  556. Metro Americas (USA) – Un continent perdu découvert dans les profondeurs de l’océan Indien
  557. Dita (Albania) – Me sipërfaqe sa SHBA dhe me xhungla të gjelbra, si u zhduk kontinenti i hershëm, Argoland
  558. Scientific Inquirer (USA) – Finding Argoland: how a lost continent resurfaced
  559. TVB Zorg (the Netherlands) – Wetenschappers ontdekken resten van 155 miljoen jaar oud verloren continent Argoland
  561. Vocentar (Northern Macedonia) – сензационално-откритие-изгубениот
  562. Poznat Svet (Czech Republic) – Vědci našli ztracený kontinent, který se odlomil od austrálie. podívejte se!
  563. Kibris Gazetezi (Northern Cyprus) – 155 milyon yıl önce kopmuştu, kayıp  Argoland kıtası bulundu!
  564. Stiri (Moldova) – Cercetătorii au găsit un continent misterios îngropat în adâncuri
  565. Daily Geek Show (France) – Après des années de recherche, les géologues localisent enfin le continent perdu Argoland
  566. Top Albania Radio (Albania) – Zbulohen gjurmë mbi kontinentin antik të humbur Argoland!
  567. Ittifak (Turkey) – Milyonlarca yıldır kayıp olan kıta Argoland bulundu!
  568. Descopera (Romania) – Un continent considerat disparut pentru totdeauna a fost regasit dupa 155 de milioane de ani
  569. Rakyat Empa Lawang (Indonesia) – Benua Misterius yang Lama Hilang, Penemuan Argoland
  570. Express (Albania) – Me sipërfaqe sa SHBA e plot me xhungla, si u zhvendos dhe u copëtua kontinenti i hershëm i Argoland
  571. Novy Cas (Slovakia) – Veľká záhada vyriešená: Našiel sa stratený kontinent! Pozrite sa na to
  572. BZI (Romania) – Argoland, noul continent necunoscut găsit pe Pământ. Ce detalii au observat cercetătorii – VIDEOBZI (Romania) –
  573. Index (Hungary) – Több mint 150 millió év után megtalálhattak egy elveszett kontinenst
  574. En Son Haber (Turkey) – 155 milyon yıl önce kopmuştu: Uzun süredir kayıp olan Argoland kıtası bulundu!
  575. Newsbeezer (Australia) – Scientists discover remnants of the lost continent of Argoland
  576. Vox (Albania) – With an area the size of the USA and with green jungles, how the early continent, Argoland, disappeared
  577. Marine Insight (USA) – Scientists Rediscover the Remnants of a Long-lost Continent
  578. Atlas Obscura (USA) – An Entire Continent Went Missing—But Scientists Have Found It Again
  579. NRC (the Netherlands) – ‘Een tektonische plaat vinden, dat gebeurt niet elke dag.’ Suzanna van de Lagemaat gebeurde het wel
  580. Newsful Fox Updates (USA) – Geologists reconstruct history of the lost continent of Argoland
  581. Daily motion (USA) – Long lost continent of Argoland is FOUND: 3,100-mile chunk of land was
  582. Unilad (USA) – Scientists discover remains of 155 million-year-old lost continent
  583. Stiri Locale (Romania) – Argoland, noul continent necunoscut găsit pe Pământ. Ce detalii au observat cercetătorii – VIDEO
  584. Sozcu TV (Turkey) – 155 milyon yıl önce kopmuştu: Uzun süredir kayıp olan Argoland kıtası bulundu!
  585. Review Bekasi (Indonesia) – Para ilmuwan telah menemukan sisa-sisa benua Argoland yang hilang
  586. Przecław (Poland) – Naukowcy odkryli pozostałości zaginionego kontynentu Argoland
  587. Uyumhaber (Turkey) – Kayıp Argoland Kıtası 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu!
  588. Estrategizando (Portugal) – Descoberta da Argoland, o continente perdido na históriaEstrategizando (Portugal) –
  589. Informacja Lokalna (Poland) – Scientists Discover Long-Lost Continent at Bottom of the Ocean
  590. Passione Tecnologica (Italy) – Scoperto il continente scomparso: era qui, la scienza mette punto al mistero millenario
  591. Ozgeographics (Australia) – ediscovery of Argoland: The Lost Continent Hidden for 155 Million Years
  592. Srbia Danas (Serbia) – SENZACIONALNO OTKRIĆE Izgubljeni kontinent pronađen skriven ispod azijatskih džungli
  593. Naslovi (Bosnia) – Naučnici ispod džungle otkrili davno izgubljeni kontinent: Rešena misterija stara 155 godina arhipelag u aziji krio tajnu (video)
  594. More Správ (Czech Republic) – Argoland: hluboko v útrobách džungle objevili ztracený kontinent
  595. Ziaristi (Romania) – Un nou continent necunoscut găsit pe Pământ. Cercetătorii au rămas muți de uimire
  596. Nestia (USA) – Lost continent of ‘Argoland’ finally FOUND after being buried for millions of years
  597. Detikinet (Indonesia) – Sisa-sisa Lempeng Tektonik Kuno Terungkap di Kalimantan
  598. Pravda (Russia) – Scientists have solved the mystery of a vanished continent
  599. Detikinet (Indonesia) – Sisa-sisa Lempeng Tektonik Kuno Terungkap di Kalimantan
  600. Enbursa (Turkey) – 155 milyon yıllık kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu!
  601. Descopera (Romania) – Un continent considerat dispărut pentru totdeauna a fost regăsit după 155 de milioane de ani
  602. Rakyatempatlawang (Indonesia) – Benua Misterius yang Lama Hilang, Penemuan Argoland
  603. Sozcu TV (Turkey) – 155 milyon yıl önce kopmuştu: Uzun süredir kayıp olan Argoland kıtası bulundu!
  604. Resta News (Sweden) – Forskare upptäcker rester av den förlorade kontinenten Argoland
  605. Kuatbaca (Indonesia) – Penemuan Misterius: Benua Argoland yang Lama Hilang
  606. Articleify (USA) – Mysterious Lost Continent of Argoland Found After 155 Million Years
  607. Enson Haber (Turkey) – 155 milyon yıl önce kopmuştu: Uzun süredir kayıp olan Argoland kıtası bulundu!
  608. The Sacramento Bee (USA) – Remains of 3,000-mile-wide ‘lost continent’ discovered on ocean floor, study says
  609. Le Nouvel Ordre Mondial (Cocos Islands) – Une ancienne plaque tectonique découverte par des scientifiques
  610. Miami Herald (USA) – Remains of 3,000-mile-wide ‘lost continent’ discovered on ocean floor, study says
  611. More Správ (Czech Republic) – Argoland: hluboko v útrobách džungle objevili ztracený kontinent
  612. Minu Fiyah (Saudi Arabia) – اأركولاند المفقودة كتشف العلماء بقايا قارة
  613. Review Bekasi (Indonesia) – Para ilmuwan telah menemukan sisa-sisa benua Argoland yang hilang
  614. Play of the Game (Turkey) – Bilim adamları kayıp kıta Argoland’ın kalıntılarını keşfettiler
  615. CWV (Venezuela) – Los científicos descubren los restos del continente perdido Argoland
  616. Eventoplus (Argentina) – Los científicos han descubierto los restos del continente perdido de Argoland
  617. EVZ (Romania) – Un nou continent necunoscut găsit pe Pământ. Cercetătorii au rămas muți de uimire
  618. AI Hub Insider (USA) – Scientists discover the remains of the lost continent of Argoland
  619. Oscale News (USA) – How does an ocean-sized tectonic plate go missing for 20 million years?
  620. Mediarun Search (USA) – Scientists have discovered a part of the Earth that disappeared 155 million years ago
  621. Nascereignora (Italy) – VIDEO: trovate tracce di Argolandia, un continente perduto
  622. Ziarul Profit (Romania) – Descoperirea secolului: Un nou continent necunoscut găsit pe Pământ VIDEO
  623. National Geographic (Poland) – Tajemnica zaginionego kontynentu sprzed 150 mln lat wyjaśniona. Naukowcy wiedzą, co się stało z Argolandią
  624. Noa (Albania) – Ka ekzistuar 155 milion vjet më parë/ Gjendet ‘kontinenti i humbur’ Argoland!
  625. 24 News Recorder (USA) – A huge chunk of Earth has just been found that has been missing for 155 million years
  626. Aktüelit (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland’ın parçaları bulundu
  627. Techno New Voice (Russia) – Майже Атлантида. Учені знайшли залишки загубленого континенту Арголанд
  628. Ansa (Italy) – Ritrovati i resti del continente perduto argolandia video
  629. Nidaalwatan (Saudi Arabia) – العثور على قارة أرغولاند المفقودة
  630. The Limited Times (USA) – The lost continent of Argoland was found 155 million years after it broke away from Australia – voila! tourism
  631. Ziare (Romania) – Experții au făcut descoperirea secolului: Un nou continent necunoscut găsit pe Pământ VIDEO
  632. News 18 (India) – कालपर्यंत तर इथं काहीच नव्हतं; अचानक तिथं जे दिसलं ते पाहून शास्त्रज्ञही हैराण
  633. Milliyet (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
  634. Patronlar Dünyasi (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
  635. CNN Türk (Turkey) – 155 milyon yıllık gizem: Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
  636. Multiverso Noticias (Brazil) – Placa tectônica ENORME é descoberta nas Filipinas
  637. Kibris Postasi (Northern Cyprus) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
  638. Marshall News (India) – अचानक प्रकट हुआ पूरा का पूरा ‘महाद्वीप’, हैरान रह गए वैज्ञानिक भी
  639. Greek Reporter – When Greece was Part of the Lost Continent of Greater Adria
  640. Aktuel Bilgiler – Avustralya Açıklarındaki Kayıp Kıta, 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu
  641. Portalnet (Chile) – Los restos de argoland un continente perdido han sido finalmente encontrados
  642. Gen Medya – Kayıp kıta Argoland’ın parçaları bulundu
  643. Rekabet (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta bulundu
  644. Aventuras na Historia (Brazil) – Geólogos encontram destino de supercontinente ‘perdido’ há 155 milhões de anos
  645. Tin Moi (Vietnam) – Lục địa bị mất Argoland vẫn hiện diện nhưng ở dạng rời rạc
  646. Poisk News (Russia) – Ученые решили геологическую загадку затерянного континента Арголанд
  647. Oceania Topnews (Australia) – Long lost continent of Argoland is FOUND: 3,100-mile chunk of land was thought to have broken off from western Australia 155million years ago and slipped under Earth’s crust
  648. Gelen Haberler (Turkey) – Kayıp Kıta Argoland 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu
  649. News Yu (Russia) – Scientists have found the lost continent of Argoland
  650. Fanpage (Italy) – Scoperti i resti di Argolandia, continente perduto staccatosi dall’Australia 157 milioni di anni fa
  651. Bursa Hakimiyet (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu
  652. Akit (Turkey) – Hollandalı yerbilimciler dünyaya ilan etti: yaklaşık 155 milyon yıl önce, kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu! Heyecanlandıran keşif
  653. Gazete Kalem (Turkey) – Kayıp Kıta Argoland 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu: İşte ‘Gizlendiği’ Yer
  654. Ittifak (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu… Çarpıcı gelişme! Yeni bulgulara ulaşıldı
  655. Aydin Post (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu! Ancak bölünmüş halde
  656. Diyarbakir Yeni Gun (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
  657. Evenementul Istoric (Romania) – Eticheta: “Argoland”
  658. Metro (UK) – A massive chunk of Earth missing for 155 million years has just been found
  659. Scienze Notizie (Italy) – Il destino perduto di Argoland: un microcontinente frammentato nascosto nel Sud-Est asiatico
  660. Coast to Coast AM (USA) – Lost Continent Argoland Located 155 Million Years After It Broke From Australia
  661. Rosario 3 (Argentina) – Encontraron evidencia de un continente perdido a 5.500 metros bajo el océano Índico
  662. Gazete Duvar (Turkey) – 155 milyon yıllık gizem çözüldü: Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
  663. Gazete Pencere (Turkey) – Malt tankına işeyen işçinin görüntüleri satışları vurdu: Güney Kore’de gündem ‘çişli bira’
  664. Gazete Merhaba (Turkey) – 155 Milyon Yıllık Gizem Çözüldü
  665. Elips Haber (Turkey) – 155 milyonluk kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
  666. Marmara Gasetesi (Turkey) – 155 Milyon Yıllık Gizem Çözüldü: Kayıp Kıta Argoland Bulundu
  667. Upworthy (USA) – Geologists discover lost continent Argoland 155 million years after it drifted away from Australia
  668. Resumo (Brazil) – Os cientistas determinaram o paradeiro de uma grande parte da Austrália que se separou num passado distante.
  669. Milat (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland’a ilişkin yeni keşif
  670. Alto Adige (Italy) – Ritrovati i resti del continente perduto Argolandia VIDEO
  671. UK Times (UK) – Long lost continent of Argoland is FOUND: 3,100-mile-long chunk of land was thought to have broken off from western Australia 155million years ago and slipped under Earth’s crust
  672. Head Topics (Indonesia) – eolog Akhirnya Temukan Pecahan Benua Kuno Argoland yang Hilang
  673. Video 7 (Turkey) – işte 155 milyon yıl önce yok olan Argoland’ın parçaları…
  674. Metro Americas (Mexico) – Nuevas revelaciones sobre Argoland: El continente perdido que sigue existiendo
  675. Daily Star (UK) – Ancient continent longer than North America found after ‘slipping under Earth’s crust’
  676. Muratisbilir (Turkey) – Avustralya Açıklarındaki Kayıp Kıta, 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu
  677. Hayka Offnews (Bulgaria) – Какво се е случило с Арголандия, континентът, отцепил се от Австралия
  678. Sawahweb (Saudi Arabia) – طويلة: يُعتقد أن قطعة أرض مساحتها 3100 ميل قد انفصلت عن غرب أستراليا منذ 155 مليون سنة وانزلقت تحت قشرة الأرض
  679. Bursa 5N1K (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta ‘Argoland’ milyonlarca yıl gömülü kaldıktan sonra ortaya çıkarıldı
  680. Son Dakka Haber (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
  681. Noticiero Universal (Spain) – Los restos de Argoland, un «continente perdido», han sido finalmente encontrados
  682. MyScience (USA) – Finding Argoland: how a lost continent resurfaced
  683. Time News (USA) – Scientists Discover Evidence of a Lost Continent That Drifted Away from Australia Millions of Years Ago
  684. Nine for News (the Netherlands) – Wetenschappers ontdekken verloren continent onder de jungle
  685. Imeteo (Slovakia) – Rúti sa na nás mohutná Jadranka. Prinesie intenzívne búrky a ku nám aj výdatný dážď
  686. Vosvete (Slovakia) – Vedci našli stratený kontinent Argoland. Pozrite sa, kde sa teraz nachádza!
  687. Cursor (Russia) – Ученые раскрыли тайну “затерянного” континента, которой 155 млн лет – видео
  688. Useit (Romania) – Continentul pierdut al Pământului a fost descoperit în sfârșit. Cum a rămas ascuns Argoland până acum
  689. Bursada Bugun (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta bulundu
  690. Yeni Bakış (Turkey) – Jeologlar şokta… 155 milyon yıl sonra ortaya çıktı: ‘Argoland’ kıtasının yeri bulundu!
  691. Mystery Planet (Argentina) – Los restos de Argoland, un «continente perdido», han sido finalmente encontrados
  692. Ordo News (USA) – Geologists found traces of the continent of Argoland
  693. Media Indonesia (Indonesia) – Geolog Akhirnya Temukan Pecahan Benua Kuno Argoland yang Hilang
  694. Heritage Daily (USA) – Geological puzzle of lost continent of Argoland solved
  695. Yenicag (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu
  696. Gazete Kalem (Turkey) – Kayıp Kıta Argoland 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu: İşte ‘Gizlendiği’ Yer
  697. Heritage Daily (USA) – Geological puzzle of lost continent of Argoland solved
  698. 24 RG (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland’ın parçaları bulundu
  699. Magazine Greenlife (France) – Argoland : quel est ce continent perdu récemment redécouvert par les chercheurs ?
  700. Kayıp Rhıtım (Turkey) – Kayıp Kıta Argoland 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu: Güneydoğu Asya’daki Ormanların Altında ‘Saklanıyormuş’
  701. Webbilim (Turkey) – Avustralya Açıklarındaki Kayıp Kıta, 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu
  702. Focus (Ukraine) – Ховався у всіх на виду. Після 155 млн років вчені нарешті виявили “загублений” континент
  703. Jurnalci (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland’ın parçaları bulundu
  704. Vigour Times (USA) – Discover the Fascinating Tale: How a 3,100-Mile Chunk of Land Vanished beneath Earth’s Surface 155 Million Years Ago!
  705. Alerta Geo (Spain) – Descubierto el continente perdido ‘Argoland’, enterrado durante millones de años , según estudio publicado
  706. David Icke (UK) – Long lost continent of ‘Argoland’ is FOUND: 3,100-mile chunk of land was thought to have broken off from western Australia 155million years ago and slipped under Earth’s crust
  707. Inergency (USA) – Finding Argoland: How a lost continent resurfaced
  708. Italy 24 (Italy) – Remains of lost continent Argoland found
  709. Deutschlandfunk Nova (Germany) – Verschollene Kontinente: Was von “Argoland” noch übrig ist
  710. Brobible (USA) – Scientists Have Found The Lost Continent Argoland, Missing For 155 Million Years
  711. Daily Mail (UK) – Long lost continent of Argoland is FOUND: 3,100-mile chunk of land was thought to have broken off from western Australia 155million years ago and slipped under Earth’s crust
  712. Budun (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu: İşte ‘gizlendiği’ yer
  713. Rambler (Russia) – Пропавший континент Арголанд нашелся под джунглями Индонезии
  714. Ege Telegraf (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
  715. Technik Sapiens (Germany) – Verlorener Kontinent vor Australien nach 155 Millionen Jahren gefunden
  716. Easy London (France) – Le continent perdu d’Argoland est enfin retrouvé après avoir été enseveli pendant des millions d’années
  717. Hayka (Russia) – Пропавший континент Арголанд нашелся под джунглями Индонезии
  718. Webtechno (Turkey) – Avustralya Açıklarındaki Kayıp Kıta, 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu
  719. Chip (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu: İşte ‘gizlendiği’ yer
  720. The Debrief (USA) – The ‘Lost’ Continent of Argoland Has Finally Been Found, Solving a 155 Million-Year-Old Mystery
  721. Halk TV (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland’ın parçaları bulundu
  722. TGRT Haber (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu! Ancak bölünmüş halde 
  723. The Science Times (USA) – Lost Continent Argoland Still Present But in Fragmented Form [Study]
  724. Newsbeezer (Malaysia) – The lost continent of Argoland lies 155 million years after it separated from Australia
  725. MSN (USA) -Scientists discover remnants of lost continent Argoland
  726. Science blog (USA) – Finding Argoland: How a lost continent resurfaced
  727. Indy100 (USA) – Scientists discover remnants of lost continent Argoland
  728. Talknews (UK) – Do you know what Argolandia is? Lost continent found in jungles of Southeast Asia – Executive Digest
  729. TGCom News (Italy) – I resti del continente perduto furono ritrovati dopo sette anni di ricerche
  730. Dividend Wealth (UK) – The remains of the lost continent were found after seven years of searching
  731. One News Page (UK) – Finding Argoland: How A Lost Continent Resurfaced
  732. TV100 (Turkey) – Dünya tarihindeki hiçbir yerde böyle bir şeyin varlığı yazmıyordu… Araştırmacılar ormanı kazdıklarında yer altından çıktı. Hepsi büyülendi
  733. Vietnam.vn (Vietnam) – Phát hiện lục địa mất tích bên dưới rừng rậm
  734. Head Topics (USA) – Finding Argoland: How a lost continent resurfaced
  735. VN Express (Vietnam) – Phát hiện lục địa mất tích bên dưới rừng rậm
  736. Şarkul Avsat (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
  737. The Orkney News (UK) – Searching for Lost Continents Beneath the Sea
  738. Independent (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
  739. Vietnam Posts (Vietnam) – Discover the lost continent beneath the jungle
  740. Deutschlandfunk (Germany) – Was vom verschollenem Kontinent „Argoland“ noch übrig ist
  741. Chof 360 (UK) – How a lost continent resurfaced
  742. 24 (Hungary) – Elveszett földrész darabjaira bukkantak
  743. Zap (Portugal) – Foi finalmente encontrado Argoland, o continente que se separou da Austrália há 155 milhões de anos
  744. BNN (Hongkong) – A World in Stories: From Bobi’s Farewell to Argoland’s Discovery
  745. Opp Today (USA) – Finding Argoland: The History of a Lost Continent Resurfaces
  746. Express (UK) – Lost continent of ‘Argoland’ finally found after being buried for millions of years
  747. TS 2 (Nederland) – Het Lot van Argoland: Het Ontrafelen van de Reis van een Verloren Continent
  748. Good News from Indonesia (Indonesia) – Ekspedisi Geologi: Lempeng Besar Kuno Muncul Kembali Setelah 20 Juta Tahun
  749. Future Zone (Germany) – 160 Millionen Jahre alt: Forscher machen Riesen-Fund im Ozean
  750. Telegraaf (the Netherlands) – Verzwolgen schol. Utrechtse geologe vindt resten verdwenen aardplaat
  751. ES Euro (UK) – How the lost continent of Argoland resurfaced
  752. Samaa (Pakistan) – Scientists unearth ancient pontus plate in Southeast Asia
  753. Bali Citizen (Indonesia) – Sisa-sisa benua yang hilang ditemukan setelah tujuh tahun penelitian
  754. Europapress (Spain) – Cómo resurgió el continente perdido de Argolandia
  755. WION (India) – Scientists discover ancient tectonic plate that disappeared 20 million years ago
  756. Vista al Mar (Spain) – Argolandia está escondida bajo las verdes selvas de gran parte de Indonesia y Myanmar
  757. TV Meteo (Poland) – Naukowcy odnaleźli zaginiony kontynent. Ukrył się pod cennym przyrodniczo obszarem
  758. Earth.com (USA) – Argoland: Unraveling the mysteries of a lost continent
  759. Scienze Notizie (Italy) – Un continente perduto ritrovato sotto l’Indonesia e il Myanmar
  760. IXTB (Russia) – Арголанд: как геологи нашли потерянный континент под джунглями Индонезии
  761. Newswise (USA) – Finding Argoland: how a lost continent resurfaced
  762. Es de Latino (USA) – Descubren el continente perdido Argoland escondido bajo las selvas del sudeste asiático
  763. Phys.org (USA) – Finding Argoland: How a lost continent resurfaced
  764. Newsweek (USA) – Lost Continent Argoland Discovered Hidden Beneath Jungles
  765. Pressbee (USA) – Lost Continent Argoland Discovered Hidden Beneath Jungles of Southeast Asia
  766. Geografie (the Netherlands) – Nieuwe tectonische plaat ‘Pontus’ onthuld door Utrechtse geoloog
  767. Weekend (Argentina) – Encuentran restos de una milenaria y gigantesca placa tectónica perdida en el Océano Pacífico
  768. SMI Today (Russia) – Арголанд: «потерянный континент», найденный под Индонезией и Мьянмой
  769. BNR Nieuwsradio (the Netherlands) – Restanten van verloren continent na zeven jaar onderzoek gevonden
  770. Menstois (Russia) – Арголанд: потерянный континент найденный под индонезией и мьянмой
  771. Mirage (Australia) – Lost Continent Argoland Resurfaces: Discovery
  772. Technology Networks (USA) – Argoland, “the Lost Continent”, Found Under Indonesia and Myanmar
  773. Eurekalert (USA) – Finding Argoland: how a lost continent resurfaced
  774. Idaho Statesman (USA) – Lost Continent Argoland Discovered Hidden Beneath Jungles
  775. TS 2 (USA) – The Fate of Argoland: Uncovering the Journey of a Lost Continent
  776. ISP Page (USA) – The Lost Continent of Argoland Found in Southeast Asia, Geologists Discover
  777. Spamchronicles (USA) – Warning: you will find remnants of Pontus, the lost tectonic plate of the Pacific Ocean!
  778. The Epoch Times (Germany) – Wochenrückblick: Kündigungen wegen Bürgergeld, Abzocke mit QR-Code und ein Postbote, der eine Katze ausliefert
  779. La Jornada (Mexico) – Descubren restos de una antigua megaplaca que desapareció hace 20 millones de años (VIDEO)
  780. Koka (Brazil) – Geólogos encontram restos de placa tectônica desaparecida
  781. Veritas (Mexico) – Descubren restos de la antigua placa tectónica “Pontus” en el océano Pacífico
  782. Startitup (Slovakia) – Objavili „ducha“ prehistorickej tektonickej platne. Zmizla pred viac ako 20 miliónmi rokov
  783. Semana (Colombia) – Científicos descubren un mundo perdido: hallan una gigantesca parte de la Tierra
  784. Koran Jakarta (Indonesia) – “Pontus”, Lempeng Tektonik Purba yang Hilang Telah Ditemukan
  785. Vietnam.vn (Vietnam) – Discovered an ancient tectonic plate as large as 1/4 of the Pacific Ocean
  786. Kompas (Indonesia) – Ancient Tectonic Plates That Were Lost Found in Kalimantan
  787. Maestroviejo (Spain) – Geóloga identifica restos de una mega placa tectónica perdida
  788. Meteored (Italy) – Trovati resti di Pontus, la placca tettonica scomparsa di cui si cercavano tracce da decenni
  789. Tameteo (France) – Alerte : ils trouvent des restes de Pontus, la plaque tectonique perdue de l’océan Pacifique !
  790. Galaxus (Switzerland) – Découverte des vestiges d’une ancienne mégaplaque
  791. Berita Utama (Indonesia) – Temukan sisa-sisa Pontos, lempeng tektonik yang hilang di Samudera Pasifik!
  792. NoMyc (Argentina) – Descubren remanentes de antigua placa tectónica que tuvo un cuarto del tamaño del Pacífico
  793. Futuro Relativo (Brazil) – Rochas revelam placa tectônica que desapareceu há 20 milhões de anos
  794. Canaltech (Brazil) – Placa tectônica perdida de 120 milhões de anos é encontrada em Bornéu
  795. Terra (Brazil) – Placa tectônica perdida de 120 milhões de anos é encontrada em Bornéu
  796. Radio 1 – Nieuws BV (the Netherlands) – Een bijzondere ontdekking: Nederlandse geologe vindt stenen van een verloren aardplaat
  797. Future Zone (Germany) – 20 Millionen Jahre verschollen – Forscher machen Riesen-Fund im Ozean
  798. Das Wetter.com (Germany) – Überreste von Pontus, der verlorenen tektonischen Platte des Pazifiks, gefunden!
  799. Scientias (the Netherlands) – Hoe enkele stenen in Borneo een Nederlandse wetenschapper naar een verloren megaplaat leiden
  800. Megacurioso (Brazil) – Cientista descobre placa tectônica gigantesca até então ‘escondida’
  801. World Fossil Society (USA) – WFS News:Plate tectonic cross-roads: Reconstructing the Panthalassa-Neotethys Junction Region from Philippine Sea Plate and Australasian oceans and orogens.
  802. Wetter.de (Germany) – Geheimnisse der Erdtektonik: Uralte Megaplatte auf Borneo entdeckt
  803. Canal RCN (Colombia) – Científicos descubren un mundo perdido dentro del planeta Tierra
  804. El Tiempo (Colombia) – Geólogos encuentran parte de ‘Pontus’, la placa tectónica desaparecida en el Pacífico
  805. Tiempo (Spain) – Encuentran los restos de Pontus, la placa tectónica perdida del océano Pacífico
  806. QS Study (USA) – Scientists Have Discovered the Phantom of an Ancient Mega-Plate that Vanished 20 Million Years Ago
  807. ISP Today (USA) – Long-Lost Tectonic Plate Rediscovered Underneath South China Sea
  808. Meteored (USA) – Remains of Pontus, the Lost Tectonic Plate of the Pacific Ocean, are Found
  809. Scientific American (USA) – Scientists Discover Ghost of Ancient Mega-Plate That Disappeared 20 Million Years Ago
  810. Space.com (USA) – Scientists discover ghost of ancient mega-plate that disappeared 20 million years ago
  811. Insurgente Press (Mexico) – Identifican científicos antigua placa tectónica en sudeste asiático
  812. Daily Geek Show (France) – Des géologues surpris de trouver les vestiges d’une méga-plaque tectonique perdue
  813. So huu tri tue (Vietnam) – Phát hiện Mảng kiến tạo Pontus lớn bằng 1/4 Thái Bình Dương
  814. Independent Türkçe (Turkey) – 20 milyon yıl önce kayıplara karışan mega levha bulundu
  815. VN Express (Vietnam) – Phát hiện mảng kiến tạo cổ đại lớn bằng 1/4 Thái Bình Dương
  816. The Matter (Thailand) – นักวิจัยพบ ‘ปอนทัส’ แผ่นเปลือกโลก ที่สูญหายไปเมื่อ 20 ล้านปีที่แล้ว ถือเป็นการปฏิวัติวงการธรณีวิทยา
  817. Meteored (Argentina) – Encuentran restos de Pontus, la placa tectónica perdida del océano Pacífico
  818. Khaohoc (Vietnam) – Phát hiện bóng ma ở mảng kiến tạo cổ đại biến mất 20 triệu năm trước
  819. Hyperscience (Spain) – Mistérios da tectônica de placas revelados: A fascinante Placa de Pontus
  820. News Day Fr (France) – Les scientifiques redécouvrent une partie de la Terre disparue il y a 120 millions d’années
  821. Day FR (Italy) – Gli scienziati riscoprono parte della Terra scomparsa 120 milioni di anni fa
  822. Pagenews (Greece) – Ανακαλύφθηκε χαμένη τεκτονική πλάκα μετά από 160 εκατομμύρια χρόνια: Ήταν το ένα τέταρτο του Ειρηνικού
  823. Dnevno (Croatia) – Znanstvenici pronašli davno izgubljeni komad Zemlje: Pogledajte koliki je i gdje se nalazi
  824. Metrotime (Belgium) – Des scientifiques redécouvrent une partie de la Terre disparue il y a 120 millions d’années
  825. Todo Digital (Spain) – Descubren parte de la Tierra que llevaba millones de años perdida
  826. Invdes (Mexico) – Científicos descubren un mundo perdido: encuentran una parte de la Tierra perdida hace mucho tiempo
  827. SSB Crack (India) – Scientists Discover ‘Pontus’ Mega Plate  Disappeared 20 Million Years Ago
  828. Arisez (USA) – Surprising Tectonic Discovery: Geologist Unexpectedly Finds Remnants of a Lost Mega-Plate
  829. Helló Magyar (Hungary) – A Föld egy rég elveszett darabját találták meg
  830. Soha (Vietnam) – Phát hiện “bóng ma” ở mảng kiến tạo cổ đại biến mất 20 triệu năm trước
  831. Issues (France) – Découverte tectonique surprenante : un géologue découvre de manière inattendue les restes d’une méga-plaque perdue
  832. Levante (Spain) – Descubren una antigua placa oceánica hundida en el Pacífico
  833. Geology-In (USA) – New Tectonic Plate Unearthed Geologists Discover Remnants of Lost ‘Mega-Plate’
  834. Berati Baru (Indonesia) – Ambil Sampel di Borneo, Ahli Temukan Lempeng Purba Membentang dari Jepang-NZ
  835. Pacte pour le Climat (France) – Un morceau manquant de la Terre antique datant d’il y a 160 millions d’années, la plaque tectonique « Pontus » révélée comme Bornéo moderne via la tomographie
  836. Baomoi (Vietnam) – Phát hiện bóng ma ở mảng kiến tạo cổ đại biến mất 20 triệu năm trước
  837. Archyde (USA) – the geological ghost of an immense disappeared plate
  838. Nature World News (USA) – Missing Chunk of Ancient Earth From 160M Years Ago ‘Pontus’ Tectonic Plate Revealed as Modern-Day Borneo Via Tomography
  839. Cafe F (Vietnam) – Phát hiện bóng ma ở mảng kiến tạo cổ đại biến mất 20 triệu năm trước
  840. Inergency (USA) – Plate tectonic surprise: Geologist unexpectedly finds remnants of a lost mega-plate
  841. Head Topic (Indonesia) – Ambil Sampel di Borneo, Ahli Temukan Lempeng Purba Membentang dari Jepang-NZ
  842. Detik Edu (Indonesia) – Ambil Sampel di Borneo, Ahli Temukan Lempeng Purba Membentang dari Jepang-NZ
  843. Tienphong (Vietnam) – Phát hiện bóng ma ở mảng kiến tạo cổ đại biến mất 20 triệu năm trước
  844. Excite (Japan) – かつて太平洋の4分の1が巨大な海洋プレートで覆われていた。その痕跡を発見
  845. Karapaia (Japan) – かつて太平洋の4分の1が巨大な海洋プレートで覆われていた。その痕跡を発見
  846. Biglobe (Japan) – かつて太平洋の4分の1が巨大な海洋プレートで覆われていた。その痕跡を発見
  847. Techno Science (France) – Pontus: le fantôme géologique d’une immense plaque disparue
  848. SE Asia (Indonesia) – Journey Through Geological History: Ancient Mega-Plate Resurfaces After 20 Million Years
  849. Escola Educação (Brazil) – Gigantesca placa tectônica ‘perdida no tempo’ é descoberta e impressiona cientistas; veja
  850. Spektrum (Germany) – Überreste einer alten Megaplatte entdeckt
  851. Latercera (Chile) – Científicos descubren un mundo perdido: encuentran una parte de la Tierra perdida hace mucho tiempo
  852. Science Springs (Australia) – Seismic surprise! Geologist reconstructs previously unknown tectonic plate
  853. Iasgyan (India) – Pontus tectonic plate
  854. Proto Thema (Greece) – Scientists discover ghost of ancient mega-plate that disappeared 20 million years ago – “Pontus plate”
  855. Unilad (USA) – Long-lost part of Earth that disappeared 20 million years ago has been discovered
  856. Trouw (the Netherlands) – Geologen verbaasd: Utrechtse promovenda vindt resten van een gigantische verloren tektonische plaat
  857. Verve Times (India) – Ancient Mega-Plate’s Ghost Discovered by Scientists, Missing for 20 Million Years
  858. Awelethnain (Saudi Arabia) – Scientists discover ghost of ancient mega-plate that disappeared 20 million years ago
  859. Geo (France) – Géologie : des scientifiques reconstituent une immense plaque tectonique du Pacifique
  860. Tec Mundo (Brazil) – Placa tectônica perdida de 120 milhões de anos é encontrada na Ásia
  861. Message to Eagle (USA) – Plate Tectonic Surprise: Utrecht Geologist Unexpectedly Finds Remnants Of A Lost Mega-Plate
  862. Brightcove (USA) – Reconstruction of the Pontus Plate by Suzanna van de Lagemaat
  863. MSN (France) – Géologie : des scientifiques reconstituent une immense plaque tectonique du Pacifique
  864. 3G China (China) – 科学家发现消失近2000万年地球板块,面积曾是太平洋的1/4
  865. Ecoosfera (Spain) – Megaplaca del tamaño del Pacífico es descubierta en la Tierra
  866. Merdeka (Indonesia) – Di lokasi ini ilmuwan menemukan lempengan tektonik kuno
  867. Fatorrrh (Brazil) – Descoberta de restos de placa tectônica gigantesca surpreende geólogos
  868. Head Topics (USA) – Ancient Remnants of Long-Lost Tectonic Plate Revealed in Borneo
  869. SOHC Radio (China) – 1.6億年前巨大板塊被發現 面積是太平洋的四分之一
  870. Passione Technologica (Italy) – Scoperto il continente scomparso: era grande un quarto del Pacifico I Si è inabissato all’improvviso
  871. Imparcial News (Brazil) – Detectam no Pacífico remanescentes de placa tectônica desconhecida de 120 milhões de anos (VÍDEO)
  872. USA Times (USA) – scientists discover ghost of ancient mega-plate that disappeared 20 million years ago
  873. Skeptophilia (USA) – Remnants of lost oceans
  874. MSN (USA) – A long-lost part of the Earth has been discovered in Borneo
  875. Cosmos (Australia) – Seismic surprise! Geologist reconstructs previously unknown tectonic plate
  876. Aventuras na Historia (Brazil) – Restos de gigantesca placa tectônica é descoberta e surpreende pesquisadores
  877. Notiulti (Spain) – Se descubre en Borneo una parte de la Tierra perdida hace mucho tiempo
  878. Giyotta (Finland) – Tutkijat ovat löytäneet muinaisen megalevyn haamun, joka katosi 20 miljoonaa vuotta sitten
  879. Ciência e Sociedade (Brazil) – Detectam no Pacífico remanescentes de placa tectônica desconhecida de 120 milhões de anos (VÍDEO)
  880. Sciencepost (France) – Une géologue découvre les restes d’une méga-plaque perdue
  881. El Confidencial (Spain) – Pontus: la inmensa placa tectónica desaparecida en el Pacífico
  882. Meteo Giornale (Italy) – In cerca della placca smarrita
  883. Portalnet (Chile) – Geologa identifica restos de una mega-placa tectonica perdida
  884. Head News (USA) – Scientists discover ghost of ancient mega-plate that disappeared 20 million years ago
  885. Unexplained Misteries (USA) – Scientists discover ghost of ancient mega-plate that disappeared 20 million years ago
  886. Palawan News (Philippines) – Geologists discover remnants of long lost ‘mega-plate’ in Palawan
  887. Today’s Chronic (USA) – Scientists discover ghost of ancient mega-plate that disappeared 20 million years ago
  888. Kozmos (Croatia) – Otkrivena drevna tektonska ploča
  889. Tenemos Noticias (Venezuela) – Descubren remanentes de antigua placa tectónica que tuvo un cuarto del tamaño del Pacífico
  890. The Brighter Side (USA) – Long-lost geological “mega-plate” resurfaces after 160 million years
  891. Live Science (USA) – Scientists discover ghost of ancient mega-plate that disappeared 20 million years ago
  892. Klik (Croatia) – Znanstvenici tek sada uočili masivnu drevnu tektonsku ploču: Iznenadit će vas gdje se nalazi i kolika je
  893. Noticiero Universal (Spain) – Geóloga identifica restos de una mega placa tectónica perdida
  894. Mystery Planet (Argentina) – Geóloga identifica restos de una mega placa tectónica perdida
  895. The Weather Channel (India) – Rediscovering Pontus: Geologists Find Remnants of Long-Lost Tectonic Plate 1/4th the Size of Pacific Ocean!
  896. Ikons (Indonesia) – Sisa-sisa Lempeng Tektonik Purba yang Hilang Terungkap di Kalimantan
  897. Newsbreak (USA) – A long-lost part of the Earth has been discovered in Borneo
  898. Nevsedoma (Ukraine) – Scientists have found an ancient tectonic megaplate that once occupied a quarter of the Pacific Ocean
  899. Elciudadano (Mexico) – Descubren megaplaca tectónica que estaba perdida entre Japón y Nueva Zelanda
  900. Environmental News Network (USA) – Plate Tectonic Surprise: Utrecht Geologist Unexpectedly Finds Remnants of a Lost Mega-Plate
  901. Scinexx (Germany) – Versunkene urzeitliche Ozeanplatte entdeckt
  902. Daily Express (USA) – Tectonic surprise as geologists find remnants of long-lost ‘mega-plate’ in Borneo
  903. Urania (Poland) – Odkryto pozostałości wielkiej pradawnej ziemskiej płyty tektonicznej
  904. Uno TV (Spain) – Descubren megaplaca tectónica que estaba perdida entre Japón y Nueva Zelanda
  905. News Bulletin 24/7 (USA) – Lost tectonic plate discovered after 160 million years: It was a quarter of the Pacific
  906. Bannedbook (China) – 1.6亿年前巨大板块被发现 面积是太平洋的四分之一
  907. Galileo (Spain) – Descoberta de restos de placa tectônica gigantesca surpreende geólogos
  908. Curiosmos (Croatia) – Ancient Tectonic Plate Discovered by Scientists
  909. O Scale News (USA) – Geologists Surprised To Find Remains Of An Ancient Unknown Mega-Plate
  910. Sound of Hope (China) – 1.6亿年前巨大板块被发现 面积是太平洋的四分之一
  911. WP Tech (Poland) – Czterokrotnie większa od Europy. Odkryto pradawną płytę tektoniczną
  912. Newswise (USA) – Plate tectonic surprise: Utrecht geologist unexpectedly finds remnants of a lost mega-plate
  913. To Pontiki (Greece) – «Πόντος»: Ανακαλύφθηκε χαμένη τεκτονική πλάκα μετά από 160 εκατομμύρια χρόνια
  914. Alerta Geo (Argentina) – Descubren una placa tectónica perdida hace mucho tiempo en el Océano Pacifico occidental , según estudio
  915. Enquire (Greece) – Χαμένη τεκτονική πλάκα με μέγεθος στο ένα τέταρτο του Ειρηνικού
  916. Earth.com (USA) – Long-lost mega-plate Pontus resurfaces after 160 million years
  917. Olhar Digital (Brazil) – Placa tectônica do tamanho de um oceano existiu no passado; veja como ela era
  918. Tin Moi (Vietnam) – Mảng kiến ​​tạo ‘Pontus’ đã mất từ ​​​​lâu từ 160 triệu năm trước được xác định; Mega-Plate có thể lớn bằng 1/4 Thái Bình Dương
  919. Tin Moi (Vietnam) – ‘MEGA-PLATE’ đã mất từ ​​​​lâu được phát hiện sau 160 triệu năm: Bản đồ đáng kinh ngạc cho thấy Pontus từng có kích thước bằng 1/4 Thái Bình Dương
  920. Publimetro (Mexico) – Ciencia.-Una antigua placa tectónica identificada en el sudeste asiático
  921. Knowledgia (UK) – Long-lost tectonic ‘MEGA-PLATE’ is discovered after 160 million years: Incredible map reveals Pontus…
  922. Madrid Press (Spain) – Identificada una antigua placa tectónica
  923. Indy 100 (UK) – A long-lost part of the Earth has been discovered in Borneo
  924. Time News (USA) – The Discovery of a Previously Unknown 120-Million-Year-Old Tectonic Plate: The Pontus Plate
  925. Vosvete IT (Slovakia) – Geológovia objavili starodávne pozostatky dávno stratenej tektonickej platne. Kedysi dosahovala veľkosť štvrtiny Tichého oceána
  926. Universo Racionalista (Spain) – Vestígios de antiga placa tectônica há muito tempo perdida são revelados
  927. Futura Sciences (France) – Des fragments d’un monde perdu retrouvés par les géologues
  928. Aktualności (Poland) – Nowa płyta tektoniczna, która kiedyś była o jedną czwartą wielkości Oceanu Spokojnego, odkryta przez geologów
  929. N+1 (Russia) – Геологи нашли остатки исчезнувшей древней океанической плиты Палеотихоокеанского супербассейна
  930. Global Science (Italy) – Alla ricerca della placca perduta
  931. Meteo Giornale (Italy) – La ricostruzione della placca tettonica sconosciuta chiamata Pontus
  932. Forbes (USA) – Tectonic Plate That Was Once One-Quarter The Size Of The Pacific Ocean Discovered By Geologists
  933. Uusi Suomi (Finland) – Ennustus toteutui: Maapallolta löytyi valtavan suuren kadonneen mannerlaatan jäänteet
  934. IFL Science (USA) – Geologists Surprised To Find Remains Of An Ancient Unknown Mega-Plate
  935. Geomagazine (Italy) – Pontus, ciò che resta di una grande placca tettonica
  936. RTV Monitor – Utrechtse geologe vindt onverwacht overblijfselen van verloren megaplaat
  937. Soklen (USA) – Geologist unexpectedly finds remnants of a lost mega-plate
  938. Brainee (Slovakia) – Po 160 miliónoch rokov objavili dávno stratenú tektonickú platňu. Táto „megaplatňa“ mohla byť veľká ako jedna štvrtina Tichého oceánu
  939. Bali Citizen (Indonesia) – Sebuah peta yang menakjubkan mengungkapkan bahwa Pontos dulunya berukuran seperempat Samudra Pasifik
  940. Doglg (China) – 地质学家意外发现失落的巨型板块遗迹
  941. Çevrihi Haber (Turkey) – Jeolog, Pasifik’in çeyrek büyüklüğündeki tektonik plakayı yeniden inşa ediyor
  942. Cikycaky (Slovakia) – Neuveriteľná mapa odhaľuje, že Pontus mal kedysi jednu štvrtinu veľkosti Tichého oceánu
  943. Crumpe (France) – Surprise tectonique des plaques : un géologue découvre de manière inattendue les restes d’une méga-plaque perdue
  944. Naftemporiki (Greece) – Εντοπίστηκε ο «Πόντος» του Ειρηνικού Ωκεανού, η χαμένη τεράστια τεκτονική πλάκα της Γης (βίντεο)
  945. Eurasia Review – Plate Tectonic Surprise: Utrecht Geologist Unexpectedly Finds Remnants Of A Lost Mega-Plate
  946. Metro Americas (USA) – Discovery of a New Tectonic Plate Named Pontus
  947. Science Alert (USA) – Ancient Remnants of Long-Lost Tectonic Plate Revealed in Borneo
  948. Interesting Engineering (Turkey) – Geologist reconstructs tectonic plate quarter-size of Pacific
  949. Tech Explorist (USA) – A geologist unexpectedly finds remnants of a lost mega-plate
  950. The Science Times (USA) – Long-Lost ‘Pontus’ Tectonic Plate From 160 Million Years Ago Identified; Mega-Plate Could Have Been as Big as One-Fourth of the Pacific Ocean
  951. Bollyinside (USA) – Geologist Discovers Lost Mega-Plate Pontus: A Surprising Plate Tectonic Revelation
  952. Tekniikka & Talus (Finland) – Ennustus oli totta – Maapallolta löytyi valtavan 10 000 km kokoisen kadonneen mannerlaatan jäänteet
  953. Newsbeezer (Singapore) – Geologist unexpectedly finds remains of a lost megaplate
  954. Verve Times (USA) – Geologist Makes an Unexpected Discovery: Remnants of a Lost Mega-Plate Resurface
  955. Vista al Mar (Spain) – Sorpresa con las placas tectónicas: geóloga encuentra inesperadamente restos de una megaplaca perdida
  956. Chof 360 (UK) – Incredible map reveals Pontus was once one-quarter the size of the Pacific Ocean
  957. Ground News (USA) – Plate tectonic surprise: Geologist unexpectedly finds remnants of a lost mega-plate
  958. Bizsdiziz (Turkey) – 20 Milyon Yıl Önce Batan Mega Tektonik Levha Pontus Keşfedildi
  959. Hellas (Greece) – Lost tectonic plate a quarter the size of the Pacific
  960. Eseuro (Italy) – Un’antica placca tettonica identificata nel sud-est asiatico
  961. Fluierul (Romania) – „MEGA-PLĂCĂ” tectonică pierdută de mult este descoperită după 160 de milioane de ani: o hartă incredibilă dezvăluie că Pontus a fost cândva un sfert din dimensiunea Oceanului Pacific
  962. Citizen Side (France) – Surprise tectonique des plaques : un géologue découvre de manière inattendue les restes d’une méga-plaque perdue
  963. Pedrapequena (Brazil) – Um mapa impressionante revela que Pontos já teve um quarto do tamanho do Oceano Pacífico
  964. Eseracingoe (Spain) – Se descubren restos antiguos de una placa tectónica perdida hace mucho tiempo en Borneo: ScienceAlert
  965. Zap (Portugal) – Descobertos vestígios de uma megaplaca tectónica perdida. Era maior do que África
  966. Press News (USA) – Plate tectonic surprise: Utrecht geologist unexpectedly finds remnants of a lost mega-plate
  967. NY Breaking (USA) – Long-lost tectonic ‘MEGA-PLATE’ is discovered after 160 million years: Incredible map reveals Pontus was once one-quarter the size of the Pacific Ocean
  968. CNBeta (Taiwan) – 地质学家意外发现失落的巨型板块遗迹
  969. Infobae (USA) – Una antigua placa tectónica identificada en el sudeste asiático
  970. NotiAmerica (Spain) – Una antigua placa tectónica identificada en el sudeste asiático
  971. Nation World (USA) – An ancient tectonic plate identified in Southeast Asia
  972. Phys.org (USA) – Plate tectonic surprise: Geologist unexpectedly finds remnants of a lost mega-plate
  973. National Geographic (USA) – Descubren remanentes de antigua placa tectónica que tuvo un cuarto del tamaño del Pacífico
  974. SciTechDaily (USA) – Surprising Tectonic Discovery: Geologist Unexpectedly Finds Remnants of a Lost Mega-Plate
  975. Mail Online (UK) – Long-lost tectonic ‘MEGA-PLATE’ is discovered after 160 million years: Incredible map reveals Pontus was once one-quarter the size of the Pacific Ocean
  976. BNR Nieuws Radio (the Netherlands) – Utrechtse geologe vindt onverwacht overblijfselen van verloren megaplaat
  977. Citylife (South Africa) – Geologist Discovers Previously Unknown Tectonic Plate Named Pontus
  978. Eurekalert (USA) – Plate tectonic surprise: Utrecht geologist unexpectedly finds remnants of a lost mega-plate
  979. Mirage (Australia) – Utrecht Geologist Discovers Lost Mega-Plate in Plate Tectonic Shock
  980. List23 (USA) – A geologist searches for evidence of a lost mega-plate, leading to a surprising tectonic discovery
  981. Parool (the Netherlands) – In Marokko bouwt de druk heel langzaam op, en dat zorgt voor de grootste aardbevingen
  982. Trouw – In Marokko bouwt de druk heel langzaam op, en dat zorgt voor de grootste aardbevingen
  983. NRC Handelsblad (the Netherlands) – Gebouwen van 500 jaar oud zijn beschadigd, dat geeft wel aan hoe zeldzaam zo’n zware beving is
  984. Unilad (USA) – Tourists may have been visiting lost continent Greater Adria
  985. NOS.nl – Geologie in de Tour: Waarom de Vogezen een apart gebergte is
  986. The Hustle (USA) – Does it pay to pedal?
  987. NOS.nl – Geologie in de Tour: een echt Jurassic Park pal naast het parcours
  988. NOS.nl (the Netherlands) – Geologie in de Tour: Alpengletsjers zijn als renners die te weinig eten voor de slotklim
  989. NOS.nl (the Netherlands) – Geologie in de Tour: De lagen en plakjes van de Alpen
  990. NOS (the Netherlands) – Geologie in de Tour: etappe 12, maar dan 400 miljoen jaar geleden
  991. The Times (UK) – Geology rocks: secrets of the Tour de France landscapes revealed
  992. NOS (the Netherlands) – Geologie in de Tour: ‘Vuurwerk Puy de Dôme vandaag alleen op de flanken’
  993. NOS (the Netherlands) – Geologie in de Tour: ‘Ongelukkigste stenen die ik in lange tijd gezien heb’
  994. Bicycling Magazine (USA) – There’s a Twitter Account Dedicated to the Geology of the Tour de France and It’s Amazing
  995. NOS (the Netherlands) – Geologie in de Tour: renners klimmen naar het diepste gesteente van Frankrijk
  996. Naturalis (the Netherlands) – Geologie van de vrouwen- en de mannen-Tour de France: nu ook met video’s
  997. Eurekalert (USA) – Geology of the Tour de France and the Tour de France Femmes: Earth science meets cycling
  998. Trouw (the Netherlands) – Met professor Van Hinsbergen wordt de Tour geslaagder en gelaagder
  999. NOS.nl (the Netherlands) – Geologie in de Tour: In deze laag legden dinosaurussen het loodje
  1000. NOS.nl (the Netherlands) – Peloton rijdt in tweede etappe Tour de France over ‘een grote Zwitserse kaas’
  1001. ETH Zürich (Switzerland) – Geology of the Tour de France: Earth science meets cycling
  1002. Algemeen Dagblad (the Netherlands) – Zo ziet de Tour de France er over 100 miljoen jaar uit (en tal van andere weetjes voor tijdens saaie etappes)
  1003. De Stentor (the Netherlands) – Zo ziet de Tour de France er over 100 miljoen jaar uit (en tal van andere weetjes voor tijdens saaie etappes)
  1004. RTL News (the Netherlands) – TV news Item on the threat of a rockfall avalanche at Brienz, Switzerland.
  1005. NRC (the Netherlands) – Inwoners van Zwitsers bergdorpje worden geëvacueerd vanwege glijdende berghelling
  1006. Volkskrant (Netherlands) – Tot onze verrassing lijkt de aardmantel geen kolkende poel te zijn
  1007. Newsweek (USA) – New Ocean Within Africa Could Take Millions of Years to Form
  1008. In Beeld (the Netherlands) – De geologie van de Tour de France
  1009. Paudal (USA) – Another earthquake in Turkey and Syria: why so soon after each other? | Earthquake Syria and Turkey
  1010. De Morgen (Belgium) – Staan Turkije nog meer bevingen te wachten? ‘In dit gebied ben je eigenlijk nooit klaar’
  1011. Nederlands Dagblad (the Netherlands) – Staat Turkije nog meer bevingen te wachten? ‘In dit gebied ben je eigenlijk nooit klaar’
  1012. Medyanews (Turkey) – Turkey’s state-run media distorts scientists’ words to justify government, seismologists say
  1013. Volkskrant (the Netherlands) – Staat Turkije nog meer bevingen te wachten? ‘In dit gebied ben je eigenlijk nooit klaar’
  1014. Nu.nl (the Netherlands) – 6.000 naschokken, nu weer een zware: waardoor de Turkse grond blijft beven
  1015. Volkskrant (the Netherlands) – Drie andere risicogebieden voor grote aardbevingen – kan het hier ook zo misgaan als in Turkije en Syrië?
  1016. RTL Nieuws (the Netherlands) – Hoe Erdogan fouten rond bouw in aardbevingsgebied wil verbloemen
  1017. Telegraaf (the Netherlands) – Waarom is Turkije stuk zeep?
  1018. Medyabar (Turkey) – Yeni görüntüler paylaşıldı: İşte Arap levhası Türkiye’yi böyle itti…
  1019. Gündem Haberler – Arap Yarımadası Türkiye’yi böyle itti
  1020. Olay Rize (Turkey) – Celal Şengör kartlar üzerinde anlatmıştı! Yeni görüntüler paylaşıldı: Arap levhası Türkiye’yi böyle itti….
  1021. Sakinca (Turkey) – Depremi tetikledi, Arap levhası Türkiye’yi böyle it
  1022. Favori Ordu (Turkey) – Arap Yarımadası Türkiye’yi bu türlü ittiFavori Ordu (Turkey) –
  1023. Son Dakika (Turkey) – Arap Yarımadası Türkiye’yi böyle itti
  1024. Karadeniz (Turkey) – Arap Yarımadası Türkiye’yi böyle itti
  1025. Dailymotion (Turkey) – Animasyonla anlatıldı: Depremde Arap Yarımadası Türkiye’yi böyle itti
  1026. Medyafaresi (Turkey) – Arap Yarımadası Türkiye’yi Böyle İtti
  1027. Halk TV (Turkey) – Depremi tetikledi, Arap levhası Türkiye’yi böyle itti
  1028. Milligazete (Turkey) – Arap Yarımadası Türkiye’yi böyle itti
  1029. Aydinlik (Turkey) – İlk kez göreceksiniz! Depremden önce Arap levhası Türkiye’yi böyle itti
  1030. Polemik Haber (Turkey) – Deprem sonrası Arap levhası Türkiye’yi böyle itti
  1031. Medyatava (Turkey) – Depremle ilgili çok dikkat çekici görüntü. Türkiye batıya doğru itiliyor. Jeoloji profesörü Douwe van Hinsbergen bu animasyonu paylaştı
  1032. Rudaw (Turkey) – Depremden önce Arap levhası Türkiye’yi böyle itti
  1033. Akyazi (Turkey) – Yeni görüntüler paylaşıldı: İşte Arap levhası Türkiye’yi böyle itti…
  1034. Cumhuriyet (Turkey) – Arap Yarımadası Türkiye’yi böyle itti
  1035. AA (Turkey) – Küresel Tektonik Profesörü’ne göre, Kahramanmaraş merkezli depremler “nadir” görülen türden
  1036. De Morgen (Belgium) – Zijn aardbevingen te voorspellen? ‘Het beste wat je kunt doen is zorgen dat je voorbereid bent’
  1037. TRT World TV (Turkey) – comments in live news coverage about Gaziantep Earthquake
  1038. Nu.nl (the Netherlands) – Waarom het niet lukt om aardbevingen te voorspellen
  1039. Volkskrant (Netherlands) – Zijn aardbevingen zoals die in Turkije en Syrië niet te voorspellen?
  1040. Nu.nl (the Netherlands) – Waarom Syrië en vooral Turkije vaker te maken krijgt met (zware) aardbevingen


  1. Eos (USA) – Billion-Year Rewind Tracks Supercontinents and Mantle Structures
  2. Dotyk (Chech Republic) – Vědci objevili pod Evropou záhadný ztracený kontinent. Sahal až k dnešnímu Íránu
  3. Naukas (Spain) – Cartografiando la ignorancia #417
  4. La Vuelta Holanda (Netherlands) – Over de geologie van de Vuelta
  5. Sporza Radio (Belgium) – Prof David De Vleeschouwer: “Geologie en de Tour vormen een mooi huwelijk” (GeoTdF)
  6. Cyclingtips (Australia) – Hors Course stage 16: Dinosaurs and some dark religious history in the Pyrenees
  7. Trouw (the Netherlands) – In de Tour rijden de renners soms ‘in de Bahama’s’
  8. Menafn (USA) – How The Tour De France Helped Me Think About Geology In A New Way
  9. Bycycling.com (USA) – Tour de France Stage 8 Preview: A Good Day for the Breakaway
  10. NOS (the Netherlands) – Aanvalslust ‘meer dan een sprinter’ Matthews beloond • Vingegaard weerstaat druk Pogacar
  11. De Standaard (Belgium) – Veel kijkers volgen de koers voor de mooie landschappen (David de Vleeschouwer, GeoTdF)
  12. Trouw (Nederland) – Geef die geologieprofessor een vaste commentaarplek in de Tour
  13. Guest in ‘Avondetappe’ of NOS (TV) – the Netherlands
  14. IPICYT (Mexico) – Buscando evidencias de antigua subducción en volcanes jóvenes de las islas Revillagigedo, México
  15. Spam Chronicles (USA) – Pedersen signs the third Danish triumph of this Tour de France and Vingegaard continues to lead
  16. El Païs (Spain) – Pedersen firma el tercer triunfo danés en este Tour de Francia y Vingegaard sigue líder
  17. Fresh Society (UK) – How the Tour de France helped me take into consideration geology in a brand new method
  18. Trending News (UK) – How the Tour de France helped me take into consideration geology in a brand new approach
  19. Big News Network (USA) – How the Tour de France helped me think about geology in a new way
  20. Bristol News Today (UK) – How the Tour de France helped me think about geology in a new way
  21. GTN (USA) – How the Tour de France helped me think of geology in a new way
  22. Abbo News (USA) – How the Tour de France helped me think about geology in a new way
  23. LNU (USA) – How the Tour de France helped me think about geology in a new way
  24. Econotimes (USA) – How the Tour de France helped me think about geology in a new way
  25. Les Nouvelles (France) – Comment le Tour de France m’a aidé à penser la géologie d’une nouvelle manière
  26. Worddisk (UK) – How the Tour de France helped me think about geology in a new way
  27. Mirage (Australia) – Explore geology of Tour de France
  28. E-News (Nigeria) – Explore the geology of the Tour de France & More Breaking News Headlines Today
  29. Sixty+Cycling (USA) – Geo-Tour de France Explores the Geology of the Tour de France
  30. OCN (Canada) – How the Tour de France helped me think about geology in a new way
  31. Sheffield News Today (UK) – How the Tour de France helped me think about geology in a new way
  32. Yahoo News (UK) – How the Tour de France helped me think about geology in a new way
  33. The Conversation (UK) – How the Tour de France helped me think about geology in a new way
  34. Agencia EFE (Spain) – Un proyecto internacional descubrirá los secretos geológicos del Tour
  35. Cycling Utah (USA) – Geo-Tour de France Explores the Geology of the Tour de France
  36. Geografie (Netherlands) – Geo Tour de France
  37. Nederlandse Geologische Vereniging – Geologische Tour de France 2022
  38. WattCycling (the Netherlands) – Koersdutje
  39. EUG blog (USA) – Fieldwork on the Revillagigedo Islands: the challenge and bliss of a geochemical field campaign in a remote uninhabited Mexican UNESCO National Parc
  40. Traveling Geologist (Canada) – San Benedicto Island in the Mexican Pacific Ocean: Young phreatomagmatic tuffs and lavas in a volcanic beach paradise with Roberto H. Téllez-Vizcaíno
  41. Traveling Geologist (Canada) – Paleomagnetic fieldwork in Switzerland with Dieke Gerritsen
  42. North Carolina Time (USA) – The Rocks of the Tour de France: a fascinating look at the geology of Le Tour
  43. Efe (Spain) – Un proyecto internacional descubrirá los secretos geológicos del Tour
  44. News AKMI (USA) – The Tour de France rocks: A fascinating look at the geology of Le Tour – CyclingTips
  45. NPO Radio 1 (the Netherlands) – Wat is er zo interessant aan de landschappen in de etappes van de Tour?
  46. Geo-Union (Germany) – Été 2002: Die Tour des France und die Geologie
  47. Novaciencia (Spain) – Por qué joyas geológicas transitarán los ciclistas del Tour de Francia
  48. Sportings News (Australia) – The Tour de France Rocks: A Fascinating Look at Le Tour’s Geology – CyclingTips
  49. Cyclingtips (Australia) – The Tour de France rocks: A fascinating look at the geology of Le Tour
  50. El Economista (Mexico) – Tour de France, una tradición digitalizada
  51. Quaeldich (Germany) – Geologie der Tour de France Etappen
  52. GEUS (Denmark) – Kom med under overfladen på årets Tour de France
  53. Catalunya Vanguardista (Spain) – Descubren los secretos geológicos del recorrido del Tour de Francia
  54. HLN (Belgium) – Europese geologen voorzien wielercommentatoren van geologische weetjes tijdens de Tour de France
  55. Fundacion Descobre (Spain) – Descubren los secretos geológicos del recorrido del Tour de Francia
  56. Nouvelles du Monde (France) – Découvrez la géologie du Tour de France
  57. Infobae (Colombia) – Un proyecto internacional descubrirá los secretos geológicos del Tour
  58. Nu.nl (the Netherlands) – Koersdutjes vervangen door geologische weetjes in de Tour
  59. Granada Digital (Spain) – La UGR participa en un proyecto que descubre los secretos geológicos del Tour de Francia
  60. Ciclismo a fondo (Spain) – Un proyecto internacional descubrirá los secretos geológicos del Tour
  61. PLV (France) – Découvrez la géologie du Tour de France
  62. Canal UGR (Spain) – La UGR participa en un proyecto internacional que descubre los secretos geológicos del recorrido del Tour de Francia
  63. OSUR Rennes (France) – Géologie du Tour de France 2022
  64. Futur en Seine (France) – Découvrez la géologie du Tour de France
  65. WWU Münster (Germany) – Forschungsteam beschreibt Geologie der Tour de France
  66. 6 Park News Utah – Explore the geology of the Tour de France
  67. UP Exampaper (USA) – Explore the geology of the Tour de France & More Breaking News Headlines Today
  68. Utah News (USA) – Explore the Geology of the Tour de France
  69. Taketonews (USA) – Replace race naps with geological facts in the Tour | NOW
  70. I U Sport (Spain) – Un proyecto internacional descubrirá los secretos geológicos del Tour
  71. Algerie Monde Infos (Algeria) – Découvrez la géologie du Tour de France
  72. Ideal (Spain) – La UGR participa en un proyecto sobre el recorrido del Tour de Francia
  73. Informationsdienst Wissenschaft (Germany) – Forschungsteam beschreibt Geologie der Tour de France / Angebot für Radsportkommentatoren und ihr Publikum
  74. Yahoo Deportes (Spain) – Un proyecto internacional descubrirá los secretos geológicos del Tour
  75. The University of Utah (USA) – Explore the geology of the Tour de France
  76. Vrije Universiteit Brussel (Belgium) – De grondvesten van de Tour de France
  77. Nationale Onderwijs Gids (Netherlands) – Website ‘Geo Tour de France’ gelanceerd, voor sportredacties en fietsliefhebbers
  78. Granada Hoy (Spain) – La Universidad de Granada participa en un proyecto internacional que descubre los secretos geológicos del recorrido del Tour de Francia
  79. Granada en juego (Spain) – La UGR participa en un proyecto que descubre los secretos geológicos del recorrido del Tour de Francia
  80. In de Leiderstrui (Netherlands) – Kämna grijpt zege op Etna, López neemt roze over van Van der Poel, Dumoulin verliest tijd
  81. Rouleur Magazine (UK) – Feature story about the Geology of the Tour de France
  82. Promotiuns.hu (Hungary) – Elveszett kontinens rejtőzik Európa alatt – megtalálták a legendás Atlantiszt?
  83. Wirefax (USA) – Unusual: what is this secret continent buried for millions of years?
  84. Formatosiete (Mexico) – Científicos estudian comportamiento de volcanes y terremotos en “galápagos mexicanas”
  85. Bankaow (China) – 科学家在墨西哥的加拉帕戈斯搜寻地震和火山线索
  86. Le Americano (Mexico) – Estudian comportamiento de volcanes y terremotos en “Galápagos” de México
  87. OK Diario (Spain) – Científicos neerlandeses descubren la reacción en cadena tectónica de la Tierra
  88. Adevarul (Romania) – Adevărul despre continentele dispărute. Cum arăta Pământul acum câteva milioane de ani
  89. Amazing Facts (USA) – Scientists Discovered A Secret Continent That’s Been Hiding Under Our Noses For Millions Of Years
  90. Tech Land (USA) – Scientists New Terrifying Discovery Under The Ocean Changes Everything!
  91. Anton Petrov (Canada) – Ancient Supermountains Linked to Evolution of Life + Predicting Next One in 200 Million Years
  92. Euronews (UK) – Una nueva teoría podría a precidir los terremotos
  93. Macau Business (Macau) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  94. Blaze Trends (India) – They study the behavior of volcanoes and earthquakes in the “Galapagos” of Mexico
  95. Sciences et Avenir (France) – Dans les “Galapagos” du Mexique, éruption d’hypothèses sur les volcans et les séismes
  96. PK News (Pakistan) – سائنسدانوں نے ‘میکسیکو کے گالاپاگوس’ کو زلزلے، آتش فشاں کے سراغ کے لیے تلاش کیا
  97. Top N Blog (USA) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  98. Mein News (Germany) – Wissenschaftler durchsuchen „Mexikos Galapagos“ nach Hinweisen auf Erdbeben und Vulkane
  99. Yahoo! (USA) – Estudian comportamiento de volcanes y terremotos en “Galápagos” de México
  100. Eju! (Mexico) – El posible efecto dominó de una erupción volcánica
  101. MSN (USA) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  102. Science Springs (USA) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake and volcano clues
  103. ARTE (Germany) – Journal Junior (~2:30 onward)
  104. Sharjah 24 News (United Arab Emirates) – Scientists study volcanos and earthquakes in Mexico’s “Galapagos”
  105. Mundo Hispanico – Erupción de volcán causaría devastador tsunami, predicen expertos y Mhoni Vidente
  106. National Geographic (USA) – Qué probabilidad hay de que un par de volcanes al norte de México provoquen un tsunami
  107. Science Springs (USA) – “Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake and volcano clues”
  108. Hispano Press (USA) – Estudian comportamiento de volcanes en archipiélago de México
  109. Quick Telecast (USA) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  110. Arout (Mexico) – They study the behavior of volcanoes and earthquakes in the “Galapagos” of Mexico
  111. Today in 25 (USA) – Experts analyze the behavior of the Bárcena and Evermann volcanoes in Mexico
  112. Excelcior (Mexico) – ¿Erupción de volcán costas de México causaría un tsunami? Estudian las ‘Galápagos’
  113. Bateo Libre (Mexico) – En las «Galápagos» de México, erupción de hipótesis sobre volcanes y sismos
  114. El Buen Todo (Mexico) – Estudian las Galápagos mexicanos
  115. Borneo Bulletin (Brunei) – Scouring ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  116. Tech and Science Post (USA) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  117. Maisconhecer (Portugal) – Cientistas vasculham ‘Galápagos do México’ em busca de terremoto e pistas de vulcão
  118. Segirt (USA) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  119. Gamingsym (Germany) – Wissenschaftler durchsuchen „Mexikos Galapagos“ nach Hinweisen auf Beben und Vulkane
  120. Notimundo (Mexico) – Científicos recorren las ‘Galápagos de México’ en busca de pistas de terremotos y volcanes
  121. Radio Canada (Canada) – Au Mexique, des scientifiques testent leurs hypothèses sur les volcans et les séismes
  122. Debate (Mexico) – Estudian comportamiento de volcanes y terremotos en Galapagos de Mexico
  123. BBC News (UK) – Studying volcanoes to better understand them
  124. Animal (Mexico) – Científicos estudian ‘Galápagos’ de México para identificar riesgos de terremotos y tsunamis
  125. True Viral News (USA) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  126. Eje Central (Mexico) – Estudian actuar de volcanes y terremotos en Galapagos de Mexico
  127. International News (USA) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  128. Turned News (USA) – In Mexico, scientists test their hypotheses on volcanoes and earthquakes
  129. Nix Olympia (USA) – Scientists Search ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for Evidence of Earthquake and Volcano
  130. Urall News (India) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  131. Noticias de Buenaventura (Colombia) – Científicos recorren las ‘Galápagos de México’ en busca de pistas de terremotos y volcanes
  132. Noticias Enlamira (Mexico) – ¿Podría una erupción volcánica frente a la costa de México desencadenar un tsunami?
  133. Mexico ES Euro (Mexico) – ¿Podría una erupción volcánica frente a México causar un tsunami? Estudian las ‘Galápagos’
  134. News Day (France) – Une éruption volcanique au large du Mexique provoquerait-elle un tsunami ? Ils étudient les ‘Galapagos’
  135. Euronews (Spain) – Una nueva teoría podría ayudar a predecir los terremotos
  136. Paudal (Argentina) – A new theory could help predict earthquakes
  137. Uni 2 (Mexico) – Científicos estudian comportamiento de volcanes y terremotos en “galápagos mexicanas”
  138. FV Digital (Dominican Republic) – Estudian comportamiento de volcanes y terremotos en “Galápagos” de México
  139. MX Politico (Mexico) – Científicos recorren la ‘Galápagos mexicana’ en busca de pistas de terremotos y volcanes
  140. The News (Pakistan) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  141. The Gal Times (Canada) – They study the behavior of volcanoes and earthquakes in the “Galapagos” of Mexico
  142. Diario de Colima (Mexico) – ¿Erupción de volcán costas de Colima causaría un tsunami? Estudian las ‘Revillagigedo
  143. CR Hoy (Mexico) – Estudian posibilidad de erupcion volcanica y tsunami en costas de Mexico
  144. C9 News (UK) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues & More Breaking News Here
  145. Iconic Verge (India) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  146. Urdu Wire (Pakistan) – Scientists investigate “Mexico’s Galapagos” for quake
  147. En Portadas (Mexico) – Expertos analizan el comportamiento de los volcanes Bárcena y Evermann en México
  148. Tips n Tricks (India) -Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  149. Gujrat News (India) – سائنسدانوں نے ‘میکسیکو کے گالاپاگوس’ کو زلزلے، آتش فشاں کے سراغ کے لیے تلاش کیا
  150. Earth Press News (Germany) – Wissenschaftler durchsuchen „Mexikos Galapagos“ nach Hinweisen auf Beben und Vulkane
  151. El Universal (Mexico) – Expertos analizan el comportamiento de los volcanes Bárcena y Evermann en México
  152. La Sirena (Mexico) – Temen tsunami cientificos estudian volcanes y terremotos de Mexico
  153. Georgia News Time (USA) – Scientists search for “Galapagos Islands of Mexico” for earthquakes and volcanoes
  154. Media Automat (USA) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  155. Today Prime News (USA) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  156. Infodig (USA) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  157. Phys.org (USA) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  158. TV5 Monde (France) – Dans les “Galapagos” du Mexique, éruption d’hypothèses sur les volcans et les séismes
  159. El Financiero (Mexico) – Estudian comportamiento de volcanes y terremotos en “Galápagos” de México
  160. Yahoo News (Mexico) – Estudian comportamiento de volcanes y terremotos en “Galápagos” de México
  161. Lire le Monde (France) – Des scientifiques parcourent les «Galapagos du Mexique» à la recherche d’indices sur le tremblement de terre et le volcan
  162. Tabbed News (USA) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  163. Verve Times (India) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  164. France 24 (France) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  165. RFI (France) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  166. Prothomalo (Bangladesh) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  167. Bol News (Pakistan) – Scientists investigate “Mexico’s Galapagos” for quake
  168. Orange (France) – Dans les “Galapagos” du Mexique, éruption d’hypothèses sur les volcans et les séismes
  169. F1 Mundial (Mexico) – Científicos recorren las ‘Galápagos de México’ en busca de pistas de terremotos y volcanes
  170. Short Saveall (Mexico) – Scientists search ‘Mexican Galapagos’ for clues about earthquake and volcanic eruption
  171. My Droll (USA) – Scientists scour ‘Mexico’s Galapagos’ for quake, volcano clues
  172. La Croix (France) – Dans les “Galapagos” du Mexique, éruption d’hypothèses sur les volcans et les séismes
  173. Nerdswire (Germany) – Wissenschaftler durchsuchen „Mexikos Galapagos“ nach Hinweisen auf Beben und Vulkane
  174. Impulsse (Mexico) – Científicos buscan «Galápagos mexicanos» para encontrar rastros de terremoto volcán
  175. Boursorama (France) – Dans les “Galapagos” du Mexique, éruption d’hypothèses sur les volcans et les séismes
  176. Blue News (Switzerland) – Dans les «Galapagos» du Mexique, une éruption d’hypothèses
  177. Kijk (the Netherlands) – De aarde beweegt onder onze voeten
  178. Botosani (Romania) – Adevărul despre continentele dispărute. Cum arăta Pământul acum câteva milioane de ani
  179. Caffefiorini (Italy) – Israeli academic’s time travel journey in Earth’s crust may perhaps clarify world’s structure
  180. News ES Euro (Spain) – Descubren la reacción en cadena tectónica de la Tierra
  181. All News Press (Turkey) – Europe: It started with a supervolcano – Knowledge
  182. Forschung und Wissen (Germany) – Tektonische Kettenreaktion der Erde entdeckt
  183. Arctic Portal (Iceland) – Geologists unravel plate tectonic chain reaction
  184. Le Roy Farmer City Press (USA) – A tectonic chain reaction
  185. Scinexx (Germany) – Tektonische Kettenreaktion enthüllt
  186. Süddeutsche Zeitung (Germany) – Die Erschaffung Europas
  187. Liberty-Lyle (Israel) – Israeli academic’s time travel adventure in Earth’s crust may explain world’s layout
  188. Crucible Institute (Israel) – مغامرة السفر عبر الزمن لأكاديمي إسرائيلي في قشرة الأرض قد تفسر تخطيط العالم
  189. Consulado General de Israel (Equador) – La aventura de viaje en el tiempo de un académico israelí en la corteza terrestre puede explicar el diseño del mundo
  190. Israel Nieuws (Netherlands) – Geologen uit Israël, Nederland en Australië ontrafelen plaat tektonische kettingreactie
  191. The Times of Israel (Israel) – Israeli academic’s time travel adventure in Earth’s crust may explain world’s layout
  192. Meteoweb (Italy) – Geologi svelano la reazione a catena della tettonica delle placche: verso una maggiore comprensione del vulcanesimo
  193. Haaretz (Israel) – Tectonic Events Can Cause Global Chain Reactions, Israeli-Dutch Team Proves
  194. India Education Diary (India) – Utrecht University: Geologists unravel plate tectonic chain reaction
  195. Ordo News (USA) – Geologists have discovered a strange tectonic reaction on Earth in the past
  196. Qwerty Mag (Italy) – I geologi dell’Università di Utrecht hanno rivelato l’interazione delle placche tettoniche a catena
  197. Sign of the Times (USA) – Geologists unravel plate tectonic chain reaction
  198. Nationale Onderwijsgids (the Netherlands) – Geologen van Universiteit Utrecht ontrafelen plaattektonische kettingreactie
  199. SciTechDaily (USA) – Balkanatolia: Forgotten Continent Discovered by Team of Paleontologists and Geologists
  200. EurekAlert (USA) – Balkanatolia: the forgotten continent that sheds light on the evolution of mammals
  201. Techno-Science.net – Balkanatolie: le continent oublié qui éclaire l’évolution des mammifères
  202. Cn Beta (China) – 索马里“喜马拉雅山脉”: 你永远不会看到的最大的山脉
  203. Traveling Geologist (USA) – Ophiolites, sediments, and drills on the Andaman Islands with Douwe van Hinsbergen
  204. Focus Technica (USA) – The Somalayas: The Biggest Mountain Range You Will Never See
  205. Trans Asia News (Sri Lanka) – Lanka as it is will disappear in 200 million years
  206. Sirglund (Somalia) – India, Somalia and Madagascar may become one continent in 200 million years: Study
  207. Newspot (Nigeria) – The Biggest Mountain Range You Will Never See
  208. Amazing RK (India) – New continent will surround India!
  209. Black Economic Development (USA) – A New study shows India will crash into Africa continent in 200 million years
  210. OMG Voice (Ghana) – A New Study Shows India Will Crash Into Africa Continent In 200 Million Years
  211. The Times of Truth (India) – The Largest Mountain Vary You Will By no means See
  212. SciTechDaily (USA) – The Somalayas: The Biggest Mountain Range You Will Never See
  213. NRC (the Netherlands) – Explosie van onderzeese vulkaan
  214. Akhbar 24 News (Morocco) – so will Somalaya, the “new Himalaya” that will rise in 200 million years
  215. LT News (India) – The Arabian Sea is gone .. Somalia and Mumbai will unite!
  216. Newsy Today (India) – Science from Thiruvananthapuram to Karachi; Somalia will kneel in Kerala!
  217. Upsc Guru (India) – India will collide in africa somalia after 20 crore years research ashas
  218. News Buzz (India) – …so will India be found in Africa! Shocking prediction made through artificial intelligence!
  219. News Tapri (India) – India will collide in africa somalia after 20 crore years research ashas
  220. News 18 (India) – …तो क्या अफ्रीका में मिल जाएगा भारत! आर्टिफिशियल इंटेलिजेंस के जरिए हुई चौंकाने वाली भविष्यवाणी!
  221. Riau 24 (Indonesia) – Simulasi AI Mengklaim Pantai Barat India Akan Menabrak Afrika Dalam 200 Juta Tahun
  222. News 18 (India) – Mumbai To Be Neighbours With Somalia’s Capital Mogadishu in 200 Million Years: Study
  223. Lizarazo (Colombia) – Estos investigadores dibujan las montañas del futuro: así será Somalaya, el “nuevo Himalaya” que se alzará en 200 millones de años
  224. The Indies Times (India) – India on a collision course to Madagascar, Somalia; Know what happens to Mumbai!
  225. FM1: 105.3 (Argentina) – Estos investigadores dibujan las montañas del futuro: así será Somalaya, el “nuevo Himalaya” que se alzará en 200 millones de años
  226. India Times (India) – India’s West Coast Will Crash Into Africa In 200 Million Years, Claims AI Simulation
  227. The Hack Posts (USA) – India on a collision course to Madagascar, Somalia; Know what happens to Mumbai!
  228. Hi Tech Hindustan Times (India) – India on collision course with Madagascar, Somalia; Know what happens to Mumbai!
  229. Techi AI (India) – India on a collision course to Madagascar, Somalia; Know what happens to Mumbai!
  230. India on 24 (India) – India on a collision course with Madagascar, Somalia; Know what is happening in Mumbai!
  231. Newsaxes (India) – India, Somalia, Madagascar Might Collide to Kind One Continent in 200 Million Years: Examine
  232. El Mundo (Honduras) – India, Somalia y Madagascar pueden unirse para convertirse en un continente en 200 millones de años: estudio
  233. Digitpatrox (India) – India, Somalia, Madagascar May Collide to Form One Continent in 200 Million Years: Study
  234. News 24 (France) – L’Inde, la Somalie et Madagascar pourraient entrer en collision pour former un continent dans 200 millions d’années : étude
  235. All Places Map (India) – India, Somalia, Madagascar May Collide to Form One Continent in 200 Million Years: Study
  236. Bharat Times (India) – India, Somalia, Madagascar may collide to form a continent in 200 million years: Study
  237. Archyworldys (India) – India, Somalia and Madagascar could collide to form continent in 200 million years: study
  238. India Narrative (India) – 200 Million Years From Now, India, Somalia, Kenya and Madagascar may merge into a super-Continent
  239. Technologijos (Lithuania) – „Somalajų kalnai“ gali būti didžiausia kalnų grandinė, kurios mes nepamatysime: Šiaurės vakarų Indija bus palaidota po Somaliu (Video)
  240. Media Atuma (Indonesia) – India, Somalia, dan Madagaskar akan menjadi satu benua dalam 200 juta tahun: studi
  241. Noticias de Buenaventura (Colombia) – India, Somalia y Madagascar pueden unirse para convertirse en un continente en 200 millones de años: estudio
  242. Bolamadura (Indonesia) – India, Somalia, dan Madagaskar bisa bersatu menjadi satu benua dalam 200 juta tahun: belajar
  243. Harpia News (India) – India, Somalia and Madagascar could be part of to turn out to be one continent in 200 million years: Study
  244. The Media Coffee (India) – India, Somalia and Madagascar may join to become one continent in 200 million years: Study
  245. Prestigious Scholarships (India) – India, Somalia and Madagascar may join to become one continent in 200 million years: Study
  246. NewMagz (India) – India, Somalia and Madagascar may join to become one continent in 200 million years: Study
  247. Canadian Pathram (Canada) – India, Somalia and Madagascar might be a part of to develop into one continent in 200 million years: Research
  248. USA News (USA) – India, Somalia and Madagascar may join to become one continent in 200 million years: Study
  249. Priangan News (India) – India, Somalia, dan Madagaskar dapat menyatukan lebih dari 200 juta tahun untuk menjadi sebuah benua: Studi
  250. Noticias del Mundo (Spain) – India, Somalia y Madagascar pueden unirse para convertirse en un continente en 200 millones de años: estudio
  251. Cosmosonic (France) – L’Inde, la Somalie et Madagascar peuvent s’unir pour devenir un continent dans 200 millions d’années : étude
  252. India News Fast (India) – India, Somalia and Madagascar may join to become one continent in 200 million years: Study
  253. The Indian Express (India) – India, Somalia and Madagascar may join to become one continent in 200 million years: Study
  254. Ziare (Romania) – Cei mai mari munți pe care nu-i vom vedea niciodată. Fabulosul lanț Somalaya


  1. NWO (the Netherlands) – Twentysix groundbreaking research projects launched via the Open Competition Domain Science – XS
  2. Universiteit Utrecht – Seed fund voor vijf onderzoekers om een public engagement-activiteit te realiseren
  3. PubLeak (India) – The ‘Somalaya Mountains’ Might Be The Biggest Mountain Range You’ll Never Get to See
  4. Architected Time (USA) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  5. Fanta Movies (USA) – The ‘Somalaya Mountains’ Might Be The Biggest Mountain Range You’ll Never Get to See
  6. Data HK (Indonesia) – Somalaya adalah banjaran gunung terbesar yang anda tidak akan pernah lihat
  7. La Tercera Voz (Spain) – Estos investigadores dibujan las montañas del futuro: así será Somalaya, el «nuevo Himalaya» que se alzará en 200 millones de años
  8. Ciencia y Realidad (Spain) – Estos investigadores dibujan las montañas del futuro: así será Somalaya, el “nuevo Himalaya” que se alzará en 200 millones de años
  9. Soctrang (Vietnam) – Xác định dãy núi lớn nhất Trái Đất mà không ai nhìn thấy: Somalaya
  10. Plu7 (Spain) – Esses pesquisadores desenham as montanhas do futuro: esta será Somalaya, a “Novo Himalaia” que aumentará em 200 milhões de anos
  11. Then24 (UK) – These researchers draw the mountains of the future: this will be Somalaya, the “new himalaya” that will rise in 200 million years
  12. Xataca (Spain) – Estos investigadores dibujan las montañas del futuro: así será Somalaya, el “nuevo Himalaya” que se alzará en 200 millones de años
  13. Blodico (Spain) – Estos investigadores dibujan las montañas del futuro: así será Somalaya, el “nuevo Himalaya” que se alzará en 200 millones de años
  14. Gonzalo Varas (Chile) – Estos investigadores dibujan las montañas del futuro: así será Somalaya, el “nuevo Himalaya” que se alzará en 200 millones de años
  15. AWS for WP (USA) – The Somalia is the largest mountain range you will never see
  16. Kenh14 (Vietnam) – Xác định dãy núi lớn nhất Trái Đất mà không ai nhìn thấy: Somalaya
  17. Samachar Central (India) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  18. Qrius (India) – This is the biggest mountain range..that you will never see?
  19. Worddisk (USA) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  20. Blogtuan (Vietnam) – Identify the Earth’s largest mountain range that no one has seen: Somalaya-Travel
  21. ScienceInfo (USA) – Identify the largest mountain range on Earth that no one has seen called Somalaya
  22. 24h (Vietnam) – Xác định dãy núi lớn nhất Trái Đất mà không ai nhìn thấy: Somalaya
  23. Eva (Vietnam) – Xác định dãy núi lớn nhất Trái Đất mà không ai nhìn thấy: Somalaya
  24. Nguoi Lad Dong (Vietnam) – Xác định dãy núi lớn nhất Trái Đất mà không ai nhìn thấy: Somalaya
  25. Khaohoc TV (Vietnam) – Xác định dãy núi lớn nhất Trái đất mà không ai nhìn thấy mang tên Somalaya
  26. News Fr 24 (France) – Somalaya” : découvrez les montagnes qui remplaceront l’Himalaya dans le futur
  27. Net News (Vietnam) – Xác định dãy núi lớn nhất Trái Đất mà không ai nhìn thấy: Somalaya
  28. India on 24 News (India) – discover the mountains that will replace the Himalayas in the future
  29. Soha (Vietnam) – Xác định dãy núi lớn nhất Trái Đất mà không ai nhìn thấy: Somalaya
  30. News Spain 24 (Spain) – Los Somalaya son la cadena montañosa más grande que nunca verás
  31. The Times Hub (India) – The largest planets in history: new mountains will appear on Earth in 200 million years
  32. NLD (Vietnam) – Xác định dãy núi lớn nhất Trái Đất mà không ai nhìn thấy: Somalaya
  33. Hi News (Russia) – Через 200 миллионов лет на Земле появятся огромные «Сомалийские горы»
  34. Giornali di Pugli (Italy) – Scienziati scoprono il continente sommerso sotto l’Europa: si chiamerà ‘Greater Adria’
  35. ML/Actu (France) – La fissuration de la croûte terrestre par un supervolcan a provoqué une rotation des plaques.
  36. The Week (India) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  37. Mena Fn (USA) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  38. Wow Siap (Indonesia) – Gunung Somalaya Diprediksi Gantikan Himalaya di Masa Depan
  39. Quick Telecast (USA) – The ‘Somalaya Mountains’ Might Be The Biggest Mountain Range You’ll Never Get to See
  40. Nach Welt (Germany) – “Somalaya”: Entdecken Sie die Berge, die in Zukunft den Himalaya ersetzen werden
  41. Take One Digital (India) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  42. IG News (Pakistan) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  43. News Concerns (USA) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  44. Diglogs (USA) – The Somalayas are the largest mountain vary you’ll by no means see
  45. Media Atuma (Indonesia) – ‘Pegunungan Somalia’ mungkin merupakan pegunungan terbesar yang pernah Anda lihat
  46. NotiUlti (Spain) – “Somalaya”: descubre las montañas que reemplazarán al Himalaya en el futuro
  47. The Kathmandu Post (Nepal) – The Somalayas
  48. Newsday24 (Morocco) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  49. Worldzznews (USA) – The ‘Somalaya Mountains’ May Be The Largest Mountain Vary You may By no means Get to See
  50. Answers to all (USA) – Are mountains still being formed?
  51. Tadjikistan News (Tadjikistan) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  52. Global Advisors (South Africa) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  53. Travelmag (Vietnam) – Sự trỗi dậy của Somalaya: Himalaya hùng vĩ có thể được nối với một dãy núi khác
  54. Southampton News Today (UK) – The Somalayas are the most important mountain vary you’ll by no means see
  55. Quick Telecast (USA) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  56. Gamers Grade (USA) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  57. Leicester News Today (UK) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  58. The Every News (India) – Know concerning the mountains that can change the Himalayas in future
  59. Europe Times News (UK) – ‘Somalaya’: Know concerning the mountains that may substitute the Himalayas in future
  60. Hunt Daily News (India) – Know about the mountains that will replace the Himalayas in future
  61. 24HTech (India) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  62. Mainland Times (Europe) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  63. NewsExpress (India) – Know in regards to the mountains that will change the Himalayas in future
  64. News4Social (India) – ‘Somalaya’: Know about the mountains that will exchange the Himalayas in upcoming
  65. Funtitech (India) – Learn about the mountains that will replace the Himalayas in the future
  66. Bharat Express News (India) – “Somalaya”: discover the mountains which will replace the Himalayas in the future
  67. DNA (India) – Somalaya’: Know about the mountains that will replace the Himalayas in the future
  68. Australian Times (Australia) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  69. HP Cigar (USA) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  70. Science Spies (USA) – The ‘Somalaya Mountains’ might be the biggest mountain range you’ll never get to see
  71. Public News (USA) – The ‘Somalaya Mountains’ Might Be The Biggest Mountain Range You’ll Never Get to See
  72. Reportwire (USA) – The ‘Somalaya Mountains’ Might Be The Biggest Mountain Range You’ll Never Get to See
  73. Top Travel Link (USA) – Future Mountain Range Will Be The “Largest Mountain Range You Will Never See”
  74. Bingxo (USA) – The ‘Somalaya Mountains’ Might Be The Biggest Mountain Range You’ll Never Get to See
  75. Urallnews (India) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  76. Learn Today (USA) – The ‘Somalaya Mountains’ Might Be The Biggest Mountain Range You’ll Never Get to See
  77. Changing World News (USA) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  78. Stephen Dean (USA) – The ‘Somalaya Mountains’ Might Be The Biggest Mountain Range You’ll Never Get to See
  79. Funny Canny (USA) – The ‘Somalaya Mountains’ Might Be The Biggest Mountain Range You’ll Never Get to See
  80. Sheffield News Today (UK) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  81. Access TV Pro (India) – The ‘Somalaya Mountains’ Would possibly Be The Largest Mountain Vary You will By no means Get to See
  82. Novonite (Bulgaria) – The Somalia is the largest mountain range you will never see
  83. Newsfounded (Zimbabwe) – Somalayas is the largest mountain range you will never see
  84. Remonews (India) – Somalayas are the largest mountain range you will never see
  85. Bigworldfree4u (India) – Somalayan is the largest mountain range you will never see
  86. Mixpoint (India) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  87. Inkl (USA) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  88. Latest LY (USA) – World News | The Somalayas Are the Biggest Mountain Range You Will Never See
  89. Head Topics (USA) – The ‘Somalaya Mountains’ Might Be The Biggest Mountain Range You’ll Never Get to See
  90. Heromag (USA) – Somalaya is the largest mountain range you will ever see
  91. X99 News (USA) – The Somalia is the largest mountain range you will never see
  92. MSN (USA) – ‘Somalaya’: Know about the mountains that will replace the Himalayas in future
  93. Science Springs (USA) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  94. Unofficial Networks (USA) – Future Mountain Range Will Be The “Largest Mountain Range You Will Never See”
  95. Jioforme (USA) – The “Somali Mountains” may be the largest mountain range you can never see
  96. Florida News Times (USA) – Somalayan is the largest mountain range you will never see
  97. Phys.org (USA) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  98. Newsfounded (Ireland) – Somalayas is the largest mountain range you will never see
  99. DayToNews (New Zealand) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  100. Bristol News Today (UK) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  101. Newsbeezer (UK) – The Somalayas are the largest mountain range that you will never see
  102. Devdiscourse (India) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  103. Telangana Today (India) – Somalayas are biggest mountain range you will never see, say geologists
  104. ScienceAlert (USA) – The ‘Somalaya Mountains’ Might Be The Biggest Mountain Range You’ll Never Get to See
  105. The Conversation (UK) – The Somalayas are the biggest mountain range you will never see
  106. Lecture for KNAG (geography teachers’ society) – Plaattektoniek
  107. Volkskrant (Netherlands) – Veertien doden en tientallen gewonden bij vulkaanuitbarsting op Java
  108. Khrono (Norway) – Kun seks kvinner blant de mest siterte forskerne i Norge
  109. Telegraaf (the Netherlands) – Zo werkt een vulkaan
  110. Geology Bites (USA) – Douwe van Hinsbergen on What Drives the Motions of Tectonic Plates (Podcast)
  111. Featuring in Mathijs Deen’s book ‘De Grenzeloze Rivier – verhalen uit het Rijk van de Rijn’
  112. La Tribune (Canada) – Des supervolcans à l’origine des plaques tectoniques?
  113. Le Nouvelliste (Canada) – Des supervolcans à l’origine des plaques tectoniques?
  114. La Voix de l’Est (Canada) – Des supervolcans à l’origine des plaques tectoniques?
  115. Le Soleil (Canada) – Des supervolcans à l’origine des plaques tectoniques?
  116. Techno-Science.net (Canada) – Des supervolcans à l’origine des plaques tectoniques ?
  117. ULaval nouvelles (Canada) – Des supervolcans à l’origine des plaques tectoniques?
  118. ViGuide (Vietnam) – The majestic Himalayas might be joined with one other mountain range
  119. Jura Forum (Germany) – Kontinental-Pirouetten
  120. Scinexx (Germany) – Supervulkan ließ Erdplatte rotieren
  121. Focus Online (Germany) – Supervulkan ließ Erdplatte rotieren – Folgen bis nach Europa
  122. Geology Page (USA) – Supervolcano fed from Earth’s mantle caused crustal plates to rotate
  123. De Volkskrant (the Netherlands) – Zonder vliegen naar Amerika en klimmen op de ‘Somalaya’: Utrechtse geologen voorspellen de toekomst
  124. NOS Studio Sport TV (the Netherlands) – Regular updates on the geology of the stages of the Tour de France 2021
  125. Iconic Verge (USA) – Supervolcano fed from Earth’s mantle caused crustal plates to rotate
  126. Pro-Physik (Germany) – Wenn Kontinente Pirouetten drehen
  127. Research in Germany (Germany) – Continental Pirouettes
  128. News FR24 (France) – Un supervolcan alimenté par le manteau terrestre a provoqué la rotation des plaques crustales
  129. Kompas (Indonesia) – Gunung Berapi Super di Mantel Bumi Membuat Lempeng Kerak Bumi Berotasi
  130. News Beezer (Indonesia) – Super volcanoes in the earth’s mantle cause the earth’s crust to rotate
  131. Samachar Central (India) – Supervolcano fed from Earth’s mantle caused crustal plates to rotate
  132. NOS Studio Sport TV (the Netherlands) – daily updates on the geology of the Tour de France stages
  133. The CEED blog (Norway) – How to split Earth’s crust in two – from India to Turkey
  134. Science Daily (USA) – Supervolcano fed from Earth’s mantle caused crustal plates to rotate
  135. Notizie Scientifiche (Italy) – Spaccatura della crosta terrestre provocata da supervulcano ha causato rotazione delle placche
  136. DWeb News (South Africa) – Kontinentale pirouette: Supervulkaan wat uit die aarde se mantel gevoer is, het korsplate laat draai
  137. Press-News.org (USA) – Continental pirouettes
  138. My Droll (USA) – Supervolcano fed from Earth’s mantle caused crustal plates to rotate
  139. Funtitech (USA) – A catastrophic eruption supplied by the Earth’s mantle caused the crustal plate to rotate
  140. Phys.org (USA) – Continental pirouettes: Supervolcano fed from Earth’s mantle caused crustal plates to rotate
  141. Eurekalert (USA) – Continental pirouettes
  142. Geographical (UK) – Predicting the formation of a new mountain range
  143. NPO Radio 2 (the Netherlands) – daily morning column about the geology of the Tour de France stage
  144. School TV (the Netherlands) – Bergen van de Toekomst
  145. Geobronnen (the Netherlands) – De geologie van de Tour de France
  146. NPO Radio 2 (the Netherlands) – Dit zijn de geologische feitjes van de Tour de France etappe van vandaag
  147. Geografie (the Netherlands) – De Tour de France: Aanvallen in de kristallijne massieven
  148. Wikipedia (the Netherlands) – Somalaya
  149. Hug me Earth (India) – Shaping the Mountains of the Future
  150. Telegraaf (the Netherlands) – China gaat onder Taiwan liggen, India groeit
  151. NRC (the Netherlands) – Het is lekker sprinten in sedimentaire bekkens
  152. RTV Utrecht (the Netherlands) – Utrechtse geoloog bestudeert etappes van de Tour: ‘De Mont Ventoux, dat is een rare berg’
  153. Radio M (the Netherlands) – interview ‘Geologie van de Tour de France’
  154. Geografie (the Netherlands) – Hyperberg
  155. BN de Stem (the Netherlands) – Nederland lag ooit op het verloren continent Avalonia, met Canada, Engeland, Denemarken en Duitsland
  156. Tubantia (the Netherlands) – Nederland lag ooit op het verloren continent Avalonia, met Canada, Engeland, Denemarken en Duitsland
  157. Eindhovens Dagblad (the Netherlands) – Nederland lag ooit op het verloren continent Avalonia, met Canada, Engeland, Denemarken en Duitsland
  158. De Stentor (the Netherlands) – Nederland lag ooit op het verloren continent Avalonia, met Canada, Engeland, Denemarken en Duitsland
  159. Algemeen Dagblad (the Netherlands) – Nederland lag ooit op het verloren continent Avalonia, met Canada, Engeland, Denemarken en Duitsland
  160. Algemeen Dagblad (the Netherlands) – Aarde is bezig met nieuwe bergketen
  161. National Geographic (USA) – Earth has lost and gained many oceans. Here’s where a new one might appear next.
  162. Kijk Magazine (the Netherlands) – We hebben toekomstige gebergten geconstrueerd
  163. GIM International (USA) – Shaping the Mountains of the Future
  164. Gelderlander (the Netherlands) – Utrechtse onderzoekers voorspellen als eerste ter wereld nieuw supergebergte in India
  165. Algemeen Dagblad (the Netherlands) – Utrechtse onderzoekers voorspellen als eerste ter wereld nieuw supergebergte in India
  166. Daily Express Tribune (Pakistan) – PU organises geological congress after 30 years
  167. Geografie (the Netherlands) – Oorzaak en gevolg: platentektoniek en het onderwijs
  168. N+1 News (Russia) – Геологи реконструировали историю разделения Антарктиды и Южной Америки
  169. ZDF (Germany) – Terra X: Ungelöste Fälle der Archäologie – Verlorene Welten (TV Documentary) (from 3:55 onwards)
  170. Pragativadi (India) – Has the ‘real’ Atlantis finally been found?


  1. Traveling Geologist (USA) – Geology of a Caribbean gem: Antigua (Northern Lesser Antilles) with Brechtje Brons and Koen van der Looij
  2. Brightside (USA) – Earth has a new continent, but it’s hiding
  3. New Scientist (Netherlands) – Kosmische straling toon aan dat Zwitserse Alpen groeien
  4. Futura Planète (France) – Des scientifiques sont sur les traces d’une grande île disparue dans les Antilles
  5. Fax info (Saint-Martin) – Granola: the island of which Saint-Martin and Saint-Barth were part
  6. Wikipedia – GrANoLA
  7. Pour la Science (France) – GrANoLA, l’île disparue des Antilles
  8. New Scientist (Netherlands) – Verloren tektonische plaat eindelijk gevonden
  9. Leidsch Dagblad (Netherlands) – Het verdwenen continent Groot Adrië
  10. Le Journal de Saint-Barth (Guadeloupe) – Granola : quand nos îles n’en étaient qu’une
  11. RCI Fm (Guadeloupe) – Granola : l’île dont faisaient partie St-Martin et St-Barth
  12. NRC Handelsblad (Netherlands) – Regenval kan Himalaya ook laten groeien
  13. New Sphere (Japan) – ヨーロッパ深部に眠る「大アドリア大陸」とは 1億年前に消えた幻の大陸
  14. One News Page (USA) – Have You Heard of Greater Adria, a Mysterious Continent Buried Under Europe for Millions of Years?
  15. RTL Nieuws (Netherlands) – Vulkaan ontdekt in de Noordzee: ‘Een toevalstreffer’
  16. NOS Journaal (Netherlands) – Mulciber vulkaan ontdekt in Noordzee (our reconstruction movie was used, from 11:20)
  17. Wetenschap.nu (Netherlands) – Nieuwe vulkaan ontdekt in Nederlandse ondergrond
  18. Greek Reporter (Greece) – When Greece was Part of the Lost Continent of Greater Adria
  19. Gentside (UK) – Have You Heard of Greater Adria, a Mysterious Continent Buried Under Europe for Millions of Years?
  20. The Epoch Times (Romania) – Continentul pierdut – Marea Adria
  21. BNR Nieuwsradio (Netherlands) – Oudste impactkrater ondekt in Australië
  22. Public Lecture Hunebedcentrum, Borger (Netherlands) – Het verloren continent Groot Adrië, en de vorming van de zuid-Europese gebergtegordel
  23. The Science Times (USA) – Earth Revealed Its Oddball-Side in Several Ways
  24. I Fucking Love Science (USA) – The Most Mind-Boggling Scientific Discoveries Of 2019 Include The First Image Of A Black Hole, A Giant Squid Sighting, And An Exoplanet With Water Vapor
  25. I Fucking Love Science (USA) – The Most Awe-Inspiring Scientific Discoveries Of The 2010s Include The First Image Of A Black Hole, An Exoplanet With Water, And A Hidden Continent
  26. Inverse (USA) – 2019’s 20 most incredible stories about our planet
  27. AIPT (USA) – AIPT Science presents: The most devastating and uplifting geology stories of the decade
  28. AIPT (USA) – The underground rises — the biggest geology and paleontology stories of 2019
  29. Denton Daily (USA) – Lost Greenland-sized continent ‘Greater Adria‘ smashed into Europe 100million years ago


  1. Traveling Geologist (Canada) – Searching for lost plates of the paleo-Pacific in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo with Suzanna van de Lagemaat
  2. News 18 (India) – Long-Lost ‘8th Continent’ Was Just Discovered, and You May Already Have Visited It
  3. Thema (Greece) – Ancient Continent discovered hiding beneath Europe
  4. BBC (Thailand) – 10 อันดับสุดยอดความก้าวหน้าทางวิทยาศาสตร์ ปี 2019
  5. Tempo (Indonesia) – 10 Tanda Alam Misterius dari Bumi Sepanjang 2019
  6. Mental Floss (USA) – 100 Things We Learned in 2019
  7. Catch (India) – 14 करोड़ साल पहले समुद्र में डूब गया था ये महाद्वीप, वैज्ञानिकों ने की खोज
  8. BNR Nieuwsradio (Netherlands) – IJzersneeuw in de buitenkern van de aarde (interview)
  9. Live Science (USA) – 10 Ways Earth Revealed Its Weirdness in 2019
  10. The Third Eye (Malta) – A scientific overview of 2019 | S-Cubed
  11. VN Express (Vietnam) – 10 sự kiện khoa học thế giới nổi bật 2019
  12. Inverse (USA) – Scientists discovered a lost continent shoved underneath Europe
  13. Science (USA) – Our favorite science news stories of 2019
  14. Geografie (Netherlands) – Groot Adrië
  15. Elle (Vietnam) – 19 sự thật thú vị được khám phá trong năm 2019 (P1)
  16. Viajestic (Spain) – Gran Adria, el continente que está enterrado debajo de Europa
  17. La Patilla (Venezuela) – El continente perdido de Gran Adria fue encontrado bajo el sur de Europa
  18. Business Insider (India) – The most awe inspiring scientific discoveries of the decade include the god particle, the first image of a black hole, and the ability to edit the human genome
  19. Business Insider (USA) – The most mind-boggling scientific discoveries of 2019 include the first image of a black hole, a giant squid sighting, and an exoplanet with water vapor
  20. Tinmoi (Vietnam) – 19 sự thật thú vị được phát hiện năm 2019
  21. Business Insider (Germany) – Die größten wissenschaftlichen Entdeckungen des Jahres 2019
  22. Business Insider (Spain) – Los descubrimientos científicos más alucinantes de 2019 incluyen la primera imagen de un agujero negro, el hallazgo de un calamar gigante y un exoplaneta con vapor de agua
  23. Inn (Poland) – Chodzimy po zaginionym kontynencie. To efekt globalnej kolizji, która zajęła miliony lat
  24. Bohemia (Cuba) – Olvídese de la Atlántida
  25. Best Life – The 19 Most Interesting Facts We Learned in 2019
  26. Cosmos Magazine (USA) – What are lost continents, and why are we discovering so many?
  27. Phys.org – What are lost continents, and why are we discovering so many?
  28. Inverse (USA) – Why we are discovering more “lost continents” on Earth
  29. Viajestic (Spain) – Gran Adria, el continente que está enterrado debajo de Europa
  30. The Print (India) – There are more than 7 continents and we are discovering so many now
  31. Denton Daily (USA) – Lost Greenland-sized continent ‘Greater Adria‘ smashed into Europe 100million years ago
  32. Daily Stock Dish – Plate Tectonics runs deeper than we thought
  33. Daily Stock Dish (USA) – Researchers discover lost continent hidden under Europe
  34. Daily Stock Dish (USA) – A lost continent has just been discovered in Europe
  35. The Conversation (Australia) – What are lost continents, and why are we discovering so many?
  36. Web.de (Germany) – Greater Adria entdeckt: Was bedeutet der Fund des verlorenen Kontinents für uns?
  37. Heise (Germany) – Zahlen, bitte! Auf der Suche nach dem 8. Kontinent
  38. Computerra (Russia) – На глубине 1600 км под Европой находится затерянный континент
  39. Utrecht Nieuws – Prehistorische woestijn in Nederland verklaard met paleomagnetisch onderzoek Universiteit Utrecht
  40. Kijk – Aan het woord: wij vinden continenten opgefrommeld tussen gebergten
  41. De Gelderlander – Winterswijk lag ooit dicht bij de evenaar
  42. Tubantia – Winterswijk lag ooit dicht bij de evenaar
  43. De Stentor – Winterswijk lag ooit dicht bij de evenaar
  44. Vietgiaitri (Vietnam) – Phát hiện lục địa cổ đại nằm ẩn dưới châu Âu
  45. Tencent (China) – 亚特兰蒂斯真的存在?欧洲发现沉没的大陆!
  46. Would You Say So (USA) – A lost continent has been discovered, buried beneath Europe
  47. Aim (Argentina) – Gran Adria, el continente perdido que está sepultado bajo el sur de Europa
  48. Wyborcza (Poland) – Naukowcy odkryli zaginiony kontynent! Zapadł się jak Atlantyda, pozostały po nim marne resztki
  49. Seeker (USA) – There’s a hidden continent lurking below Europe (Youtube movie)
  50. BNR Nieuwsradio (the Netherlands) – Utrechtse onderzoekers ontdekken continent onder Zuid-Europa
  51. Ars Technica – Plate tectonics runs deeper than we thought
  52. Nemo Kennislink (the Netherlands) – Waarom het ‘dak van de wereld’ aan het instorten is
  53. Bukovyna Online (Ukraine) – Голландським вченим вдалося відшукати загублений континент
  54. Maxpark (Russia) – Под Европой обнаружился затерянный континент
  55. Webinfo (Kazakhstan) – Под Европой найден потерянный континент Источник
  56. Xabar (Uzbekistan) – Олимлар йўқолган қитъани Европа остидан топишди
  57. Sozero Livejournal (Russia) – Под Европой обнаружился затерянный континент
  58. Golos (Ukraine) – Голландским ученым удалось отыскать затерянный континент
  59. Inosmi (Russia) – под Европой найден потерянный континент
  60. Student (Slovenia) – Odkrili izgubljeno celino pod Evropo
  61. Viata Libera (Romania) – Continentul ascuns
  62. Big Think (USA) – Greater Adria, a lost continent hiding in plain sight
  63. Nase Voda (Czech Republic) – Pod jižní Evropou se skrývá ztracený kontinent velikosti Grónska
  64. TN8 TV (Nicaragua) – Descubren un continente perdido sepultado bajo el sur de Europa
  65. Vox Biz (Romania) – S-a descoperit un nou continent! Ce se află sub Europa
  66. 24 Brasil (Brasil) – Achado geográfico | Cientistas descobrem a Grande Adria, continente perdido debaixo da Europa
  67. Monitor Expresso (Mexico) – Nuevo continente descubierto y llamado Gran Adria
  68. Onet Facet (Poland) – Naukowcy odkryli nowy kontynent. Znajduje się pod Europą
  69. TLS Dario (Argentina) – Descubren nuevo continente parcialmente hundido bajo Europa: muchos lo han pisado sin saberlo
  70. Edukasija (Serbia) – Ispod Mediterana se nalazi kontinent?
  71. Tele Cinco (Spain) – Gran Adria, el continente ‘perdido’ en el mar que se encuentra bajo el sur de Europa
  72. Polemica Paraiba (Brazil) – Cientistas descobrem continente perdido ‘enterrado’ na Europa
  73. Michoacán en Concreto (Mexico) – Descubren un continente oculto en la Tierra, le llaman “Gran Adria”
  74. Descopera (Romania) – Continentul ascuns de sub Europa. ”Mulţi turişti îşi petrec vacanţele aici, fără să realizeze”
  75. My Net (Turkey) – Türkiye’nin altında ‘kayıp kıta’ bulundu
  76. TN 24 TV (Guatemala) – Científicos hallan Gran Adria, el continente oculto debajo de Europa
  77. Huffington Post (Tunesia) – Un continent perdu a été retrouvé sous l’Europe
  78. Periodista Digital (Spain) – Gran Adria; el continente perdido descubierto bajo Europa
  79. ABC TV (Norway) – Slik ble kontinetet «Greater Adria» til – og slik forsvant det
  80. First Sauce (India) – New hidden continent ‘Greater Adria’ discovered under Europe by researchers
  81. VTM (Czech Republic) – Tisíc kilometrů hluboko pod Evropou leží prastarý kontinent Greater Adria
  82. Travel Scout 24 (Germany) – Greater Adria: Unter Europa befindet sich ein versunkener Kontinent
  83. Gazeta (Poland) – Pod Europą znaleziono “zatopiony” kontynent. Był wielkości Grenlandii
  84. Pro Pakistan (Pakistan) – Scientists Discover A Lost Continent in the European Region
  85. Cuatro (Spain) – Gran Adria, el continente del tamaño de Groenlandia que se encuentra bajo Europa
  86. Opovo (Brazil) – Cientistas encontram “continente perdido” no sul da Europa
  87. HNA (Germany) – Unfassbare Entdeckung: Forscher finden versunkenen Kontinent
  88. Bao Moi (Vietnam) – Phát hiện lục địa bí ẩn nằm ngay bên dưới châu Âu
  89. B1 (Romania) – ȘOC TOTAL: A fost descoperit un nou CONTINENT al Terrei! Incredibil UNDE se află
  90. El Dario (Mexico) – Investigadores encuentran un continente perdido debajo de Europa
  91. Punkufer (Croatia) – Izgubljeni kontinent koji se djelomično sakrio i pod Jadranskim morem
  92. Aksam (Turkey) – Dünyanın ortasında kayıp kıta bulundu
  93. Hanoimoi (Vietnam) – Tìm ra lục địa thứ tám bị “mất tích” của Trái đất nằm ngay dưới châu Âu
  94. Le Tribunal du Net (France) – L’improbable découverte d’un continent perdu de la taille du Groenland sous l’Europe !
  95. ADN 40 (Mexico) – Hallan un continente bajo el agua del tamaño de Groenlandia
  96. Capital (Romania) – S-a descoperit un nou continent! Este de mărimea Groenlandei
  97. Canada News Media (Canada) – Scientists find long lost continent Greater Adria
  98. Faqt (the Netherlands) – Nederlanders vinden verloren continent: Groot-Adria
  99. Indozone (Indonesia) – Greater Adria, Benua Tersembunyi Di Bawah Daratan Eropa
  100. Der Westen (Germany) – Sensation! Forscher entdecken versunkenen Kontinent unter Europa
  101. TNPSC Thervu Pettagam (India) – 8th continent – “Greater Adria”
  102. Amazon (UK) – Greater Adria Map Lost Continent Distressed Grunge Design Long Sleeve T-Shirt
  103. Healthy Topic (USA) – Mysterious lost continent ‘Greater Adria’ discovered in Mediterranean
  104. Scientias (the Netherlands) – Utrechtse onderzoekers stuiten op verdwenen continent verborgen onder Zuid-Europa
  105. Yahoo news (India) – The lost ‘8th continent’ is hiding under Europe
  106. Window Seat (Philippines) – Greater Adria: The Recently Discovered Lost Continent Submerged Under Southern Europe
  107. Askmen (India) – Scientists Discover 8th Continent ‘Greater Adria’. Where Has It Been All Our Lives?
  108. Business Insider (Japan) – 「失われた大陸」を発見…南ヨーロッパの地下に眠っていた
  109. 4 Fun TV (Poland) – Wielka Adria: naukowcy odkryli kolejny kontynent
  110. El Correo (Spain) – Ikerlari talde batek kontinente bat aurkitu du Europako lurrazalaren azpian
  111. Neo Haber (Turkey) – Avrupa’da sular altında kalan yeni bir kıta keşfedildi
  112. Mondo (Montenegro) – Naučnici otkrili izgubljeni kontinent Velika Adria
  113. Business Magazin (Romania) – Continentul ascuns de sub Europa. ”Mulţi turişti îşi petrec vacanţele aici, fără să realizeze”
  114. Il Meteo (Italy) – Meteo: Novità, Scoperto un Nuovo Continente! Si Chiama Grande Adria e ha Dato Vita all’Italia
  115. Blue Planet Heart (Italy) – Scoperto un continente perduto nel Mediterraneo, rimasto nascosto ai nostri occhi per milioni di anni
  116. The Free Press Journal (USA) – The lost ‘8th continent’ is hiding under Europe
  117. The Source (USA) – Scientist Have Found The 8th Continent; Where Has It Been Hiding?
  118. Outlook (India) – Researchers discover lost ”8th continent” under Europe
  119. Scoopwhoop (USA) – Scientists Apparently Discovered 8th Continent Submerged Under Europe & Named It ‘Greater Adria’
  120. Sputnik (Turkey) – Avrupa’nın altında Grönland büyüklüğünde ‘kayıp kıta’ keşfedildi
  121. Blesk (Czech Republic) – Vědci objevili nový kontinent. Bájná Atlantida to není, připouští zklamaně
  122. PSN (Slovenia) – Descubren nuevo continente sumergido al sur de Europa
  123. National Geographic (Serbia) – Velika Adrija – naučnici pronašli izgubljeni kontinent ispod Balkana
  124. Sic Noticias (Portugal) – Há um continente do tamanho da Gronelândia enterrado no sul da Europa
  125. Interia Tech (Poland) – Odkryto zaginiony kontynent. Co roku spędzamy na nim wakacje Czytaj więcej
  126. Insajder (Slovenia) – Izgubljena celina: pod Evropo odkrili še en skrit kontinent
  127. RTP (Portugal) – Há um novo continente escondido debaixo dos nossos pés
  128. BFM TV (France) – Des scientifiques confirment la présence d’un continent englouti sous l’Europe
  129. Excelcior (Mexico) – Hallan continente oculto en Europa; tan grande como Groenlandia
  130. CNN (Chile) – Descubrieron un “continente perdido” debajo de Europa
  131. Ovn Hoje (Portugal) – Grande Adria: Descoberto continente perdido abaixo da Europa
  132. Visão (Portugal) – Descoberto um continente perdido, mas não é a Atlântida. E está sob a Europa
  133. Sarkul Avsat (Turkey) – Avrupa’da okyanus altına gömülü kayıp bir kıta keşfedildi
  134. Backstage Magazine (Uruguay) – Así es Gran Adria, el continente perdido descubierto bajo de Europa
  135. RTL (Hungary) – Davno izgubljeni kontinent otkriven par stotina kilometara od nas: Možda ste bili tamo, a ne znate!
  136. Fox2Detroit (USA) – ‘Forget Atlantis’: A lost continent has been discovered under Europe
  137. VTV (Honduras) – Gran Adria, el ‘continente perdido’ que fue encontrado debajo de Europa
  138. Tiede (Finland) – Euroopan alta löytyi kadonnut manner
  139. Naukrinama (Argentina) – Scientists Apparently Discovered 8th Continent ‘Greater Adria’.
  140. Conocedores (Argentina) – Gran Adria: el continente perdido, encontrado debajo de Europa
  141. Viet Bao (Vietnam) – Lục Địa Biến Mất ‘Greater Adria’ Được Tìm Thấy Ơ Địa Trung Hải
  142. Pratidin Time (India) – Long lost continent discovered under Europe
  143. Mogaz News (Saudi Arabia) – Lost Greenland-sized continent ‘Greater Adria’ smashed into Europe 100million
  144. Anandabazar (India) – ইউরোপের নীচে হারিয়ে যাওয়া মহাদেশের খোঁজ
  145. 20 minutes (Spain) – Así es Gran Adria, el continente perdido descubierto bajo Europa
  146. Bol (Brazil) – Cientistas descobrem continente perdido debaixo da Europa
  147. Futuro (Chile) – Gran Adria, el ‘continente perdido’ que fue encontrado debajo de Europa
  148. Business Insider (Spain) – Un octavo continente perdido está escondido unos 1.600 kilómetros bajo tierra sobre Europa, según una investigación: los científicos lo han llamado ‘Gran Adria’
  149. Acento (Dominican Republic) – Gran Adria: el increíble hallazgo de los restos de un continente perdido que está sepultado bajo el sur de Europa
  150. Shortpedia (India) – A hidden continent ‘Greater Adria’ discovered
  151. NewsFront Online (Nigeria) – Greater Adria: new Continent Discovered by Researchers
  152. Jetzt (Germany) – „Vergesst Atlantis: Dies ist GREATER ADRIA.“ – Geologen haben im Mittelmeerraum einen verlorenen Kontinent entdeckt und kartiert
  153. Affairs Cloud (USA) – Scientists discover 8th continent, “Greater Adria” hidden below Europe
  154. Independent (Turkey) – Avrupa’nın altında Grönland büyüklüğünde “kayıp kıta” keşfedildi
  155. Renascenda (Portugal) – Há um continente perdido sob a Europa com o tamanho de quatro Penínsulas Ibéricas
  156. Academica de Madeira (Portugal) – Grande Adria, o continente perdido
  157. Sky Statement (USA) – Researchers Discover Lost ‘8th Continent’ Under Europe
  158. Market Research Journals (USA) – There’s a lost continent hiding under Europe
  159. Videnskab (Denmark) – Forsvundet kontinent er fundet mere end 1.600 kilometer under Europa
  160. Merkur (Germany) – Unfassbare Entdeckung: Forscher finden versunkenen Kontinent
  161. Sangbadpratidin (India) – আরও এক মহাদেশের অস্তিত্ব! সম্প্রতি আবিষ্কৃত ‘গ্রেটার আড্রিয়া’ বাড়াচ্ছে জল্পনা
  162. Deutschlandfunk Nova Radio (Germany) – Greater Adria, Der verschwundene Kontinent
  163. How Africa (Nigeria) – ‘Greater Adria’: A View of the New Continent Just Discovered by Researchers Hidden Under Southern Europe
  164. Trivia Genius (USA) – Say hello to Greater Adria, a lost continent discovered under Europe
  165. India Today (India) – Researchers discover lost ‘8th continent’ under Europe and no, it’s not Atlantis
  166. Helsingin Sanomat (Finland) – Tutkijat löysivät Euroopan alta kokonaisen kadonneen mantereen, Suur-Adria oli olemassa vielä dinosaurusten aikaan
  167. A2 (Albania) – Zbulohet Adria e Madhe, kontinenti i fshehur “poshtë këmbëve tona”
  168. Sapo (Portugal) – Há um continente perdido sob a Europa com o tamanho de quatro Penínsulas Ibéricas
  169. El Commercio (Peru) – Un continente ‘perdido’ fue hallado debajo de Europa
  170. Swarajya (India) – ‘Greater Adria’: Researchers Discover Lost Eighth Continent Under Southern Europe
  171. Onedio (Turkey) – Türkiye’nin ve Güney Avrupa’nın Altından Geçtiği Tespit Edilen “Kayıp Eski Kıta” Sandığınızdan Daha Önemli Olabilir
  172. Business Insider (Spain) – Un octavo continente perdido está escondido unos 1.600 kilómetros bajo tierra sobre Europa, según una investigación: los científicos lo han llamado ‘Gran Adria’
  173. McGill Media (USA) – A Lost Continent Has Been Found Beneath Southern Europe
  174. Acropolis (Mexico) – Descubren nuevo continente llamado “Gran Adria”
  175. Mondo Fox (Italy) – Scoperta la ‘Grande Adria’, l’antico continente perduto
  176. Fox5NewYork (USA) – ‘Forget Atlantis’: A lost continent has been discovered under Europe
  177. The Weather Channel (India) – Researchers Discover Lost ‘8th Continent’ Under Europe
  178. Fox10Phoenix (USA) – ‘Forget Atlantis’: A lost continent has been discovered under Europe
  179. The Times of India (India) – Greenland-sized continent is hiding under Europe
  180. Welt (Germany) – Forscher entdecken versunkenen Kontinent unter Europa
  181. Research Snipers (Pakistan) – A Lost Continent Discovered Under Europe
  182. Blick (Switzerland) – Forscher entdecken den verlorenen 8. Kontinent
  183. ABC Nyheter (Norway) – Ukjent kontinent oppdaget under Sør-Europa: – Glem Atlantis
  184. Epoch Times (USA) – 科学家发现隐藏在地中海下一块消失的大陆
  185. Maville (France) – Un continent oublié retrouvé enfoui sous l’Europe
  186. Courier International (France) – Les géologues dévoilent l’histoire d’un continent perdu
  187. Atlantico (France) – Une équipe de scientifiques découvre un nouveau continent aujourd’hui disparu
  188. National Geographic (France) – Découverte d’un continent perdu
  189. Midi Libre (France) – Le continent perdu, Grand Adria, enfoui sous l’Europe et ses secrets dévoilés
  190. Planet (France) – Insolite : quel est ce continent secret enfoui depuis des millions d’années ?
  191. Journal de Geek (France) – Un continent perdu a été découvert sous l’Europe : le Grand Adria
  192. Maxisciences (France) – Des scientifiques retrouvent la trace d’un mystérieux continent, enfoui sous l’Europe depuis des millions d’années
  193. Hitek (France) – Des chercheurs découvrent le Grand Adria, un continent englouti sous l’Europe il y a 120 millions d’années
  194. Forbes (France) – Grand Adria : Comment Les Scientifiques Ont Retrouvé Le Continent Perdu
  195. Sciences et Avenir (France) – Découvrez le Grand Adria, ce continent enfoui sous l’Europe depuis plus de 100 millions d’années
  196. Tin Tuc (Vietnam) – Tìm ra lục địa thứ 8 bị ‘mất tích’ của Trái đất nằm ngay dưới châu Âu
  197. Gizmodo (Spain) – Trazan el mapa de de un continente perdido enterrado bajo lo que hoy son los países del Mediterráneo
  198. Play Ground (Spain) – El Gran Adria, un continente perdido y enterrado bajo los pies de Europa
  199. OE24 TV (Austria) – Sensation: Forscher entdecken versunkenen Kontinent
  200. Huffington Post (Brazil) – Cientistas descobrem continente perdido ‘enterrado’ na Europa
  201. Money Control (India) – Scientists discover 8th continent, hidden 1,000 miles under Europe
  202. Fox Bangor (USA) – Mysterious lost continent ‘Greater Adria’ discovered in Mediterranean
  203. Bluewin (Switzerland) – Unter Europa – Forscher entdecken verschwundenen Kontinent
  204. Ibexnews24 (USA) – Scientists find long lost continent Greater Adria
  205. TPortal (Croatia) – Članci na temu greater adria
  206. Jyllands Posten (Denmark) – Forskere har fundet et kontinent gemt under Sydeuropa
  207. Mediana (Tunesia) – Scientists Piece Together Hints of Lost Continent Greater Adria: Study
  208. Lite Rock 95.9 (USA) – Scientists find long lost continent Greater Adria
  209. Press From (USA) – Scientists find long lost continent Greater Adria
  210. Canada News Media (Canada) – Continent: Researchers discover hidden continent Greater Adria mostly underwater in the Mediterranean
  211. Sioux County Radio (USA) – Mysterious lost continent ‘Greater Adria’ discovered in Mediterranean
  212. WNSP Sports Radio (USA) – Continent: Researchers discover hidden continent Greater Adria mostly underwater in the Mediterranean
  213. Tuko (Kenya) – Greater Adria: Researchers find lost continent under Europe
  214. Time Magazine (USA) – Researchers Discover What Became of a Lost Continent, Now Hidden Under the Adriatic Sea
  215. KR Press (Russia) – Ученые обнаружили под Европой потерянный материк
  216. Bun (Ukraine) – Старинный материк найден под Европой Бюро украинских новостей
  217. OK (Russia) – 100 миллионов лет назад к Европе приплыла земля и утонула
  218. Bel Novisti (Belarus) – Исследователи обнаружили часть затерянного континента под Южной Европой
  219. Trud (Russia) – Ученые нашли под Европой древний континент размером с Гренландию
  220. Nation News (Russia) – Ученые призвали “забыть об Атлантиде” и сосредоточиться на “суперконтиненте” под Европой
  221. 360° (Russia) – Можно забыть про Атлантиду. Затерянный континент обнаружили под Европой
  222. Tsargrad (Russia) – “Да забудьте об Атлантиде”: Под Европой обнаружился затерянный континент
  223. RT (Russia) – учёные обнаружили под Европой древний континент размером с Гренландию
  224. Inosmi (Russia) – CNN (США): под Европой найден потерянный континент
  225. Puente Libre (Mexico) – Descubren científicos continente perdido “Gran Adria”
  226. Telemundo San Antonio (USA) – Hallan continente perdido bajo el Mediterráne
  227. Duna (Chile) – Qué es “Gran Adria” y por qué causa tanta expectación entre científicos
  228. GQ (Mexico) – Esta es la historia de Gran Adria el continente que se perdió y acaban de encontrar
  229. López Dóriga (Mexico) – Especialistas encuentran un nuevo continente llamado Gran Adria
  230. Televisa News (Mexico) – Hallan continente debajo de Europa; probablemente ya has estado ahí
  231. The Mice Times (Singapore) – Under modern Europe found the ancient continent
  232. Cn Beta (China) – 欧洲发现“消失的大陆” 距今2.4亿年
  233. Focus Tech (Italy) – Il continente perduto si è nascosto sotto l’Europa per 140 milioni di anni
  234. HK01 (Hongkong) – 荷蘭研究:歐洲南方發現「失落大陸」 面積與格陵蘭相若
  235. Yan (Vietnam) – Hành tinh thứ 8 tương lai sẽ thành địa điểm du lịch khám phá cực xịn
  236. Index (Hungary) – Elveszett kontinenst találtak Európa alatt
  237. World Journal (USA) – 就在南歐底下 科學家發現失落大陸
  238. Nguoi Viet Phone (Vietnam) – Lục Địa Thứ 8 Của Trái Đất Ẩn Sâu 1,500km Phía Dưới Lòng Đất Châu Âu
  239. Suara (Indonesia) – Sudah Jutaan Tahun Lenyap, Benua Ini Masih Jadi Tempat Wisata, Kok Bisa?
  240. Noviny (Slovakia) – Geológovia objavili stratený ôsmy kontinent. Skrýva sa pod povrchom Európy
  241. T24 (Turkey) – Avrupa’nın altında Grönland büyüklüğünde “kayıp kıta” keşfedildi
  242. TN (Czech Republic) – Vědci našli ztracený kontinent! Mnozí ho navštívili a ani o tom nevědí
  243. Nezavisne (Bosnia and Herzegovina) – Velika Adrija – naučnici pronašli izgubljeni kontinent ispod Balkana
  244. Metro Portal (Croatia) – Znanstvenici pronašli skriveni kontinent!
  245. Fanpage (Italy) – Scoperto continente perduto sotto l’Europa: la Grande Adria ha dato vita a parte dell’Italia
  246. Quotidiano (Italy) – Adria, continente perduto. Ha generato le Alpi
  247. Le Soir (Belgium) – Un continent perdu découvert en Europe
  248. Travel Book (Germany) – Forscher entdecken versunkenen Kontinent unter Europa!
  249. Fox 35 Orlando (USA) – ‘Forget Atlantis’: A lost continent has been discovered under Europe
  250. TG1 News (Italy) – continente perduto (TV interview with Marco Maffione)
  251. I Fucking Love Science (USA) – Long-Lost Continent Discovered Beneath The Mediterranean
  252. The Seattle Times (USA) – Long-lost continent of Greater Adria is under southern Europe, scientists say
  253. Moose Gazette (USA) – Scientists find long lost continent Greater Adria
  254. News Guru (USA) – Lost Greenland-sized continent ‘Greater Adria’ smashed into Europe 100million years ago
  255. Aazor (USA) – The hidden continent called Grande Adria lies beneath modern Europe
  256. Message to Eagle (USA) – Greater Adria – Long Lost Continent Discovered Buried Deep Beneath Europe
  257. Deseret News (USA) – Researchers just discovered a long-lost continent off the coast of Europe
  258. Mashable (India) – A Brand-New Continent Has Been Discovered Under The Foot Of Europe
  259. All That’s Interesting (USA) – The Lost Continent Of Greater Adria Found Buried Beneath Southern Europe
  260. FM4 Radio (Austria) – Live interview
  261. Kapook (Thailand) – ค้นพบทวีปใหม่ เกรทเตอร์ เอเดรีย ซุกตัวใต้ยุโรปมา 140 ล้านปี ไซซ์เท่ากรีนแลนด์
  262. Manila Standard (Philippines) – New continent in Europe rises
  263. Face 2 Face Africa (USA) – A lost continent that broke off from North Africa 200 million years ago has been found under Europe
  264. MY9NJ (USA) – ‘Forget Atlantis’: A lost continent has been discovered under Europe
  265. Euro Weekly News (Spain) – Researchers discover Greater Adria, a hidden continent in the Mediterranean
  266. Siol (Slovenia) – Potrdili so obstoj izgubljenega Velikega Jadrana
  267. Dan Tri (Vietnam) – Phát hiện mới về “lục địa biến mất” bị chôn vùi dưới khu vực Địa Trung Hải
  268. Dan Viet (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa thứ 8 ẩn sâu 1.500km dưới lòng đất ở châu Âu
  269. CT Want (Taiwan) – 南歐底下發現失落大陸 地質學家:忘掉亞特蘭提斯吧!
  270. Clubic (France) – Un continent “perdu” de la taille du Groenland vient d’être découvert
  271. Telecinco (Spain) – Investigadores descubren el Gran Adria, un continente perdido y enterrado en los mares de Europa
  272. Intisari (Indonesia) – Terkubur Selama 140 Juta Tahun, Benua yang Hilang Berhasil Terungkap, Bisa Jadi Secara Tak Sadar Anda Sudah Pernah Mengunjunginya
  273. Dagbladet (Norway) – Har funnet tapt kontinent under Europa
  274. Tuoi Tre (Vietnam) – Phát hiện một lục địa hơn 2 triệu km2 ẩn sâu 1.500km bên dưới châu Âu
  275. Wprost (Poland) – Naukowcy odnaleźli pod Europą zaginiony kontynent. „Zapomnijcie o Atlantydzie”
  276. Mondo (Serbia) – Zaboravite Atlantidu: Naučnici otkrili izgubljeni kontinent – Velika Adria
  277. Detik Travel (Indonesia) – Bukan Atlantis, Peneliti Temukan ‘Benua Baru’ di Bawah Eropa
  278. TV 2 (Denmark) – Forsvundet kontinent fundet under Europa – du har muligvis været der uden at vide det
  279. Bursa (Romania) – Descoperire: continentul de sub Europa
  280. Publico (Portugal) – Grande Adria: o continente “perdido” que os cientistas encontraram debaixo dos pés da Europa
  281. El Imparcial (Mexico) – Gran Adria: Revelan hallazgo de misterioso continente perdido en el Mediterráneo
  282. Vat Pravda (Slovakia) – Geológovia našli stratený kontinent pochovaný pod Európou
  283. Storm media (Madagascar) – 「忘掉亞特蘭提斯吧!」科學家發現失落的大陸──1億4000萬年前沒入歐洲南部的「大亞得里亞」
  284. Lidovky (Csech Republic) – Pod povrchem Evropy byl objeven ztracený kontinent, zanikl po srážce s jižní Evropou
  285. Glas Istre (Croatia) – Znanstvenici na području Jadrana otkrili novi kontinent.
  286. SVT Nyheter (Sweden) – Försvunnen kontinent kartlagd av forskare – här är ”Greater Adria”
  287. The Bulletin (USA) – ‘Forget Atlantis’: Lost continent found under Europe
  288. Science Alert (USA) – A Long-Lost 8th Continent Has Been Found Buried Deep Beneath Europe
  289. 7 News Miami (USA) – A lost continent has been found under Europe
  290. Sy Fy (USA) – A long lost continent was discovered beneath Europe, but scientists say it’s not Atlantis
  291. Lex 18 (USA) – Researchers discover lost continent that’s been buried for 140 million years
  292. Travel and Leisure (USA) – This Continent Has Been Missing For 140 Million Years, and You May Have Visited Without Realizing It
  293. Washington Post (USA) – You may have visited the long-lost continent of Greater Adria without even knowing it
  294. Express (Croatia) – Otkrili izgubljeni kontinent – jedan dio je i ispod Hrvatske
  295. Slovenske Novice (Slovenia) – Šok pa tak! Pod Slovenijo odkrili izgubljeno celino, tako je videti
  296. Liberty Times Net (Taiwan) – 地質學家發現失落的大陸!就掩埋在南歐底下…
  297. Novinky (Czech Republic) – Geologové našli ztracený kontinent pohřbený pod Evropou
  298. Huffington Post (France) – Un continent perdu a été retrouvé sous l’Europe
  299. B.T. (Denmark) – Forskere finder nyt kontinent under Sydeuropa
  300. Reise Reporter (Germany) – Vergiss Atlantis: Versunkener Kontinent unter Europa
  301. Vanguard (Nigeria) – Lost continent, Greater Adria found under Europe
  302. 9 News (Australia) – ‘Forget Atlantis’: Lost continent buried under Europe discovered
  303. CTV News (Canada) – television appearance
  304. CTV News (Canada) – Researchers discover lost continent hidden under Europe
  305. 9 WCPO Cincinnati (USA) – A lost continent has been found under Europe
  306. News Channel 5 Nashville (USA) – A lost continent has been found under Europe
  307. ABC 15 Arizona (USA) – Researchers discover lost continent that’s been buried for 140 million years
  308. Republic (USA) – Mediterranean Sea: Researchers Discover Lost Continent Greater Adria
  309. WCBI (USA) – Scientists find long lost continent Greater Adria
  310. New York Post (USA) – Researchers just discovered a lost continent under Europe
  311. International Business Times (USA) – Greater Adria: Hidden Continent Discovered By Researchers Under Europe
  312. Fox News (USA) – Mysterious lost continent ‘Greater Adria’ discovered in Mediterranean
  313. The Independent (UK) – ‘Lost continent’ the size of Greenland found under Europe
  314. WXYZ (USA) – Researchers discover lost continent that’s been buried for 140 million years
  315. China Times (China) – 你可能去過!歐洲這發現失落大陸
  316. N1 (Croatia) – Znanstvenici ispod južne Europe otkrili izgubljeni kontinent
  317. Thanh Nien – Tìm thấy lục địa ẩn dưới Nam Âu
  318. CNN (USA) – A lost continent has been found under Europe
  319. CBS News (USA) – Researchers discover hidden continent Greater Adria in the Mediterranean
  320. La Arena (Argentina) – Hallan partes de Gran Adria, el continente perdido debajo de Europa
  321. Akurat (Indonesia) – Misteri Atlantis Mulai Terungkap v
  322. Dosja (Albania) – Zbulohet kontinenti i humbur, gjendet poshtë Europës!
  323. Sediyani (Turkey) – Atlantis Gerçek mi?.. Akdeniz’in ve Pasifik’in Altında Batık Kıtalar Bulundu
  324. Soha (Vietnam) – Phát hiện lục địa thứ 8 của Trái Đất, nằm ẩn sâu 1.500km ngay phía dưới lòng đất Châu Âu
  325. Nguoi Viet Phone (Vietnam) – Lục Địa Thứ 8 Của Trái Đất Ẩn Sâu 1,500km Phía Dưới Lòng Đất Châu Âu
  326. Tinhte (Vietnam) – Greater Adria – lục địa đã mất nằm sâu trong lòng đất, thứ đã góp phần hình thành dãy Alps
  327. News 4 Tuscon (USA) – Real-life Atlantis: Lost continent found under Europe is revealing Earth’s missing history
  328. Dual Dove (USA) – Traces of The Lost Continent “Greater Adria” Discovered By Scientists
  329. PM News (Nigeria) – Europe sitting on a lost continent Greater Adria
  330. El Nuevo Diario (Dominican Republic) – Descubren a “Greater Adria”, un continente perdido del tamaño de Groenlandia al sur de Europa
  331. T Portal (Croatia) – Znanstvenici otkrili kontinent skriven 1600 kilometara ispod južnog dijela Europe
  332. 25 Sata (Croatia) – Kakvo otkriće! Ispod Istre leže dijelovi nestalog kontinenta…
  333. Euronews (Turkey) – Avrupa’da yer altında bulunan ‘gömülü kıta’ Dünya’nın kayıp tarihine ışık tutuyor
  334. NLD (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy một lục địa mới… dưới đáy biển Địa Trung Hải
  335. Digikala (Iran) – راز آدریای بزرگ‌تر: هشتمین قاره گمشده که ۱۵۰۰ کیلومتر زیر اروپا قرار
  336. Kumparan (Indonesia) – Misteri Benua yang Hilang “Greater Adria”
  337. Dan Tri (Vietnam) – Phát hiện mới về “lục địa biến mất” bị chôn vùi dưới khu vực Địa Trung Hải
  338. Dnevnik (Slovenia) – Pod Evropo se skriva izgubljena celina
  339. Genk (Vietnam) – Phát hiện lục địa thứ 8 của Trái Đất, nằm ẩn sâu 1.500km ngay phía dưới lòng đất Châu Âu
  340. Oh My Mag (Germany) – Geologen entdecken geheimnisvollen Kontinent unter Europa
  341. Medjugorje Info (Croatia) – Veliko Otkriće Ispod Hrvatske se nalazi izgubljeni kontinent zvani Veliki Jadran
  342. Coups (France) – Incroiable mais vrais: un continent découvert sous l’Europe
  343. NOI (Moldova) – A fost descoperit un continent dispărut
  344. Netnews (Vietnam) – Chuyện lạ Kỷ lục Bí ẩn Chuyện lạ Việt Nam Phát hiện lục địa thứ 8 của Trái Đất, nằm ẩn sâu 1.500km ngay phía dưới lòng đất Châu Âu
  345. RUV (Iceland) – Vita nú afdrif horfnu heimsálfunnar Adría
  346. Sciencepost (France) – Découverte d’un continent “perdu” de la taille du Groenland !
  347. Steemit (USA) – Continent The Size Of Greenland Is Hiding Under South Europe
  348. Michanews (USA) – Underground continents: Lost continent discovered beneath Europe
  349. Adevarul (Romania) – Continentul pierdut sub Europa care ascunde istoria pierdută a Pământului. „De acolo venea marmura pe care grecii şi romanii au folosit-o pentru temple“
  350. El Ciudadano (Chile) – Encuentran un “continente perdido” enterrado bajo las aguas del Mediterráneo
  351. NRC (Netherlands) – Een verdwenen continent in kaart gebracht
  352. Weather Network (Canada) – Scientists discovered a lost continent 1,500 kilometres under Europe
  353. Ya Libnan (Lebanon) – A newly-discovered ‘lost continent’ has been found buried under the Mediterranean
  354. Fox News (USA) – There’s a lost continent hiding beneath Europe
  355. NBC News (USA) – Real-life Atlantis: Lost continent found under Europe is revealing Earth’s missing history
  356. Tass (Russia) – Подъевропейский континент. 100 миллионов лет назад к Европе приплыла земля и утонула
  357. Wikistrike (France) – Un continent oublié retrouvé enfoui sous l’Europe
  358. Novosti (Serbia) – Naučnici pronašli izgubljeni kontinent Velika Adrija
  359. Srbija Danas (Serbia) – Fantastično otkriće! Ispod Evrope leži isgubljeni kontinent: Nalazi se ispod Balkana, a ovako je Izgledao
  360. Nazavisne (Bosnia and Herzegovina) – Naučnici pronašli izgubljeni kontinent duboko ispod Balkana
  361. 24h (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa thứ 8 ẩn sâu 1.500km dưới lòng đất ở châu Âu
  362. Ziare (Romania) – Sub Europa se afla un continent stravechi, Adria cea mare
  363. Sputnik News (Russia) – New “Atlantis” Spotted Buried Off Southern Europe’s Mediterranean Coast
  364. Vea Global (Mexico) – Hallan los restos de Gran Adria, un continente perdido que desapareció hace 250 millones de años
  365. Newsfounded (France) – Researchers discovered Grand Adria, a continent submerged in Europe 120 million years ago
  366. World Economic Forum (Spain) – Gran Adria: el increíble hallazgo de los restos de un continente perdido que está sepultado bajo el sur de Europa
  367. Fa Noticias (Brazil) – Conheça o Grande Adria: o continente perdido
  368. Revista Planeta (Brazil) – Pesquisa revela Grande Adria, continente perdido “enterrado” sob a Europa
  369. Atlantico (France) – Une équipe de scientifiques découvre un nouveau continent aujourd’hui disparu
  370. Courrier International (France) – Les géologues dévoilent l’histoire d’un continent perdu
  371. FdeSouche (France) – Découverte du Grand Adria, un continent perdu enfoui sous l’Europe depuis 100 millions d’années
  372. RG (Russia) – Глубоко под Европой нашли затерянный континент
  373. Lenta (Russia) – Под Европой нашли затерянный континент
  374. Daily News Media (USA) – Lost continent rediscovered 1,000 miles beneath Europe
  375. Libertatea (Romania) – A fost descoperit un continent dispărut. Ascuns la peste 1.500 de kilometri sub Europa, acesta a fost numit ”Adria”
  376. Midi Libre (France) – Le continent perdu, Grand Adria, enfoui sous l’Europe et ses secrets dévoilés
  377. Aedaily (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa thứ 8 ẩn sâu 1.500km dưới lòng đất ở châu Âu-Thế giới
  378. Weather.com (Germany) – So groß wie Grönland: Geheimer Kontinent unter Europa entdeckt
  379. Osel (Chech Republic) – Pod jižní Evropou se skrývá ztracený kontinent velikosti Grónska
  380. Bles (Argentina) – Descubren los restos de un continente perdido bajo el sur de Europa
  381. Terra Mystica (Germany) – Versunkenen Kontinent unterhalb Europas entdeckt
  382. Informer (Serbia) -Pronaden skriveni kontinent ispof Balkana! Prostirao se od Alpa do Irana!
  383. Planet (France ) – Insolite : quel est ce continent secret enfoui depuis des millions d’années ?
  384. Express (UK) – Lost continent discovered beneath Europe after 70 million years in geological breakthrough
  385. Greenwich Time (USA) – A lost 8th continent is hidden nearly 1,000 miles under Europe, new research shows. Scientists named it ‘Greater Adria.’
  386. Strange Sounds (USA) – Lost Continent Hidden Beneath Europe
  387. Daily Express (UK) – Greater Adria: Animation shows formation and destruction
  388. Yahoo Actualités (France) – Le Grand Adria, un continent à l’histoire violente
  389. Notivision 365 (Venezuela) – Descubren un antiguo continente debajo de Europa
  390. Sciences et Avenir (France) – Découvrez le Grand Adria, ce continent enfoui sous l’Europe depuis plus de 100 millions d’années
  391. True Median (USA) – New “Atlantis” Spotted Buried Off Southern Europe’s Mediterranean Coast
  392. Nea Noticias (Argentina) – Encuentran restos del Gran Adria, el continente perdido que desapareció hace 250 millones de años
  393. Daily Star (UK) – Lost continent rediscovered 1,000 miles beneath Europe
  394. Espreso (Serbia) – Nova Atlantida se nalazi ispod Srbije!!! Neverovatno otkriće svetskih stručnjaka!
  395. Puro Rock Nacional (Argentina) – Descubrieron un continente perdido: qué es “Gran Adria” y por qué maravilla a los científicos
  396. L’Edition de Soir (France) – Un continent oublié retrouvé enfoui sous l’Europe
  397. Expresso Tuxpan (Spain) – Hallan los restos de un continente perdido, enterrados bajo el sur de Europa
  398. Deutschlandfunk Nova (Germany) – Greater Adria: Der verschwundene Kontinent
  399. Mundiario (Spain) – Así es Gran Adria, el continente perdido y sepultado bajo Europa
  400. Extreme Tech (USA) – There’s a Lost Continent 1,000 Miles Under Europe
  401. Báomói (Vietnam) – Tìm ra lục địa cổ đại ‘bị mất’ nằm… bên dưới châu Âu
  402. Maxi Sciences (France) – Des scientifiques retrouvent la trace d’un mystérieux continent, enfoui sous l’Europe depuis des millions d’années
  403. Forschung und Wissen (Germany) – Geologische Kartierung enthüllt versunkenen Kontinent unter Europa
  404. Forocoches (Spain) – Encuentras los restos del continente Gran Adria: Yace bajo el sur de Europa
  405. N-TV (Germany) – Kontinent versank unter Europa
  406. Focus (Germany) – “Greater Adria”: Unter Europa liegt ein versunkener Kontinent so groß wie Grönland
  407. Toluna Influencers (France) – Greater Adria | Geologists have discovered a lost continent located 1,600 kilometres below Europe
  408. 20 Minutes (France) – Un continent perdu, englouti sous l’Europe il y a 120 millions d’années découvert par des chercheurs
  409. EN24 (USA) – Collision millions of years ago: Continent sank under Europe
  410. Business Insider (USA) – A lost 8th continent is hidden nearly 1,000 miles under Europe, new research shows. Scientists named it ‘Greater Adria.’
  411. Newsweek (USA) – A Newly-Discovered ‘Lost Continent’ Has Been Found Buried Under the Mediterranean
  412. The World News (UK) – Lost Greenland-sized continent ‘Greater Adria’ smashed into Europe 100million years ago
  413. Matador Network (USA) – Hidden continent discovered 1,000 miles below Europe
  414. Newser (USA) – Scientists Piece Together Hints of a Lost Continent
  415. Metro (UK) – A lost continent has just been discovered in Europe
  416. Albspirit (Albania) – Shkencëtarët e zbulojnë kontinetin e humbur poshtë Ballkanit
  417. Fredzone (France) – Un continent oublié se trouve sous l’Europe
  418. States Friday (USA) – Ancient Continent Discovered Hiding Beneath Europe
  419. CCN (Argentina) – Descubren un antiguo continente debajo de Europa
  420. Prensa Objetiva (Guatemala) – Científicos hallan Gran Adria, el continente oculto debajo de Europa
  421. Aardnews (USA) – There’s a Lost Continent Hiding Beneath Europe
  422. Century Link (USA) – Scientists Piece Together Hints of a Lost Continent
  423. Mad Mike’s America (USA) – Goodbye Atlantis, Hello Adria: Scientists Find Hints of a Lost Continent
  424. Playground Magazine (Spain) – l Gran Adria, un continente perdido y enterrado bajo los pies de Europa
  425. Bol (Brazil) – Cientistas encontram vestígios de Grande Adria, continente perdido escondido sob a Europa
  426. Scinexx (Germany) – Unter Europa liegt ein versunkener Kontinent
  427. Universiteit Utrecht Nieuws – Internationale pers duikt massaal op onderzoek naar Groot-Adrië
  428. Le Vif (Belgium) – Un continent millénaire englouti sous l’Europe refait surface
  429. Newsbomb (Albania) – Poshtë Shqipërisë fshihet një kontinent gjigant, shkencëtarët: I humbur prej 100 milion vitesh
  430. Urbancube (Serbia) – Izgubljeni kontinent Veliki Jadran nestao pre 120 miliona godina
  431. Journal du Geek (France) – Un continent perdu a été découvert sous l’Europe : le Grand Adria
  432. Gizmodo (USA) – Trazan el mapa de de un continente perdido enterrado bajo lo que hoy son los países del Mediterráneo
  433. Robotitus (USA) – Estudio revela un continente perdido escondido debajo de Europa
  434. HispanTV (Iran) – Descubren restos de un continente perdido en el sur de Europa
  435. Science Pile (USA) – Goodbye Atlantis, Hello ‘Greater Adria’. A Lost Continent Has Been Found By Geologists
  436. Nauka (Poland) – 1600 kilometrów pod Europą znajduje się zaginiony kontynent o nazwie Wielka Adria
  437. Voa Islam TV (Indonesia) – Greater Adria, Benua Tersembunyi di Bawah Eropa
  438. Line Today (Indonesia) – Lupakan Atlantis, Inilah Greater Adria, Daratan Hilang yang Baru Saja Ditemukan
  439. Kosova Live (Kosovo) – Shkencëtarët gjejnë kontinentin e humbur!
  440. Tribun Jateng (Indonesia) – Ternyata Banyak Benua Tersembunyi Yang Kini Jadi Eropa
  441. MBS News (USA) – A forgotten continent has been found buried under Europe
  442. Opinión (Bolivia) – Gran Adria, el extraño continente perdido que está enterrado bajo el sur de Europa
  443. Insajderi (Albania) – E rrallë, shkencëtarët e zbulojnë kontinetin e humbur
  444. Clave 300 (Bolivia) – Gran Adria, el extraño continente perdido que está enterrado bajo el sur de Europa
  445. Notimerica (USA) – Un continente perdido quedó preservado en montañas del Mediterráneo
  446. Kompas (Indonesia) – Greater Adria, Benua Tersembunyi di Bawah Eropa
  447. El Intransigente América (USA) – Descubren restos del Greater Adria, el continente oculto
  448. Lonely Planet (USA) – Hiding in plain sight: lost continent discovered beneath Europe
  449. Space.com (USA) – There’s a Lost Continent Hiding Beneath Europe
  450. Total Croatia News (Croatia) – Greater Adria: Tectonic Reconstructions of Mediterranean over 240 Million Years
  451. FAM (Brazil) – Cientistas encontram vestígios de Grande Adria, continente perdido escondido sob a Europa
  452. Newsgroove (UK) – Lost Greenland-sized continent ‘Greater Adria’ smashed into Europe 100million years ago
  453. Baaghi TV (Pakistan) – ‘Greater Adria’: A Lost Continent Discovered After Millions of Years
  454. Forbes (USA) – Goodbye Atlantis, Hello ‘Greater Adria’. A Lost Continent Has Been Found By Geologists
  455. Zivot (Bosnia and Herzegovina) – Naučnici pronašli izgubljeni kontinent koji se “podvukao” ispod Balkana
  456. Scienze Notizie (Italy) – Adria maggiore: scoperto enorme continente ‘perduto’
  457. La Capital (Argentina) – Descubren los restos de un continente perdido bajo el sur de Europa
  458. 360° (Albania) – Poshtë Shqipërisë fshihet një kontinent gjigant, shkencëtarët: I humbur prej 100 milion vitesh
  459. Pink (Serbia) – Naučnici pronašli izgubljeni kontinent Velika Adrija – Nalazi se ispod Balkana
  460. Delhir (Hungary) – Halott már valaha Nagy-Adriáról, az Európa alá süllyedt kontinensről?
  461. Dubrovački (Croatia) – Nova Atlantida nalazi se ispod Hrvatske!
  462. O2 (Poland) – Wielka Adria. Geolodzy odkryli zaginiony kontynent. Był tuż pod Europą
  463. Telegraf (Serbia) – Naučnici pronašli izgubljeni kontinent Velika Adrija: Nalazio se duboko ispod Balkana
  464. El Neu Vodia (Puerto Rico) – Descubren los rastros de un continente que permanece oculto debajo de Europa
  465. Dziennik Naukowy (Poland) – Geolodzy odkrywają historię pradawnego kontynentu zakopanego pod Europą
  466. Forte (Estonia) – Lõuna-Euroopa all peidab end iidne manner
  467. Vista al Mar (Spain) – Descubren la historia de un continente perdido enterrado en parte debajo de España
  468. Jotarnji Life (Hungary) – Grandiozno otkrice vodecih svjetskih strucnjaka, pronasli su izgubljeni kontinent: Nova Atlantida nalazi se ispod Hrvatske!
  469. WP Tech (Poland) – Wielka Adria. Geolodzy odkryli zaginiony kontynent. Był tuż pod Europą
  470. Radio Sarajevo (Bosnia and Herzegovina) – Velika Adria / “Zavukao” se ispod BiH: Naučnici tvrde da su našli izgubljeni kontinent
  471. El Dia (Argentina) – ¡Increíble! Encuentran los restos de Gran Adria, un continente perdido hace 250 millones de años
  472. El Nacional (Venezuela) – Descubren un antiguo continente debajo de Europa
  473. Movisis Noticias Internationales (Spain) – Hoy descrubrieron un nuevo continente llamado Gran Adria
  474. Vaaju (Australia) – There is a lost continent hiding in Europe
  475. The Gralien Report (USA) – Ancient “Lost” Continent Unearthed by Geologists in New Study
  476. Newsbeezer (USA) – Old continent discovered hiding under Europe
  477. Tele Diario (Mexico) – Hallan restos de continente devorado por Europa
  478. Telefe Rosario (Argentina) – Hallan los restos de Gran Adria, un continente sepultado debajo de Europa
  479. Geoscienze (Italy) – Adria maggiore, l’antico Continente che giace sotto l’attuale Europa
  480. Diario Panorama (Argentina) – Gran Adria: los restos del continente perdido bajo el sur de Europa
  481. Archyworldys (USA) – Discovery of a lost continent buried under Europe for millions of years
  482. Info Arenales (Argentina) – Gran Adria: el increíble hallazgo de los restos de un continente perdido que está sepultado bajo el sur de Europa
  483. Geo (France) – Des géologues révèlent l’histoire d’un continent oublié enfoui sous l’Europe depuis des millions d’années
  484. Socientifica (Brazil) – Continente antigo e misterioso é descoberto embaixo da Europa
  485. Line Today (Indonesia) – Greater Adria, Benua Kuno yang Kini di Bawah Eropa
  486. Gazete Fersude (Turkey) – Grand Adria kıtasının nasıl yok olduğu ortaya çıktı
  487. Info Veloz (Argentina) – Encuentran un continente perdido en el océano bajo el sur de Europa
  488. Zap Aeiou (Portugal) – Encontrados os restos de um continente perdido enterrados a sul da Europa
  489. Net (Hungary) – Znanstvenici tvrde da su našli isgubljeni kontinent
  490. Westlake Legal Group (USA) – There’s a lost continent hiding beneath Europe
  491. Social Studies for Kids (USA) – Study Traces Fate of Ancient Continent Now Underneath Europe
  492. Viral Dimas (Spain) – They find remains of a lost continent, buried in southern Europe
  493. La Opinion (USA) – Gran Adria: el increíble hallazgo de los restos de un continente perdido que está sepultado bajo el sur de Europa
  494. Observador (Portugal) – Grande Adria, o continente perdido a 1.500 quilómetros de profundidade, debaixo de Portugal e Espanha
  495. Live Science (USA) – Geologists uncover history of lost continent buried beneath Europe
  496. The Guild of Scientific Troubadours – Geologists explore a lost continent hidden under Southern Europe
  497. Rapida (USA) – There’s a lost continent hiding beneath Europe
  498. Liputan 6 (Indonesia) – Klaim Ilmuwan Tentang Benua yang Hilang Tersembunyi di Bawah Eropa
  499. Info Sur Hoy (USA) – Lost continent the size of Greenland has been hiding beneath Europe for 140million years, new maps reveal
  500. A Industry News Today (Canada) – Geologic history used to study the dissections and help locate the long lost fragments
  501. Wikipedia (Indonesia) – Adria
  502. Welingelichte Kringen (Netherlands) – Er ligt een continent verborgen onder Europa
  503. El Heraldo de México (Mexico) – ¡No era Atlántida! “Gran Adria” es el continente perdido que está fascinando a los científicos
  504. El Mercurio (Chile) – Descubren científicos continente perdido “Gran Adria”
  505. Sinembargo (Mexico) – “Gran Adria”, el continente perdido que se hundió en el manto de la Tierra bajo el sur de Europa
  506. Tiempo (Mexico) – Descubren científicos continente perdido “Gran Adria”
  507. Le Point (France) – Un continent millénaire disparu sous l’Europe refait surface
  508. Radio Felicidád (Mexico) – Científicos descubren la Gran Adria, el continente perdido bajo Europa
  509. Vix (Spain) – Descubrieron un continente perdido bajo Europa y su historia es fascinante
  510. Élite Diario (Spain) – Gran Adria, el continente perdido en Europa
  511. The Objective (Spain) – Hallan los restos de Gran Adria, el continente oculto debajo de Europa
  512. Vice (USA) – There’s a Lost Continent 1,000 Miles Under Europe
  513. Smithsonian (USA) – Study Reveals Lost Continent Demolished by Europe
  514. Earth.com (USA) – Scientists have reconstructed the lost continent of Greater Adria
  515. Vía País (Argentina) – Encuentran restos del Gran Adria, el continente perdido que desapareció hace 250 millones de años
  516. TN23 (Guatemala) – Científicos hallan Gran Adria, el continente oculto debajo de Europa
  517. La Vanguardia (Spain) – Hallan los restos de un continente perdido, enterrados bajo el sur de Europa
  518. Forbes (Mexico) – Revelan la existencia del Gran Adria, el continente perdido
  519. Infobae (Argentina) – Descubrieron un continente perdido: qué es “Gran Adria” y por qué maravilla a los científicos
  520. The Sun (UK) – Lost continent the size of Greenland has been hiding beneath Europe for 140million years, new maps reveal
  521. Lifespeaker (Russia) – Дълбоко под Европа те намериха изгубен континент
  522. Planet Today (Russia) – лубоко под Европой обнаружили древний континент
  523. Glas (Russia) – Затерянный континент Великая Адриа обнаружен под Европой
  524. TV Zvezda (Russia) – Ученые нашли затерянный континент глубоко под Европой
  525. Huffington Post (Greece) – Μια χαμένη ήπειρος, κρυμμένη κάτω από την Ευρώπη
  526. Globo (Brazil) – Ciencistas encontram vestígios de Grande Adria, continente perdido escondido sob a Europa
  527. Nauka Offnews (Bulgaria) – Геолозите разкриха историята на изгубен континент, потънал под Европа
  528. 1in (Armenia) – Եվրոպայի տակ գտել են կորած մայրցամաք
  529. Al Watan Voice (Saudi Arabia) – علماء يكتشفون قارة “مدفونة” تحت أوروبا
  530. Press From (USA) – Adria, the world’s lost continent: Greenland-sized landmass smashed into Europe 100million years ago but was then obliterated
  531. The Florida Post (USA) – Lost continent the size of Greenland has been hiding beneath Europe for 140million years, new maps reveal
  532. 24 (Hungary) – Elveszett földrész rejtőzik Európa alatt
  533. Origo (Hungary) – Tudja-e, hogy elveszett kontinens rejtőzik Európa alatt?
  534. Qubit (Hungary) – Feltárták az Európa alá süllyedt őskontinens, Nagy-Adria történelmét
  535. Medical Daily (USA) – Is There A Continent Hidden Under Europe?
  536. Agenparl (Italy) – Geologicts uncover history lost continent buried beneath Europe
  537. Blogdady (USA) – Historic Continent Came upon Hiding Underneath Europe
  538. Semana (Colombia) – Gran Adria: el increíble hallazgo de los restos de un continente perdido que está sepultado bajo el sur de Europa
  539. HLN (Belgium) – Nederlandse geologen onthullen geschiedenis van verloren continent dat begraven ligt onder Europa
  540. Papamuda (Indonesia) – Ahli Geologi Ungkap Benua Hilang Adria Terkubur di Bawah Eropa
  541. Portside (USA) – Geologists Uncover History of Lost Continent Buried Beneath Europe
  542. Epocanegocios (Brazil) – Cientistas encontram vestígios de Grande Adria, continente perdido escondido sob a Europa
  543. Ancient Origins (Ireland) – Ancient Continent Discovered Hiding Beneath Europe
  544. Teras (Indonesia) – Ahli Geologi Ungkap Benua Hilang Adria Terkubur di Bawah Eropa
  545. Curiosmos (USA) – Scientists Find the Remnants of a Lost Ancient Continent Beneath Europe
  546. Notizie Scientifiche (Italy) – Geologi analizzano la Grande Adria, continente perduto che si trova sotto l’Europa
  547. Reader (Greece) – Χαμένη ήπειρος βρίσκεται θαμμένη κάτω από τη Μεσόγειο
  548. Star (Greece) – Αδρία: Η χαμένη ήπειρος που είναι θαμμένη κάτω από τη νότια Ευρώπη
  549. News Messinia (Greece) – Μια πραγματική Ατλαντίδα: Η χαμένη ήπειρος Αδρία που είναι θαμμένη κάτω από τη νότια Ευρώπη
  550. Empisteutiko (Greece) – Αδρία, η χαμένη ήπειρος – Είναι θαμμένη κάτω από τη νότια Ευρώπη Πηγή
  551. Idrogeios (Greece) – Ποια είναι η χαμένη ήπειρος που βρίσκεται κάτω από την Ελλάδα
  552. Documento (Greece) – Αδρία: Είναι η χαμένη ήπειρος θαμμένη κάτω από την Ελλάδα και την νότια Ευρώπη
  553. Naftemporiki (Greece) – Η χαμένη ήπειρος που βρίσκεται θαμμένη κάτω από τη Νότια Ευρώπη
  554. Kathimerini (Greece) – Αδρία: Η χαμένη ήπειρος που είναι θαμμένη κάτω από τη Νότια Ευρώπη
  555. I Paideia (Greece) – Αδρία: Η πραγματική «Χαμένη Ατλαντίδα» είναι θαμμένη κάτω από τη Ν. Ευρώπη και τη Μεσόγειο
  556. Noticias Pasto (Colombia) – Gran Adria: hallazgo de los restos de un continente perdido que está sepultado bajo el sur de Europa
  557. Christian Women in Science (USA) – Geologists Solving the Greater Adria Puzzle
  558. Headlinezpro (India) – Lost Greenland-sized continent ‘Greater Adria’ smashed into Europe 100million years ago
  559. Herald Publicist (USA) – Lost Greenland-sized continent ‘Greater Adria’ smashed into Europe 100million years ago
  560. Detik (Indonesia) – Greater Adria, Benua Kuno yang Tersembunyi di Eropa
  561. Daily Mail (UK) – Adria, the world’s lost continent: Greenland-sized landmass smashed into Europe 100million years ago but was then obliterated
  562. Inverse (USA) – Scientists Recreate What Happened to an Ancient Continent Shoved Beneath Europe
  563. Head Topics (Mexico) – Gran Adria: el increíble hallazgo de los restos de un continente perdido que está sepultado bajo el sur de Europa
  564. Cien Radios (Argentina) – Encuentran los restos de Gran Adria, un continente perdido hace 250 millones de años
  565. Whatsnew2day (Australia) – Lost Greenland format continent Greater Adria crashed into Europe 100 million years ago
  566. BBC News Brazil – Cientistas encontram vestígios de Grande Adria, continente perdido escondido sob a Europa
  567. La Voz (Argentina) – Hallan restos del Gran Adria, el continente perdido que desapareció hace 250 millones de años
  568. La Raza (USA) – Gran Adria: el increíble hallazgo de los restos de un continente perdido que está sepultado bajo el sur de Europa
  569. El Spectadór (Colombia) – Reconstruyen la historia de un continente bajo Europa
  570. Fayerwayer (Chile) – Encuentran los restos de un antiguo continente que está enterrado debajo de Europa
  571. Multimedios (Argentina) – Gran Adria, el continente perdido que se encuentra debajo de Europa
  572. Blogthinkbig (Spain) – El continente perdido que se esconde debajo de Europa
  573. Radio Santa Cruz (Cuba) – Hallan restos de continente perdido en el sur de Europa
  574. El Comercio (Peru) – Científicos hallan restos de un continente perdido que fue “devorado” por Europa
  575. Russian Telecom Mundo (Russia) – Científicos hallan Gran Adria, el continente oculto debajo de Europa
  576. Naked Science (Russia) – Геологи реконструировали историю материка, погребенного под современной Европой
  577. Socportal (Russia) – Геологи нашли под Европой древний материк
  578. Mysterious Universe (USA) – Lost Continent of Greater Adria Discovered Under Europe
  579. Live Science (USA) – There’s a Lost Continent Hiding Beneath Europe
  580. El Confidenciál (Spain) – Tras las huellas del Gran Adria: así era el continente perdido al sur de España
  581. Tekniikan Maalima (Finland) – Euroopan alla on ”kadonnut manner”, ja nyt se on kartoitettu ennennäkemättömän tarkasti
  582. La Nacion (Argentina) – Gran Adria: el increíble hallazgo de los restos de un continente perdido que está sepultado bajo el sur de Europa
  583. Publinews (Guatemala) – Gran Adria: encuentran misterioso continente enterrado bajo Europa
  584. National Geographic (UK) – Lost continent revealed in new reconstruction of geologic history
  585. Sputnik News Mundo – Descubren el misterio del continente perdido bajo el sur de Europa
  586. La Prenza (Nicaragua) – Gran Adria: el increíble hallazgo de los restos de un continente perdido que está sepultado bajo el sur de Europa
  587. La República (Peru) – Descubren un continente perdido que está sepultado bajo el sur de Europa
  588. XEU (Mexico) – Gran Adria: el hallazgo de un continente perdido bajo el sur de Europa
  589. Antena 3 (Spain) – Hallan los restos de un continente perdido enterrados bajo el sur de Europa
  590. RTVE Radio (Spain) – Gran Adria, el continente perdido bajo el sur de Europa
  591. El Universal (Mexico) – Gran Adria el increible hallazgo de un continente perdido bajo el sur de Europa
  592. Publimetro (Chile) – Desapareció hace 250 millones de años casi sin dejar rastro: encuentran misterioso continente enterrado bajo Europa
  593. Noticias (Argentina) – Hallazgo: Gran Adria, el continente enterrado debajo de Europa
  594. Xataca Ciencia (Panama) – Se hallan pistas de Gran Adria, un continente perdido que está debajo de las montañas del Mediterráneo
  595. Emol (Chile) – Gran Adria, el extraño continente perdido que está enterrado bajo el sur de Europa
  596. Clarin (Argentina): Hallan los restos de Gran Adria, un continente perdido que desapareció hace 250 millones de años
  597. BBC News Mundo (UK): Gran Adria: el increíble hallazgo de los restos de un continente perdido que está sepultado bajo el sur de Europa
  598. Vivo Noticias (Mexico): Científicos hallan restos de continente devorado por Europa
  599. El Deber (Bolivia): Gran Adria: el increíble hallazgo de los restos de un continente perdido que está sepultado bajo el sur de Europa
  600. El Observador (Uruguay): Gran Adria: el increible hallazgo de los restos de un continente perdido que esta sepultado bajo el sur de Europa
  601. Tempo.co (Indonesia) – Greater Adria, Benua Kuno yang Kini di Bawah Eropa
  602. e-Syndicate (Pakistan) – Greater Adria – Discovery of the Planet Earth’s Lost Continent
  603. ABC Ciencia – Hallan los restos de un continente perdido, enterrados bajo el sur de Europa
  604. Córdoba (Argentina) – Hallazgo: Gran Adria, el continente enterrado debajo de Europa
  605. America Digital (Venezuela) – Descubren un continente perdido que se hundió bajo el sur de Europa
  606. Newsflash.one (USA) – Geologists uncover history of lost continent buried beneath Europe
  607. Science 2.0 (USA) – Greater Adria – Ancient Continent That Collided With Europe And Was Destroyed Gets A Timeline
  608. Europa Press (Spain) – Un continente perdido quedó preservado en montañas del Mediterráneo
  609. Alberto News (Colombia) – Descubren un antiguo continente debajo de Europa
  610. Telegraaf – Verdwenen continent, op vakantie naar Groot Adrië
  611. International Business Times (Singapore) – Greater Adria, the lost continent found buried beneath Europe after collision 100 million years ago
  612. Nature – Daily briefing: The lost continent that lies submerged below Europe
  613. Science – Geologists uncover history of lost continent buried beneath Europe
  614. NPO Radio 1 (Nieuws & Co) – Ontstaan Middellandse Zee nog nooit zo gedetailleerd gereconstrueerd
  615. De Morgen (Belgium) – Onze ijstijden ontstonden door aardplaatbotsingen in de tropen
  616. Geology Page (USA) – Tibetan Plateau rose later than we thought
  617. Volkskrant – Onze ijstijden ontstonden door aardplaatbotsingen in de tropen
  618. Earth magazine – Oman ophiolite suggests subduction started with a shove


  1. Kijk – Dit zinkgat in Nieuw Zeeland is gigantisch
  2. Utrecht University news – Why new subduction zones form
  3. UBC Science – New theory on how Earth’s subduction zones formed
  4. Traveling Geologist – “Birth of an island arc: insights from St Barthélemy island (Northern Lesser Antilles) with Mélody Philippon”
  5. EGU Blogs – Minds over Methods: Reconstructing oceans lost to subduction
  6. RTV Utrecht – ‘1,5 miljoen beurs voor Utrechtse wetenschappers ‘
  7. UU.nl – ‘Zes Vici’s voor Utrechtse onderzoekers’
  8. Kijk – ‘‘Lord of the Rings’-landschap onder water ontdekt’


  1. Kijk – ‘Wetenschappers willen supervulkaan koelen’
  2. Buzzons (Canada) – ‘Atlas d’un monde sous terre’
  3. Vsegei (Russia) – ‘Открыт доступ к Атласу подземного мира’
  4. Mineralogy (Russia) – ‘Открыт доступ к «Атласу подземного мира»’
  5. Traveling Geologist – ‘Chasing an early bird of extension from Turkey with Derya Gürer’
  6. Kennislink – ‘Raadsel van de Andes eindelijk opgelost’
  7. Volkskrant – ‘Andes-mysterie ontrafeld: enorme weggezonken aardplaat verklaart kilometershoge bergtoppen’
  8. Québec Science (Canada) – ‘Atlas d’un monde sous terre’
  9. Weekendavisen (Denmark) – ‘Adgang til underverdenen’
  10. Davidson Weizmann (Israel) – ‘סיור מודרך בעולם התחתון’
  11. Ynet (Israel) – ‘סיור מודרך בעולם התחתון של כדור הארץ’
  12. Earth Pages – ‘Plate Tectonic Graveyard’
  13. Projeto Geografando (Brazil) – ‘Atlas submarino mostra 94 placas tectônicas “escondidas”‘
  14. Wired (Japan) – ‘「地下世界の地図」が初めてつくられた:オランダの科学者チームが完成’
  15. National Geographic (Indonesia) – ‘Dunia Bawah Tanah Juga Memiliki Atlas. Seperti Inilah Wujudnya’
  16. TN 8 (Nicaragua) – ‘El inframundo de la Tierra queda al descubierto en este nuevo mapa’
  17. WP Tech (Poland) – ‘Co znajduje się pod ziemią? Naukowcy przez lata tworzyli mapę’
  18. Webtekno (Turkey) – ‘Milyonlarca Yıllık Tektonik Faaliyetleri Gösteren İlk ‘Alt Dünya Atlası’ Yayınlandı!’
  19. Alphr – ‘Take a journey back in time with this interactive map of the Earth’s ancient plates’
  20. Worldless Tech – ‘The Atlas of the Underworld’
  21. Alaxon (Israel) – ‘אטלס של העולם התחתון’
  22. Osvita Nova (Ukraine) – ‘Науковці склали детальну карту підземного простору Землі’
  23. Un Mundo de Misterio (Colombia) – ‘El inframundo del planeta queda al descubierto’
  24. Daily Braille – ‘Scientists create incredible ‘Atlas of the Underworld”
  25. Looking Today (Cambodia) – ‘ផ្ទាំងគំនូរមិនគួរឲ្យជឿ៖ អាត្លាសបានបង្ហាញ ឲ្យឃើញផ្ទាំងគំនូរ បុរាណចំនួន៩៤ ដែលគ្របដណ្ដប់ យ៉ាងជ្រៅ នៅក្នុងផែនដី’
  26. NRC Handelsblad – ‘Zinkende aardplaten in een nieuwe atlas’
  27. Weather.com (Germany) – ‘Forscher begeistert: Neuer „Atlas der Unterwelt“ offenbart bisher verborgene Platten’
  28. Geo-awesomeness – ‘The Atlas of the underworld is the first complete map of Earth’s mantle and its evolution’
  29. Zakon (Kazakhstan) – ‘Создана карта подземного мира Земли’
  30. Mongabay (Indonesia) – ‘Atlas Dunia Bawah Tanah, Bagaimana Wujudnya?’
  31. BBC World Service (UK) – Atlas of the Underworld
  32. Huffington Post (Germany) – ‘Forscher entwickeln einen “Atlas der Unterwelt” – er zeigt uns die Erde, wie wir sie noch nie gesehen haben’
  33. Scienzeedintorni (Italy) – ‘”Atlas of Underworld”: un sito che descrive il mantello terrestre punto a punto ‘
  34. Platforma (Moldova) – ‘Науковці склали детальну карту підземного простору Землі’
  35. Business Insider (Germany) – ‘Forscher haben eine ungewöhnliche Karte der Erde angelegt — sie zeigt eine Welt unter uns, die immer verborgen bleibt’
  36. Europa Press (Spain) – ‘Primera entrega del ‘atlas del inframundo’, con 94 piezas’
  37. XCN News (China) – ‘在地表之下三千公里,還有另一個世界’
  38. Soha (Vietnam) – ‘Khám phá những dãy núi và đại dương bị mất tích bí ẩn’
  39. Nauka Offnews (Bulgaria) – ‘”Атласът на подземния свят” показва 94 скрити тектонски плочи’
  40. Lovendal (Romania) – ‘Lumea subterană a Pământului este reală, iar oamenii de ştiinţă tocmai au reprezentat-o cartografic’
  41. Obekti (Bulgaria) – ‘Учени направиха карта на подземния свят’
  42. Wiadomosci (Poland) – ‘Powstał niezwykły atlas prezentujący podziemia naszej planety’
  43. Jandan (China) – ‘在地表之下三千公里,还有另一个世界’
  44. International Business Times – ”Atlas of the Underworld’: Scientists are mapping out a hidden world buried deep within the Earth’
  45. Newsfrol (Russia) – ‘Создана карта подземного мира Земли’
  46. MVS Noticias (Mexico) – ‘Investigadores desarrollan mapa del inframundo de la Tierra’
  47. Focus (Italy) – ‘Il nuovo Atlante del mondo sotterraneo’
  48. Sin Embargo (Mexico) – ‘Científicos presentan mapa del inframundo de la Tierra con la evolución de sus placas tectónicas’
  49. La Tribuna (Honduras) – ‘Científicos revelan la existencia del inframundo y crean un mapa de esta región’
  50. Planet Erde – “Atlas der Unterwelt” ist verfügbar
  51. Science Alert – ” Scientists Are Mapping an Atlas of The Underworld Hidden Far Beneath Our Feet – And you can take a look”
  52. Geology In – “Earth’s underworld is real and scientists just mapped it”
  53. I Fucking Love Science – Extraordinary “Atlas Of The Underworld” Showcases Earth’s 94 Hidden Tectonic Plates
  54. Wochit news – Earth’s Tectonic Plates Mapped Out In ‘Atlas Of The Underworld’
  55. Mail online – “The incredible ‘Atlas of the Underworld’ reveals 94 ancient tectonic plates lurking deep within Earth”
  56. Gizmodo – “Earth’s underworld is real and scientists just mapped it”
  57. Ars Technica – “The Earth’s interior is teeming with dead plates”
  58. BNR Nieuwsradio – “Waar het goud en koper verborgen zit”
  59. Scientias.nl – “De Atlas van de Onderwereld: hoe ziet de wereld onder onze voeten eruit?”
  60. Deutschlandfunk (Germany) – “Bewegung in der Unterwelt”
  61. BNR Nieuwsradio – Het raadsel van het Andesgebergte: opgelost
  62. Eos – Diagnosing Cryptic Remagnetization in Sedimentary Rocks
  63. New Scientist – Map of the underworld may let us play plate tectonics in reverse
  64. NRC Handelsblad – NRC checkt: ‘Verloren continent Zealandia ontdekt’
  65. Planet Erde.de – Die zweite Revolution in der Plattentektonik


  1. Kijk – Is dit het begin van een nieuwe vulkaan?
  2. BigThink.com – The ‘Atlas Of The Underworld’ And The Ghosts Of Past Geography
  3. Lyncean.com – Strange Things are Happening Underground
  4. BNR Nieuwsradio – Hoe hoog de zeespiegel stond, de afgelopen 850 miljoen jaar
  5. Deutschlandfunk (Germany) – ‘Der erste Atlas der Unterwelt’
  6. Deutschlandfunk (Germany) – ‘Neue Theorie für die Entstehung des Pazifiks’
  7. Traveling Geologist – Paleomagnetism of Costa Rican Pensinsulas with Erik van der Wiel
  8. Scientias.nl – Utrechtse wetenschappers zien zeespiegelniveau tot 850 miljoen jaar terug
  9. Science – ‘Atlas of the Underworld’ reveals oceans and mountains lost to Earth’s history
  10. Inscience.nl filmfestival – explaining movie about Earth Scientists
  11. Radio 5 (NPO) – wat is nou precies een aardbeving?
  12. Weekendavisen (Denmark) – ‘Fra et punkt i Stillehavet’
  13. New Scientist – World’s oldest ocean crust dates back to ancient supercontinent
  14. I fucking love science – The Pacific Plate’s kinky birth
  15. De Stad Utrecht.nl – Utrechtse aardwetenschappers verklaren het onstaan van de Pacifische Plaat
  16. International Business Times: Scientists reconstruct tectonic activity which led to birth of the Pacific Plate
  17. Science news: New scenario proposed for birth of Pacific Plate
  18. Nature – The fiery birth of the Earth’s largest ocean exposed
  19. Volkskrant – Schoolboek wist al lang hoe de Stille Oceaan zijn bodem kreeg
  20. Mail online: Birth of Earth’s largest ocean – Scientist reveal how odd line up of tectonic plates created the Pacific millions of years ago
  21. The Earth Story – There’s a hole in the bottom of the sea
  22. BNR Nieuwsradio – GPlates en plaatreconstructies
  23. Naturalis – De Nepal aardbeving in context van de botsingsgeschiedenis tussen India en Azië (Leidse Winterlezing)
  24. Volkskrant – Boren waar nog nooit iemand geboord heeft
  25. The Batrachospermum Magazine (Russia) – Тихоокеанская плита родилась в танце


  1. Geografie – True polar wander
  2. BNR Nieuwsradio – Geologisch veldwerk in Turkije
  3. BNR Nieuwsradio – Zie zelf hoe de aarde er 200 miljoen jaar geleden uitzag
  4. NRC Handelsblad – Volgende aardbeving is al zichtbaar
  5. NRC Handelsblad – Nederland lag vroeger waar Marokko nu ligt
  6. Nu.nl – Utrechtse onderzoekers lanceren website die verschuiving aardkorst toont
  7. RTV Utrecht – UU brengt verschuiving aardkorst in beeld
  8. Scientias.nl – Waar lag jouw tuin in het dino-tijdperk
  9. Telegraaf – Waar lag Nederland miljoenen jaren geleden
  10. Algemeen Dagblad – Waar lag jouw woonplaats 200 miljoen jaar geleden
  11. BN De Stem – Waar lag jouw woonplaats 200 miljoen jaar geleden
  12. Eindhovens Dagblad – Waar lag jouw woonplaats 200 miljoen jaar geleden
  13. Brabants Dagblad – Waar lag jouw woonplaats 200 miljoen jaar geleden
  14. Gelderlander – Waar lag jouw woonplaats 200 miljoen jaar geleden
  15. PZC – Waar lag jouw woonplaats 200 miljoen jaar geleden
  16. New York Times – Indian subcontinent’s quake-causing collision course
  17. NRC Handelsblad – Met 18 cm per jaar op Azië af
  18. NRC Next – Himalayazout komt niet uit de Himalaya
  19. Kivi Kring Rotterdam – Public lecture ‘plaatreconstructies’


  1. I fucking love science – Turkey’s oldest stone tool pinpoints human migration to Europe
  2. Volkskrant – De mens was al eerder in Turkije, bewijst ruim 1.17 miljoen jaar oud mesje
  3. Parool – Onderzoek naar oorsprong Antillen leidt tot praktische kennis – inzicht in risico’s en kansen’
  4. Kennislink.nl – De oversteek van de Nederlandse Antillen
  5. Linda – Curaçao lag vroeger voor de kust van Colombia
  6. Antilliaans Dagblad – Antillen komen uit Stille Oceaan
  7. Antilliaans Dagblad – Antilliaanse eilanden uit Stille Oceaan
  8. Livescience.com – Dinosaur era had 5 times today’s CO2
  9. BNR Nieuwsradio – Supervulkanen


  1. BNR Nieuwsradio – Boren in de oceaankorst
  2. Radio 1 (KRO Goedemorgen Nederland) – Resten oud continent ontdekt
  3. BNR Nieuwsradio – Resten oud continent ontdekt
  4. Radio 5 (Hoe?Zo!) – Botsing tussen Arabië en Azië jonger dan gedacht
  5. Elsevier – Botsing tussen Arabiëen Azië jonger dan gedacht
  6. Scientias.nl – Botsing tussen Arabië en Azië jonger dan gedacht


  1. Science Daily (USA) – Magnetic field, mantle convection and tectonics
  2. Bèta onder de Dom – Plaattektoniek (lecture for high school teachers)
  3. De Stentor – Vulkanisme kan flink groeien
  4. BN De Stem – Vulkanisme kan flink groeien
  5. Telegraaf – Vulkanisme kan flink groeien
  6. Nu.nl – Vulkanisme kan flink groeien
  7. Weekendavisen (Denmark) – ‘Mysteriet um det forsvundne’
  8. Traveling Geologist – Greater India Basin
  9. Nature – Double collision theory
  10. Nature India – Double collision theory
  11. Ars Technica – Before the Pacific: finding the lost islands of a Pangea-era ocean


  1. Geoscientist Online – It’s quicker by plume


  1. Bild der Wissenschaft (Germany) – ‘Ozeanplatten entsteigen ihren Gräbern’