Home→Year→2011→Lefebvre, C.**, Barnhoorn, A., van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Kaymakcı, N., and Vissers, R.L.M., 2011, Late Cretaceous extensional denudation along a marble detachment fault zone in the Kırsehir massif near Kaman, Central Turkey, Journal of Structural Geology 33, p. 1220-1236
Lefebvre, C.**, Barnhoorn, A., van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Kaymakcı, N., and Vissers, R.L.M., 2011, Late Cretaceous extensional denudation along a marble detachment fault zone in the Kırsehir massif near Kaman, Central Turkey, Journal of Structural Geology 33, p. 1220-1236