Home→Year→2010→Ganerød, M., Smethurst, M.A., Torsvik, T.H., Prestvik, T., Rousse, S., McKenna, C., van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., and Hendriks, B.H.W.,2010, The North Atlantic Igneous Province reconstructed and its relation to the Plume Generation Zone: The Antrim Lava Group revisited, Geophysical Journal International 182, p. 183-202
Ganerød, M., Smethurst, M.A., Torsvik, T.H., Prestvik, T., Rousse, S., McKenna, C., van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., and Hendriks, B.H.W.,2010, The North Atlantic Igneous Province reconstructed and its relation to the Plume Generation Zone: The Antrim Lava Group revisited, Geophysical Journal International 182, p. 183-202