Dr. Maartje Hamers
Position after leaving my group: PhD student Utrecht University (PhD 2013)
MSc thesis: “The Carboniferous and Permian Apparent Polar Wander Path of Baltica from the Donbas basin, Ukraine”
Funding: Shell International Exploration and Production grant
- van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Abels, H.A., Bosch, W., Boekhout, F., Kitchka, A., Hamers, M.F.***, van der Meer, D.G.*, Geluk, M., and Stephenson, R.A., 2015, Sedimentary geology of the Middle Carboniferous of the Donbas region (Dniepr-Donets Basin, Ukraine), Scientific Reports 5, 9099, doi: 10.1038/srep09099
- Meijers, M.J.M.**, Hamers, M.F.***, van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., van der Meer, D.G.**, Kitchka, A., Langereis, C.G., and Stephenson, R.A., 2010, New late Paleozoic paleopoles from the Donbas Foldbelt (Ukraine): implications for the Pangea A vs. B controversy, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 297, p. 18-33