Dr. Gijs Straathof
Position after leaving my group: PhD student at University of Edinburgh, UK (PhD 2011)
MSc thesis: “The Jurassic to Paleogene Apparent Polar Wander Path of Mongolia and closure of the Mongol-Ochotsk ocean”
Funding: Molengraaff Foundation; KF Hein Fonds
- van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Cunningham, W.D., Straathof, G.B.***, Ganerød, M., Hendriks, B.W.H., and Dijkstra, A.H., 2015, Triassic to Cenozoic multi-stage intra-plate deformation focused near the Bogd Fault system, Gobi Altai, Mongolia, Geoscience Frontiers 6, p. 723-740
- Biggin, A.J., van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Langereis, C.G., Straathof, G.B.***, and Deenen, M.H.L., 2008, Geomagnetic secular variation in the Cretaceous Normal Superchron and in the Jurassic, Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 169, p. 3-19
- van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Straathof, G.B.***, Kuiper, K.F. Cunningham, W.D. and Wijbrans, J., 2008, No rotations during transpressional orogeny in the Gobi Altai: coinciding Mongolian and Eurasian apparent polar wander paths: Geophysical Journal International 173, p. 105-126