Category Archives: Year
Mineralogy (Russia) – ‘Открыт доступ к «Атласу подземного мира»’
Traveling Geologist – ‘Chasing an early bird of extension from Turkey with Derya Gürer’
Kennislink – ‘Raadsel van de Andes eindelijk opgelost’
Volkskrant – ‘Andes-mysterie ontrafeld: enorme weggezonken aardplaat verklaart kilometershoge bergtoppen’
Québec Science (Canada) – ‘Atlas d’un monde sous terre’
Vissers, R.L.M., van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Wilkinson, C.M., and Ganerød, M., 2018, Reply to discussion on ‘Middle Jurassic shear zones at Cap de Creus (eastern Pyrenees, Spain): a record of pre-drift extension of the Piemonte–Ligurian Ocean?’ Journal of the Geological Society, London, 174, 289–300, Journal of the Geological Society of London 175, p. 189-191
van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Lippert, P.C., and Huang, W., 2017, Unfeasible subduction?, Nature Geoscience 10, p. 878-880
Northern Cyprus 2017
In November 2017, I conducted a fieldwork in Northern Cyprus with Pete McPhee, to reconstruct the shortening history associated with Africa-Europe collision in the Eastern Mediterranean region. We spent a week working on the fold-thrust belt that includes the narrow, … Continue reading →