Category Archives: Year
Geology Page (USA) – Tibetan Plateau rose later than we thought
van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Maffione, M.*, Koornneef, L.M.T.***, Guilmette, C., 2019, Kinematic and paleomagnetic restoration of the Semail Ophiolite (Oman) reveals subduction initiation along an ancient Neotethyan fracture zone, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 518, p. 183-196
van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Lippert, P.C., Li., S.*, Huang, W., Advokaat, E.L.*, and Spakman, W., 2019, Reconstructing Greater India: paleogeographic, kinematic, and geodynamic perspectives, Tectonophysics, 760, p. 69-94
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Continue reading →Volkskrant – Onze ijstijden ontstonden door aardplaatbotsingen in de tropen
Continue reading →Vaes, B.***, van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., and Boschman, L.M.**, 2019, Reconstruction of subduction and back-arc spreading in the NW Pacific and Aleutian Basin: clues to causes of Cretaceous and Eocene plate reorganizations, Tectonics 38, p. 1367-1413
Molina Garza, R.S., van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Boschman, L.M.**, Rogers, R., and Ganerød, M., 2019, Large-scale rotations of the Chortis Block (Honduras) at the southern termination of the Laramide flat slab, Tectonophysics 760, p. 36-57
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