Category Archives: Year
Zachariasse, W.J., and van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., submitted, Is there a Cretan supradetachment basin? Insights from detailed mapping of northwest Crete (Greece), Tektonika
Geobulletin (South Africa) – Geo-Sports: Earth-science outreach to an unsuspecting audience
Wagenaar, S.D.M.***, Vaes, B., and van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., submitted, Towards a solid earth integrated reference frame, Journal of Geophysical Research
Rojas-Agramonte, Y., Pardo, N., van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Winter, C., Marroquín-Gómez, M.P., Liu, S., Gerdes, A., Albert, R., Wu, S., and García-Casco, A., 2024, Zircon xenocrysts from Easter Island (Rapa Nui) reveal hotspot activity since the middle Jurassic, AGU Advances 5, e2024AV001351
Tweewielers Podcast (the Netherlands) – Herman valt op datgene waar Douwe verstand van heeft
Continue reading →NPO Radio 1 (the Netherlands) – Hoe geologen de aarde kunnen redden
Continue reading →NOS (the Netherlands) – Geologie in de Tour: drie gesteenten voor verschillende soorten rennersNOS (the Netherlands) –
Continue reading →NOS (the Netherlands) – Touretappe elf finisht op de flanken van ‘Europa’s supervulkaan’
Continue reading →NOS (the Netherlands) – Geologie in de Tour: gravel, gravel, gravel, waar komt dat eigenlijk vandaan?
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