Category Archives: Year
FM1: 105.3 (Argentina) – Estos investigadores dibujan las montañas del futuro: así será Somalaya, el “nuevo Himalaya” que se alzará en 200 millones de años
India Times (India) – India’s West Coast Will Crash Into Africa In 200 Million Years, Claims AI Simulation
Continue reading →Montheil, L.**, Philippon, L., Cornée, J.-J., Boudagher-Fadel, M., van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Camps, P., Maffione, M., Audemard, F., Brons, B.****, van der Looij, K.J.R.****, Münch, P., 2023, Geological architecture and history of the Antigua volcano and carbonate platform: was there an Oligo-Miocene lull in Lesser Antilles arc magmatism?, Geological Society of America Bulletin, 135, p. 1566-1586
Traveling Geologist (USA) – Geology of a Caribbean gem: Antigua (Northern Lesser Antilles) with Brechtje Brons and Koen van der Looij
The Hack Posts (USA) – India on a collision course to Madagascar, Somalia; Know what happens to Mumbai!
Continue reading →Hi Tech Hindustan Times (India) – India on collision course with Madagascar, Somalia; Know what happens to Mumbai!
Continue reading →Techi AI (India) – India on a collision course to Madagascar, Somalia; Know what happens to Mumbai!
India on 24 (India) – India on a collision course with Madagascar, Somalia; Know what is happening in Mumbai!
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