Category Archives: Year
Consulado General de Israel (Equador) – La aventura de viaje en el tiempo de un académico israelí en la corteza terrestre puede explicar el diseño del mundo
Israel Nieuws (Netherlands) – Geologen uit Israël, Nederland en Australië ontrafelen plaat tektonische kettingreactie
Continue reading →Vaes, B.**, Gallo, L., and van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., 2022, On pole position: causes of dispersion of the paleomagnetic poles behind apparent polar wander paths, Journal of Geophysical Research 127, e2022JB023953
The Times of Israel (Israel) – Israeli academic’s time travel adventure in Earth’s crust may explain world’s layout
Continue reading →Meteoweb (Italy) – Geologi svelano la reazione a catena della tettonica delle placche: verso una maggiore comprensione del vulcanesimo
Continue reading →Haaretz (Israel) – Tectonic Events Can Cause Global Chain Reactions, Israeli-Dutch Team Proves
Continue reading →India Education Diary (India) – Utrecht University: Geologists unravel plate tectonic chain reaction
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