Category Archives: Year
La Croix (France) – Dans les “Galapagos” du Mexique, éruption d’hypothèses sur les volcans et les séismes
Continue reading →Nerdswire (Germany) – Wissenschaftler durchsuchen „Mexikos Galapagos“ nach Hinweisen auf Beben und Vulkane
Impulsse (Mexico) – Científicos buscan «Galápagos mexicanos» para encontrar rastros de terremoto volcán
Boursorama (France) – Dans les “Galapagos” du Mexique, éruption d’hypothèses sur les volcans et les séismes
Continue reading →Blue News (Switzerland) – Dans les «Galapagos» du Mexique, une éruption d’hypothèses
Continue reading →van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., 2022, Indian Plate paleogeography, subduction, and horizontal underthrusting below Tibet: paradoxes, controversies, and opportunities, National Science Review 9, nwac074
Kijk (the Netherlands) – De aarde beweegt onder onze voeten
Botosani (Romania) – Adevărul despre continentele dispărute. Cum arăta Pământul acum câteva milioane de ani
Continue reading →Revillagigedo Islands 2022
In March 2022, we conducted a fieldwork at the islands of San Benedicto and Socorro, two volcanoes of the Revillagigedo Archipelago that is located ~500 km west of the Mexian mainland. These are active volcanoes that have formed since the … Continue reading →