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Daily Hunt (India) – Scientists discover ‘Greater Adria ‘- The buried 8 th continent underneath Europe
Continue reading →Dan Viet (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa thứ 8 ẩn sâu 1.500km dưới lòng đất ở châu Âu
Continue reading →Digi 24 (Romania) – Cercetătorii au descoperit un nou continent. Alături de el, formațiuni pe care se află astăzi părți din România
Continue reading →Dnevni Avaz (Bosnia and Herzegovina) – Naučnici pronašli izgubljeni kontinent koji se podvukao ispod Balkana
Greenwich Time (USA) – A lost 8th continent is hidden nearly 1,000 miles under Europe, new research shows. Scientists named it ‘Greater Adria.’
Continue reading →van de Lagemaat, S.H.A.***, Boschman, L.M.**, Kamp, P.J.J., Langereis, C.G., and van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., 2018, Post-remagnetisation vertical axis rotation andtilting of the Murihiku Terrane (North Island, NewZealand), New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 51, p. 9-25
Dr. Eldert Advokaat
2009-2011 (MSc student) 2016-2017 (Post-doc) Eldert was hired as a Post-Doc on my ERC SINK project to work on plate kinematic reconstructions of the east Indian plate subduction zone in western Indonesia and the Andaman islands. He did his MSc … Continue reading →