Saja Almulhim
2025-Present MSc project: “Style of accretionary orogenesis in the Arabian-Nubian shield” Collaborators: Douwe van Hinsbergen, Ben Mayor Publications Outreach Fieldwork
Continue reading →2025-Present MSc project: “Style of accretionary orogenesis in the Arabian-Nubian shield” Collaborators: Douwe van Hinsbergen, Ben Mayor Publications Outreach Fieldwork
Continue reading →2025-Present MSc project: “Orogenic architecture and plate boundary evolution of the Scottish and Irish Caledonides Collaborators: Douwe van Hinsbergen, Ben Mayor Publications Outreach Fieldwork
Continue reading →2024-Present MSc project: “Barrovian metamorphism following delamination: a quantitative analysis” Supervisors: Douwe van Hinsbergen, Alissa Kotowski Publications Outreach Fieldwork
Continue reading →2023-Present MSc project: “Architecture and evolution of the Rocky Mountains” Supervisors: Douwe van Hinsbergen, Lydian Boschman Publications Outreach Fieldwork
Continue reading →2019-2023 PhD project: “Junction Jigsaw: Reconstructing the plate tectonic puzzle from the Panthalassa to the Tethys realm” Supervisors: Douwe van Hinsbergen (Vici project) 2015-2017 MSc project: “Kinematic restoration of the SW Pacific since the Cretaceous” Guided research project: “Paleolatitude evolution … Continue reading →
2023-Present MSc project: “Scouting a new, integrated first-year field camp in Anglesey, Wales” Supervisors: Douwe van Hinsbergen, Alissa Kotowski Publications Outreach Fieldwork
Continue reading →2019-2023 PhD Cum Laude (2023): “On pole position: new approaches to quantifying polar wander and relative paleomagnetic displacements” Supervisors: Douwe van Hinsbergen 2017: MSc project: “Kinematic reconstruction of the northwest Pacific region since the Late Cretaceous, and the fate of … Continue reading →
2023-Present MSc project 1: “Scouting a new, integrated first-year field camp in Massif Central” Supervisors: Douwe van Hinsbergen, Alissa Kotowski MSc project 2: “Flipping the philosophy: placing mantle kinematics in a plate tectonic reference frame” Supervisors: Douwe van Hinsbergen, Bram … Continue reading →
2022-Present MSc project: “A global database of accreted Ocean Plate Stratigraphy: towards reconstructing subducted hotspot tracks” Supervisors: Douwe van Hinsbergen Publications Outreach
Continue reading →2022-Present MSc project: “Mesozoic deformation history of the Western South American active margin” Supervisors: Douwe van Hinsbergen, Suzanna van de Lagemaat Publications Outreach
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