Category Archives: Structural geology
McPhee, P.J.** and van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., 2019, Tectonic reconstruction of Cyprus reveals Late Miocene continental collision of Africa and Anatolia, Gondwana Research 68, 158–173
McPhee, P.J.**, Altiner, D., and van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., 2018, First balanced cross-section across the Taurides fold-thrust belt: geological constraints on the subduction history of the Antalya slab in southern Anatolia, Tectonics 37, p. 3738 – 3759
McPhee, P.J.**, van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Maffione, M., and Altiner, D., 2018, Palinspastic reconstruction versus cross-section balancing: how complete is the Central Taurides fold-thrust belt (Turkey)?, Tectonics 37, p. 4285 – 4310
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