Category Archives: Outreach
Info Cancha (Spain) – Un nuevo estudio revela que India comienza a dividirse en dos partes
Radios de los Andes (Peru) – Ciencia | Científicos descubren que la corteza terrestre se está partiendo en 2 debajo del Tíbet
Revista Port (USA) – Um novo estudo revela que a Índia está começando a se dividir em duas partes
Vi Cong Ly (Vietnam) – Một nghiên cứu mới tiết lộ rằng Ấn Độ đang bắt đầu chia thành hai phần
KB (Poland) – Płyta indyjska pęka na pół. Czy coś grozi także Europie?
Continue reading →La Ronge Northerner (Canada) – A new study reveals that India is beginning to divide into two parts
Continue reading →Bejagadget (Indonesia) – Sebuah studi baru mengungkapkan bahwa India mulai terpecah menjadi dua bagian
Indian News Weekly (India) – War under the ground… Indian plate breaking into two parts going towards the underworld, a big earthquake can occur in the Himalayas… Study – Indian tectonic plate breaks in two parts going inside mantle of earth causes big earthquakes in himalayan range
HL 1 (Germany) – Eine neue Studie zeigt, dass Indien beginnt, sich in zwei Teile zu spalten
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