Category Archives: Outreach
Westlake Legal Group (USA) – There’s a lost continent hiding beneath Europe
Continue reading →Social Studies for Kids (USA) – Study Traces Fate of Ancient Continent Now Underneath Europe
Viral Dimas (Spain) – They find remains of a lost continent, buried in southern Europe
La Opinion (USA) – Gran Adria: el increíble hallazgo de los restos de un continente perdido que está sepultado bajo el sur de Europa
Observador (Portugal) – Grande Adria, o continente perdido a 1.500 quilómetros de profundidade, debaixo de Portugal e Espanha
Live Science (USA) – Geologists uncover history of lost continent buried beneath Europe
The Guild of Scientific Troubadours – Geologists explore a lost continent hidden under Southern Europe
Rapida (USA) – There’s a lost continent hiding beneath Europe
Continue reading →Liputan 6 (Indonesia) – Klaim Ilmuwan Tentang Benua yang Hilang Tersembunyi di Bawah Eropa
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