Category Archives: Area
Rojhani, E., Ghaemi, F., Bagheri, S., Li, S., Lom, N.*, and van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., submitted, Tectonic evolution of the abrupt northern termination of the Sistan Suture zone (eastern Iran), Gondwana Research
van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Carpenter, M.B., Been, J., and Naudé, M., 2024, Geology of the Tour de France: taking a sports audience by surprise, Geology Today 40, 180-186
Ring, U., Glodny, J., Hansman, R., Scharf, A., Mattern, F., Callegari, I., van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Willner, A., and Hong, Y., 2024, The Samail subduction zone dilemma: Geochronology of high-pressure rocks from the Saih Hatat window, Oman, reveals juxtaposition of two subduction zones with contrasting thermal histories, Earth-Science Reviews 250, 104711
van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Lamont, T.N., and Guilmette, C., submitted, Lithospheric unzipping explaining hot orogenesis during continental subduction, Tectonics
Law & Justice (Indonesia) – Afrika Bakal Terbelah Jadi Dua Benua, Laut Baru Tercipta Tanda Kiamat?
Continue reading →Grenadines 2023
In November 2023, I joined a geological sampling expedition to the Grenadines Islands, which in part belong to the country of St. Vincent and the Grenadines, and in part to Grenada, both in the Lesser Antilles islands of the eastern … Continue reading →
Xu, W., Yan, M., van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Li, B., Guan, C., Fu, Q., Yu, L., Xu, Z., Zhang, D., Shen, M., Feng, Z., Niu, Z., and Vaes, B., 2024, Paleomagnetic Evidence of 50º post-Eocene Clockwise Rotation of Mangkang and its Implications on the Tectonic Evolution of the Southeastern Tibetan Plateau, Gondwana Research 129, 23-35
van de Lagemaat, S.H.A.**, Cao, L., Asisi, J., Advokaat, E.L., Mason, P.R.D., Xu, D., Dekkers, M.J., and van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., 2024, Causes of Late Cretaceous subduction termination below South China and Borneo: Was the Proto-South China Sea underlain by an oceanic plateau?, Geoscience Frontiers 15, 101752
Tameteo (France) – Alerte : ils trouvent des restes de Pontus, la plaque tectonique perdue de l’océan Pacifique !
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