douwe (Germany) – ‘Forscher begeistert: Neuer „Atlas der Unterwelt“ offenbart bisher verborgene Platten’
Geo-awesomeness – ‘The Atlas of the underworld is the first complete map of Earth’s mantle and its evolution’
Zakon (Kazakhstan) – ‘Создана карта подземного мира Земли’
Mongabay (Indonesia) – ‘Atlas Dunia Bawah Tanah, Bagaimana Wujudnya?’
BBC World Service (UK) – Atlas of the Underworld
Pim Palmen
2017 MSc project: “Kinematic and paleomagnetic restoration of the North American Cordillera since the Cretaceous ” Supervisors: Douwe van Hinsbergen, Lydian Boschman, Bram Vaes Publications Outreach
Continue reading →Prof. Dr. Derya Gürer
2013-2017 PhD project: “Subduction evolution in the Anatolian region: the rise, demise, and fate of the Anadolu Plate” Supervisors: Dr. Douwe van Hinsbergen, Prof. Wim Spakman Current position: Professor at the University of Heidelberg, Germany Funding: ERC Starting Grant to … Continue reading →