Geografie (Netherlands) – Geo Tour de France
Continue reading →Porkoláb, K., Matenco, L., Hupkes, J., Willingshofer, E., Wijbrans, J., van Schrojenstein Lantman, H., and van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., 2022, Tectonic Evolution of the Nevado-Filábride Complex (Sierra de Los Filábres, Southeastern Spain): Insights From New Structural and Geochronological Data, Tectonics 41, e2021TC006922
Nederlandse Geologische Vereniging – Geologische Tour de France 2022
WattCycling (the Netherlands) – Koersdutje
EUG blog (USA) – Fieldwork on the Revillagigedo Islands: the challenge and bliss of a geochemical field campaign in a remote uninhabited Mexican UNESCO National Parc
Traveling Geologist (Canada) – San Benedicto Island in the Mexican Pacific Ocean: Young phreatomagmatic tuffs and lavas in a volcanic beach paradise with Roberto H. Téllez-Vizcaíno
Continue reading →Traveling Geologist (Canada) – Paleomagnetic fieldwork in Switzerland with Dieke Gerritsen
Continue reading →North Carolina Time (USA) – The Rocks of the Tour de France: a fascinating look at the geology of Le Tour
Efe (Spain) – Un proyecto internacional descubrirá los secretos geológicos del Tour
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