Jadie Sauerbier
2024-Present PhD project: Paleogeographic control in intra-oceanic islands on modern biodiversity Supervisors: Lydian Boschman, Douwe van Hinsbergen 2023: MSc projects: “Tracing the Paleogene Caribbean forearc sliver to the southern Lesser Antilles” and “The Making of the Caribbean Plate in the … Continue reading →
Shihua Xu
2023-Present Visiting PhD student: “Geological and tectonic history of the Xigaze forearc, southern Tibet” Teng is a PhD student at Institute of Continental Geodynamics of Nanjing University, China, who visited us as a CSC exchange student in 2023 and 2024. … Continue reading →
Parool (the Netherlands) – In Marokko bouwt de druk heel langzaam op, en dat zorgt voor de grootste aardbevingen
Continue reading →Trouw – In Marokko bouwt de druk heel langzaam op, en dat zorgt voor de grootste aardbevingen
Continue reading →NRC Handelsblad (the Netherlands) – Gebouwen van 500 jaar oud zijn beschadigd, dat geeft wel aan hoe zeldzaam zo’n zware beving is
Continue reading →Unilad (USA) – Tourists may have been visiting lost continent Greater Adria
Continue reading →Vaes, B.**, van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., van de Lagemaat, S.H.A.**, van der Wiel, E.**, Lom, N.*, Advokaat, E.L., Boschman, L.M., Gallo, L.C., Greve, A., Guilmette, C., Li, S., Lippert, P.C., Montheil, L.**, Qayyum, A.*, and Langereis, C.G., 2023, A global apparent polar wander path since 320 Ma calculated from site-level paleomagnetic data, Earth-Science Reviews 245, 104547
Brechtje Brons
2023-Present PhD project: “Combining normal modes and Earth’s gravity field” Supervisors: Arwen Deuss, Douwe van Hinsbergen Publications Outreach Fieldwork
Continue reading → – Geologie in de Tour: Waarom de Vogezen een apart gebergte is
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