Saja Almulhim
2025-Present MSc project: “Style of accretionary orogenesis in the Arabian-Nubian shield” Collaborators: Douwe van Hinsbergen, Ben Mayor Publications Outreach Fieldwork
Continue reading →2025-Present MSc project: “Style of accretionary orogenesis in the Arabian-Nubian shield” Collaborators: Douwe van Hinsbergen, Ben Mayor Publications Outreach Fieldwork
Continue reading →2025-Present MSc project: “Orogenic architecture and plate boundary evolution of the Scottish and Irish Caledonides Collaborators: Douwe van Hinsbergen, Ben Mayor Publications Outreach Fieldwork
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Continue reading →In January 2025, we traveled to the Canary Islands for a brand new type of fieldwork (for me, anyway). PhD student Jadie Sauerbier, under supervision of Lydian Boschman and me, and our friend Yamirka Rojas-Agramonte, aims to find an efficient … Continue reading →
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