Dr. Eldert Advokaat
2009-2011 (MSc student)
2016-2017 (Post-doc)
Eldert was hired as a Post-Doc on my ERC SINK project to work on plate kinematic reconstructions of the east Indian plate subduction zone in western Indonesia and the Andaman islands. He did his MSc project with me in 2011, and got a PhD at Royal Holloway University of London in 2015.
Project: “Restoration of western SE Asia and the age of the Sunda subduction zone”
Funding: ERC Starting Grant to DJJvH (Subduction Initiation reconstructed from Neotethyan Kinematics (SINK))
- Maremmani, A.***, van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Advokaat, E.L., Kotowski, A.J., and Guilmette, C., submitted, Orogenic architecture diagrams to reconstruct paleogeography and plate tectonics: Newfoundland (Canada) as case study, Journal of the Geological Society of London
- van de Lagemaat, S.H.A.**, Cao, L., Asisi, J., Advokaat, E.L., Mason, P.R.D., Xu, D., Dekkers, M.J., and van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., 2024, Causes of Late Cretaceous subduction termination below South China and Borneo: Was the Proto-South China Sea underlain by an oceanic plateau?, Geoscience Frontiers 15, 101752
- Advokaat, E.L.* and van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., 2024, Finding Argoland: Reconstructing a microcontinental archipelago from SE Asian orogens, Gondwana Research 128, 161-263
- Vaes, B.**, van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., van de Lagemaat, S.H.A.**, van der Wiel, E.**, Lom, N.*, Advokaat, E.L., Boschman, L.M., Gallo, L.C., Greve, A., Guilmette, C., Li, S., Lippert, P.C., Montheil, L.**, Qayyum, A.*, and Langereis, C.G., 2023, A global apparent polar wander path since 320 Ma calculated from site-level paleomagnetic data, Earth-Science Reviews 245, 104547
- Qayyum, A.*, Lom, N.*, Advokaat, E.L., Spakman, W., van der Meer, D.G., and van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., 2022, Subduction and slab detachment under moving trenches during ongoing India-Asia convergence, Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 23, e2022GC010336
- Bandopadhyay, P., van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Bandyopadhyay, D., Licht, A., Advokaat, E.L., Plunder, A., Dasgupta, A., Ghosh, B., and Trabucho-Alexandre, J., 2022, Paleogeography of the West Burma Block and the eastern Neotethys Ocean: constraints from Cenozoic sediments shed onto the Andaman-Nicobar ophiolites, Gondwana Research 103, 335-361
- van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Steinberger, B., Guilmette, C., Maffione, M.*, Gürer, D.**, Peters, K.**, Plunder, A.V.*, McPhee, P.J.**, Gaina, C., Advokaat, E.L.*, Vissers, R.L.M., and Spakman, W., 2021, A record of plume-induced plate rotation triggering subduction initiation, Nature Geoscience 14, 626-630
- Bandyopadhyay, D., Ghosh, B., Guilmette, C., Plunder, A.*, Corfu, F., Advokaat, E.L.*, Bandopadhyay, P.C., and van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., 2021, Geochemical and geochronological record of the Andaman Ophiolite, SE Asia: From back-arc to forearc during subduction polarity reversal?, Lithos 380-381, 105853
- Bandyopadhyay, D., van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Plunder, A.*, Bandopadhyay, P.C., Advokaat, E.L.*, Chattopadhaya, S., Morishita, T., and Ghosh, B., 2020, Andaman ophiolites; an overview, in The Andaman Islands and Adjoining Offshore: Geology, Tectonics and Palaeoclimate, edited by J. S. Ray and M. Radhakrishna, pp. 1-17, Springer International Publishing, Cham.
- Plunder, A.*, Bandyopadhyay, D., Ganerød, M., Advokaat, E.L.*, Ghosh, B., Bandopadhyay, P.C., and van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., 2020, History of subduction polarity reversal during arc-continent collision: constraints from the Andaman Ophiolite and its metamorphic sole, Tectonics 39, e2019TC005762
- van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Lippert, P.C., Li., S.*, Huang, W., Advokaat, E.L.*, and Spakman, W., 2019, Reconstructing Greater India: paleogeographic, kinematic, and geodynamic perspectives, Tectonophysics, 760, p. 69-94
- Advokaat, E.L.*, Marshall, N.T., Li, S.*, Spakman, W., Krijgsman, W., and van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., 2018, Cenozoic rotation history of Borneo and Sundaland, SE Asia revealed by paleomagnetism, seismic tomography, and kinematic reconstruction, Tectonics 37, p. 2486-2512
- Advokaat, E.L.*, Bongers, M.***, Rudyawan, A., BouDagher-Fadel, M., Langereis, C.G., and van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., 2018, Early Cretaceous origin of the Woyla Arc (Sumatra, Indonesia) on the Australian plate, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 498, p. 348-361
- Li, S.*, van Hinsbergen. D.J.J., Deng, C., Advokaat, E.L.*, and Zhu, R., 2018, Paleomagnetic constraints from the Baoshan area on the deformation of the Qiantang-Sibumasu terrane around the eastern Himalayan syntaxis, Journal of Geophysical Research 123, p. 977-997
- Li, S.*, Advokaat, E.L.*, van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Koymans, M., Deng, C., and Zhu, R., 2017, Paleomagnetic constraints on the Mesozoic-Cenozoic paleolatitudinal and rotational history of Indochina and South China: review and updated kinematic reconstruction, Earth-Science Reviews 171, p. 58-77
- van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Maffione, M.*, Plunder, A.*, Kaykmakcı, N., Ganerød, M., Hendriks, B.W.H., Corfu, F., Gürer, D.**, de Gelder, G.I.N.O.***, Peters, K.**, McPhee, P.J.**, Brouwer, F.M., Advokaat, E.L.*, and Vissers, R.L.M., 2016, Tectonic evolution and paleogeography of the Kırşehir Block and the Central Anatolian Ophiolites, Turkey, Tectonics 35, p. 983-1014
- Advokaat, E.L.***, van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Kaymakcı, N., Vissers, R.L.M. and Hendriks, B.W.H., 2015, Reply to the Comment by Côme Lefebvre on the paper: ‘Late Cretaceous extension and Palaeogene rotation-related contraction in Central Anatolia recorded in the Ayhan-Büyükkışla basin’ by Advokaat et al. 2014, International Geology Review 57, p. 1712-1714
- Advokaat, E.L.***, van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Kaymakcı, N., Vissers, R.L.M. and Hendriks, B.W.H., 2014, Late Cretaceous extension and Paleogene rotation-related contraction in Central Anatolia recorded in the Ayhan-Büyükkışla basin, International Geology Review 56, p. 1813-1836
- Advokaat, E.L.***, van Hinsbergen, D.J.J., Maffione, M.*, Langereis, C.G., Vissers, R.L.M., Cherchi, A., Schroeder, R., Madani, H.****, and Columbu, S., 2014, Eocene rotation of Sardinia, and the paleogeography of the western Mediterranean region, Earth and Planetary Science Letters 401, p. 183-195
- Explorer’s Web (USA) – Exploration Mysteries: The Lost Continent of Argoland
- Good (Iceland) – Geologists discover 155 million-year-old ‘lost continent’ that was once as wide as the U.S.
- Scienze Notizie (Italy) – Milioni di anni fa scomparve un intero continente. Ora sappiamo dov’è
- The Brighter Side (USA) – Scientists discover ‘lost continent’ from over 100 million years ago
- Time News (Indonesia) – Jika Benar Berlokasi di Indonesia Berarti kita Bukan Berasa di Benua Asia? Yuk Baca Sejarah Penemuan Benua Argoland yang Hilang
- The Brighter Side (USA) – Scientists discover ‘lost continent’ from over 100 million years ago
- Scienze Notizie (Italy) – Milioni di anni fa scomparve un intero continente. Ora sappiamo dov’è
- Lodi Valley News – Can a continent disappear? Science responds!
- QQ (China) – 科学家又找到一块地球的“隐藏”大陆!还绘制了地图,约等于0.5个澳大利亚
- 163 (China) – 科学家又找到一块地球的“隐藏”大陆!还绘制了地图,约等于0.5个澳大利亚|东南亚|地球|大陆|新西兰|澳大利亚|马达加斯加_手机网易网
- Guancha (China) -科学家又找到一块地球的“隐藏”大陆!还绘制了地图,约等于0.5个澳大利亚
- IFL Science (USA) – What Makes A Lost Continent, And How Are They Found Again?
- BSC Happy Portal (Serbia) – NEVEROVATNO OTKRIĆE KOJE MENJA TOK ISTORIJE: Pronađen misteriozni kontitnent
- Alo! (Serbia) – REŠENA ISTORIJSKA MISTERIJA! Australija se POCEPALA i deo davno izgubljenog kontineta se POJAVIO i to na najnevrovatnijem mestu
- Popular Mechanics (USA) – Lost Lands: Why Some Continents Go Missing—And How Scientists Find Them Again
- El Cronista (Argentina) – Hallazgo geológico: apareció el continente perdido hace 155 millones de años
- Bear Essential News (USA) – Long Lost Continent Finally Found!
- NTR Wetenschap (the Netherlands) – Instagram reel about Argoland
- NTR Wetenschap (the Netherlands) – Tiktok clip about Argoland
- CNN Brazil (Brazil) – Continente perdido: como cientistas encontraram a Argolândia
- Sambad (India) – ପୁନରାବିଷ୍କୃତ ହେଲା ନବମ ମହାଦେଶ ‘ଆର୍ଗୋଲାଣ୍ଡ୍’
- IBC Tamil (India) – 155 மில்லியன் ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு காணாமல் போன கண்டம் கண்டுபிடிப்பு
- Future Zone (Germany) – Erde: Dieser Kontinent war Millionen Jahre verschollen
- Inibaru (Indonesia) – Argoland, Alasan Kenapa Fauna di Indonesia Beragam
- Muito Curioso (Portugal) – Continente perdido ‘Argoland’ localizado 155 milhões de anos depois
- Wikipedia (Spain) – Argolandia
- Wikipedia (Portugal) – Argolândia
- News 18 (India) – Seven Years Of Research Unearth The Lost Continent Of Argoland
- Kashmir Life (India) – After Seven Years Hunt, Scientists Rediscover Lost Ancient Continent of Argoland Off Western Australia Coast
- 7 News (Australia) – Scientists discover buried lost continent Argoland that broke off West Australia in Jurassic period
- EVZ (Romania) – Continent redescoperit după 115 milioane de ani. Cum a dispărut
- ABP (India) – Argoland: 15 करोड़ साल बाद एशिया में मिला वो महाद्वीप, जो ऑस्ट्रेलिया से हुआ था अलग, वैज्ञानिकों का दावा
- Big Think (USA) – How an entire continent went missing
- Prohaba (Indonesia) – Argoland Ditemukan, Benua yang Jadi Kunci Keragaman Fauna Indonesia, Berikut Penjelasan Ahli
- IBC Tamil Nadu (India) – 15 கோடி வருஷம்; மாயமான ஆர்கோலாண்ட் – ஒரு வழியா கண்டுபிடித்த ஆய்வாளர்கள்!
- Sakshi (India) – After 155 Million Years, Continent Separated From Australia Discovered In Argoland
- Sputnik (India) – ‘Argoland’ Continent Missing for 155 Million Years Found Near Australia
- Sindo News (Indonesia) – Jejak Bahasa Kekaisaran Het yang Hilang 3.000 Tahun Lalu Terungkap dalam Teks Rahasia
- One India (India) – “வாவ்” கண்டம்! 15 கோடி ஆண்டுக்கு முன் தொலைந்துபோன ஆர்கோலாண்ட்.. ஒரு வழியாக கண்டுபிடித்த ஆய்வாளர்கள்
- Temoignades (Reunion) – Les scientifiques ont retrouvé l’Argoland
- Fjala (Albania) – Gjenden pjesë të humbura të kontinentit Argoland nën ishujt e Azisë Juglindore
- In het Nieuws (the Netherlands) – ‘Een tektonische plaat vinden, dat gebeurt niet elke dag.’ Suzanna van de Lagemaat gebeurde het wel
- Aardrijkskunde.nl (the Netherlands) – Platentektonische verrassing: restanten van een verloren gegaan megaplaat Pontus
- Live Hindustan (India) – 155 मिलियन वर्षों से लुप्त महाद्वीप आर्गोलैंड, ऑस्ट्रेलिया के पास मिला, नई दिल्ली न्यूज
- Liputan 6 (Indonesia) – Terapung di Laut, Daratan Ini Ditemukan Setelah Hilang Selama 155 Juta Tahun
- Prohaba (Indonesia) – Argoland Ditemukan, Benua yang Jadi Kunci Keragaman Fauna Indonesia, Berikut Penjelasan Ahli
- R7 (Brazil) – Argolândia: geólogos reconstroem a história de continente desaparecido há 155 milhões de anos
- Cuakz Media (Indonesia) – Hilangnya Benua Argoland dan Penemuan Terbarunya
- Focus (Italy) – Abbiamo ritrovato il continente perduto di Argoland
- All That’s Interesting (USA) – Scientists Just Discovered A Lost Continent Thought To Have Disappeared Without A Trace 155 Million Years Ago
- Popular Mechanics (USA) – A Lost World of Lagoons Has Suddenly Appeared in Argentina
- BBC News Tamil (Sri Lanka) – கோண்ட்வானாவில் இந்தியா இருந்த போது பிரிந்து சென்ற கண்டம் இப்போது எங்கே?
- De Kijk (the Netherlands) – ‘Na jaren zoeken vonden we het verdwenen continent Argoland’
- Alvinet (France) – Articles similaires à Des chercheurs ont retrouvé Argoland, un paléocontinent éparpillé en Asie du Sud-Est
- Newsbeast (Greece) – Επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν την Αργολάνδη – Η ήπειρος που «εξαφανίστηκε» πριν από 155 εκατ. χρόνια
- Lao Dong (Vietnam) – 4 học sinh lớp 5 ở Phú Yên mất tích khi rủ nhau tắm sông
- Magyar Hírlap (Hungary) – Megtalálták az elveszett földrészt, Argolandet
- Courrier International (France) – Des chercheurs ont retrouvé Argoland, un paléocontinent éparpillé en Asie du Sud-Est
- Sign of the Times (USA) – Finding Argoland: How a lost continent resurfaced
- MoneyControl (USA) – Argoland, a continent missing for 155 million years, found off Australia
- Tinmoi (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa Argoland bị thất lạc từ 155 triệu năm trước
- New York Post (USA) – Long-lost continent of Argoland found after 155M-year disappearance
- Revista Port (Portugal) – O continente há muito perdido de Argolândia foi encontrado após um desaparecimento de 155 milhões de anos
- Appki (Poland) – Dawno zaginiony kontynent Argoland został odnaleziony po 155 milionach lat zniknięciaAppki (Poland) –
- Conca Ternana (Italy) – Il continente perduto di Argoland è stato ritrovato dopo una scomparsa durata 155 milioni di anni
- Pipa (Pakistan) – 15 million years ago lost continent has been found, researchers claim Pipa News
- Eventoplus (Argentina) – El continente Argoland, perdido hace mucho tiempo, ha sido encontrado después de una desaparición de 155 millones de años.
- TV 100 (Turkey) – Dünyanın 155 milyon yıldan bu yana kayıp olan köşesi bulundu. Araştırma ekipleri yeryüzüne çıkan kıta ile şaşkına döndü
- Borobudur News (Indonesia) – Benua Argoland Ternyata Tak Hilang Tapi Terpecah, Lempengan Ditemukan di Indonesia
- Vigour Times (USA) – Argoland, the Lost Continent, Rediscovered after 155 Million Years
- US Time Today (USA) – The long-lost continent of Argoland has been discovered after 155 million years of disappearance
- Conowego (Poland) – Zaginiony kontynent odnaleziony? Najnowsze ustalenia!
- Websul Blogspot (Italy) – Argoland: gli scienziati scoprono il “continente perduto”
- VietBF (Vietnam) – 115 triệu năm trước toàn bộ lục địa này đã biến mất không chút dấu vết, giờ mới được tìm thấy ‘tung tích’
- Gündem Kibris (Northern Cyprus) – 155 milyon yıl önce kaybolmuştu: Kayıp kıta Argoland’ın yeri tespit edilmiş olabilir
- Fuenlabrada Noticias (Spain) – Encuentran el continente perdido de Argoland
- Prosieben (Germany) – Forscher entdecken, was mit dem verschollenen Kontinent “Argoland” passiert ist
- Haibunda (Indonesia) – Pecahan Benua Argoland yang Hilang Ratusan Juta Tahun lalu Ditemukan, Ada di Indonesia
- Esquire (Philippines) – There’s a Lost Continent Hiding Underneath Southeast Asia
- Nation World News (USA) – The continent that disappeared 155 million years ago and was finally discovered
- Rakéta (Hungary) – Megtalálták az elveszett földrészt, Argolandet
- Kompas (Indonesia) – Argoland “Ditemukan”, Benua yang Jadi Kunci Asal-usul Keanekaragaman Fauna Indonesia
- Indian Flash (India) – Lost Continent’ of Argoland Found Under Southeast Asia
- Saigon Economy (Vietnam) – 115 triệu năm trước toàn bộ lục địa này đã biến mất không chút dấu vết, giờ mới được tìm thấy ‘tung tích’Saigon Economy (Vietnam) –
- Norm Haber (Turkey) – 155 milyon yıl önce kaybolmuştu: Kayıp kıtanın yeri tespit edilmiş olabilir
- Fayer Wayer (Spain) – Argolandia: El continente que se perdió hace 155 millones de años y que al fin fue descubierto
- Fakulteti (North Macedonia) – пронайден-е-континентот-арголенд-кой-исчезнал-пред-115-милиони-годи
- ABP Live (India) – Science News:সাড়ে ১৫ কোটি বছর ধরে নিখোঁজ মহাদেশ লুকিয়ে ইন্দোনেশিয়ায়? নয়া দাবি গবেষণায়
- Dunav Most (Bulgaria) – Учени откриха изгубения континент Арголанд
- Softonic (USA) – Did we just find a continent that disappeared 155 million years ago? It seems so
- Mudo Sociál (Peru) – Descubren los restos dispersos de Argolandia, un continente perdido al norte de Australia
- Berita Malut (Indonesia) – Pakar Temukan Benua yang Hilang dari Indonesia
- Softonic (Spain) – ¿Acabamos de encontrar un continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años? Eso parece
- Ekstrabladet (Denmark) – Endelig fundet: Her er det ‘forsvundne’ kontine
- Wikipedia (USA) – Argoland
- BBC News Indonesia (Indonesia) – Argoland, benua yang hilang ratusan juta tahun lalu jadi kunci asal usul keanekaragaman fauna Indonesia
- The Limited Times (UK) – How Researchers Found Argoland, the Lost Continent
- Tysol (Poland) – Podróże to przeszłość, siedź w domu i nie zostawiaj śladu węglowego
- Jantaserishta (India) – वैज्ञानिकों ने की 15.5 करोड़ साल पुराने महाद्वीप की खोज
- Actualno (Bulgaria) – Находка: Учени са открили изгубения континент Арголанд
- 5 Minuti (Bulgaria) – Находка: Учени са открили изгубения континент Арголанд
- Gossip Italia (Italy) – Come hanno fatto i ricercatori di Argoland a trovare il continente perduto?
- Futur en Seine (France) – Des scientifiques ont découvert le continent perdu d’Argoland
- Cerebro Digital (Mexico) – Los científicos desentierran el continente perdido “Argoland” de 155 millones de años
- Çeviri Haber (Turkey) – Güneydoğu Asya’da kayıp kıta ‘Argoland’ 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu
- Futurism (USA) – Scientists Rediscover Lost Continent That Broke Off From Australia
- Neural Narrative (USA) – Lost Continent Found: Argoland
- Unilad (USA) – Researchers discover lost continent after 155 million years
- Focus (Ukraine) – Затонувший гигант: ученые смогли обнаружить древний континент Арголанд
- Caribe Magazine (the Netherlands) – Hoe vonden Argoland-onderzoekers het verloren continent?
- Express (Germany) – Vor 155 Millionen Jahren verschwundenForschende finden verschollenen Kontinent
- Firenews (USA) – Scientists have discovered where the ancient continent of Argoland disappeared
- Janam Online (India) – ഓസ്ട്രേലിയയുടെ ഭാഗമായിരുന്ന ഭൂഖണ്ഡത്തെ ഏഷ്യയിൽ കണ്ടെത്തി!! തിരികെ കിട്ടിയത് 155 ദശലക്ഷം വർഷങ്ങൾക്ക് ശേഷം; അമ്പരന്ന് ലോകം
- Wahana News (Indonesia) – Pecahan Benua yang Hilang 155 Juta Tahun Ternyata Ada di Indonesia
- Bolly Inside (India) – Scientists Unearth 155 Million-Year-Old Lost Continent ‘Argoland’ and Its Remnants Across Southeast Asia
- Frankfurter Rundschau (Germany) – Bedeutender Fund – Bisher unbekannte tektonische Platte entdeckt
- Esquire (Italy) – Clamoroso! C’è un nuovo continente, è enorme e si trova sotto l’oceano
- TS2 (the Netherlands) – Ontmanteling van het raadsel van het lang verloren gegane ‘Argopelago’
- Meteored (Italy) – Argolandia: il continente perduto che è stato scoperto
- NewsYou (Russia) – Scientists have found a continent that disappeared 115 million years ago
- TdG (Switzerland) – Le mystère du continent perdu d’Argoland en partie résolu
- CNews (India) – Geologists rediscover the lost continent of Argoland
- Tech Balad (India) – Argoland: Scientists unearth 155 million-year-old lost continent
- Hindi Gadgets (India) – 15.5 करोड़ साल पहले ऑस्ट्रेलिया से अलग हो गया था धरती का इतना बड़ा टुकड़ा! वैज्ञानिकों का दावा
- WRTV (USA) – Scientists find lost continent that split off 155 million years ago
- Futurism (USA) – Scientists Rediscover Lost Continent That Broke Off From Australia
- Videnskab (Denmark) – ‘Forsvundet kontinent’ endelig fundet, 155 millioner år efter dets forsvinden
- 24 Noticias (USA) – El continente perdido finalmente ha sido descubierto.
- Tendencia Tech (Colombia) – Increíble hallazgo: Un continente perdido emerge en las selvas de Asia en Argolandia
- Bharat Times (India) – Scientists unearth 155 million-year-old lost continent ‘Argoland’
- TresPM (Mexico) – Científicos encuentran “Argolandia”, un continente perdido hace 155 millones de años
- DUB (the Netherlands) – 2023: Opzienbarende ontdekkingen, dolle vreugde en intens verdriet
- Mega Curioso (Brazil) – Argolândia: continente se separou da Austrália há 155 milhões de anos
- Time News (USA) – How researchers found Argoland, the lost continent
- 24h (Vietnam) – Lục địa chưa từng biết lộ diện, chiếm một phần Đông Nam Á
- La Vanguardia (Spain) – Descubren los restos dispersos de Argolandia, un continente perdido al norte de Australia
- ABC Action News (USA) – Scientists find lost continent that split off 155 million years ago
- Mint (India) – Scientists unearth 155 million-year-old lost continent ‘Argoland’. All you need to know
- Style Guide (Romania) – Oamenii de știință găsesc continentul pierdut, care a dispărut acum 155 de milioane de ani
- El Universo (Ecuador) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
- SciNews (Greece) – Εντοπίστηκε η χαμένη ήπειρος Argoland (βίντεο)
- Meteored (Spain) – Argolandia: el continente perdido finalmente ha sido descubierto
- Retizen (Indonesia) – Ilmuwan Pecahkan Misteri Daratan yang Terbelah 155 Juta Tahun Lalu
- Future Zone (Germany) – Erde: Dieser Kontinent war Millionen Jahre verschollen
- Ivoox (Spain) – The lost continent of Argoland has been found — And other science news of the week
- Aydinlik (Turkey) – 115 milyon yıl önce okyanusa gömülmüştü! Bakın kayıp kıta Argoland nasıl keşfedildi
- Detik (Indonesia) – Pecahan Benua yang Hilang 155 Juta Tahun Lalu Ditemukan di Indonesia
- KTNV (USA) – Scientists find lost continent that split off 155 million years ago
- Interesting Engineering (Turkey) – Lost continent ‘Argoland’ found in Southeast Asia after 155 million years
- ND TV (India) – Scientists Find Lost Continent That Had Been Missing For 155 Million Years
- Tísen TV (Czech Republic) – Vědci našli ztracený kontinent, který chyběl před 155 miliony let
- Norte Bonaerense (Argentina) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
- Haber Tekno (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta ‘Argoland’ 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu
- EZ News (India) – Scientists discover lost continent missing for 155 million years
- Teletika (Costa Rica) – Encuentran Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
- Noticiero Madrid (Spain) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
- Diestra (USA) – Científicos localizan por fin el “continente perdido” de Argolandia
- Naqeeb (India) – अर्गोलैंड महाद्वीप में आज भी वैज्ञानिक कई अनसुलझे सवालों के जवाब तलाश रहे हैं
- Los Periodistas (Mexico) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
- Web Mu (Japan) – オーストラリアの西に眠る「アルゴランド」はムー大陸の痕跡か? 最新研究を機に幻の大陸を再検証/世界ミステリーch
- El Cronista (Argentina) – Argolandia: así era el continente perdido que hallaron científicos
- Retizen (Indonesia) – Ilmuwan Pecahkan Misteri Daratan yang Terbelah 155 Juta Tahun Lalu
- Ayo Bogor (Indonesia) – Benua Kuno yang Terpisah 155 Juta Tahun Lalu Akhirnya Ditemukan Ilmuwan, Indonesia Termasuk?
- Lex 18 (USA) – Scientists find lost continent that split off 155 million years ago
- Scripps News (USA) – Scientists find lost continent that split off 155 million years ago
- Tendencia Tech (Colombia) – ¡Descubre Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años que cambiará tu perspectiva de la historia!
- Ngay Nay (Vietnam) – Phát hiện lục địa cổ Argoland tại châu Á
- Ky Anh School (Vietnam) – Hidden Continent Discovered After Vanishing Over 100 Million Years Ago
- N News (Ukraine) – Вчені знайшли континент, який зник 115 мільйонів років тому
- Abriendobrecha (Mexico) – Hallan Argolandia: el continente perdido, recientemente descubierto por científicos
- Canal 13 (Mexico) – Encuentran continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años.
- Ecuador Envivo (Ecuador) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
- Phunumoi (Vietnam) – 115 triệu năm trước toàn bộ lục địa này đã biến mất không chút dấu vết, giờ mới được tìm thấy ‘tung tích’
- Mendoza Today (Argentina) – Hallaron Agrolandia, un continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
- Op Online (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Time News (USA) – The Mystery of Argoland’s Ribbon Continents: Geologists’ Breakthrough Findings
- Stiri (Moldova) – Continentul care a dispărut acum 115 milioane de ani, redescoperit
- Trend (Slovakia) – 155 milionoch rokov ho konecne nasli vedci objavili polohu tajomneho kontinentu argoland
- Aruba Native (Aruba) – Geologonan Hulandes a yuda resolve e misterio di Argoland, ‘e continente perdi’
- Giant Freakin Robot (USA) – Hidden Continent Discovered After Vanishing Over 100 Million Years Ago
- T13 (Chile) – Localizan Argolandia, el “continente perdido” hace 155 millones de años
- Well (Poland) – Naukowcy odnaleźli zaginiony kontynent. Mityczny Argoland ukrywał się w cieniu azjatyckiej dżungli
- Tulsa World (USA) – Ancient Continent Lost in Time has Finally been Found
- El Cronista (Argentina) – Argolandia: así era el continente perdido que hallaron científicos
- Desde Entrerios (Argentina) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
- Express (Germany) – Vor 155 Millionen Jahren verschwundenForschende finden verschollenen Kontinent
- Zmiani na Zimi (Poland) – 115 milionów lat temu zniknął cały kontynent, a teraz odkryto, gdzie się chowa
- Incredibilia (Romania) – Descoperirea unui continent dispărut: Localizare și rezultate ale cercetărilor
- Trend (Slovakia) – Po 155 miliónoch rokov ho konečne našli. Vedci objavili polohu tajomného kontinentu Argoland
- Mundo Occulto (Spain) – Hace 115 millones de años desapareció un continente entero. Ahora hemos encontrado dónde se esconde
- El Deber (Bolivia) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
- IBC Tamil (Sri Lanka) – 155 மில்லியன் ஆண்டுகளுக்கு முன்பு காணாமல் போன கண்டம் கண்டுபிடிப்பு
- Veja (Brazil) – Cientistas identificam continente perdido na separação da Pangeia
- El Día (Chile) – ¿Qué?: científicos encuentran “Argolandia”, un continente perdido hace 155 millones de años
- Sindo News (Indonesia) – Lenyap 115 Juta Tahun Lalu, Benua Argoland Ditemukan Bersembunyi di Bawah Asia Tenggara
- La Prenza (Nicaragua) – El hallazgo de Argolandia el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de ano
- Puranoticia (Chile) – Científicos neerlandeses hallaron Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
- Potok Media (Russia) – Голландские ученые обнаружили потерянный 155 млн лет назад континент Арголанд
- Trust my Science (France) – Argoland ressurgit : la redécouverte d’un continent perdu depuis 155 millions d’années
- Metrotime (Belgium) – Découvrez «Argoland» : ce mystérieux continent refait surface après 155 millions d’années
- Berita Utama (Indonesia) – Benua yang hilang akhirnya ditemukan!
- La Prensa Grafica (El Salvador) – Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años que fue encontrado por científicos
- Meteo Giornale (Italy) – Argoland: il continente perduto finalmente scoperto!
- Cyprus News (Cyprus) – Εντοπίστηκε η χαμένη ήπειρος Argoland
- Business Insider (Poland) – Zaginiony kontynent ponownie odkryty. 155 mln lat po zniknięciu
- Playtech (Romania) – Continentul care a dispărut acum 115 milioane de ani a fost descoperit: Unde se află, ce au aflat cercetătorii
- Onet (Poland) – Na Grenlandii niebezpieczne ocieplenie wód. “Nie ma już 30 proc. stabilnych lodowców “
- El Imparcial (Mexico) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
- Yeeyi (China) – 1.15亿年前,整个大陆消失了。现在我们找到了它的藏身之处
- The Daily Sentinel (USA) – Ancient Continent Lost in Time has Finally been Found
- Bio Bio (Chile) – Científicos encuentran la ubicación de Argolandia, un continente perdido hace 155 millones de años
- La Nacion (Argentina) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
- Slate (France) – Le mystère du continent disparu Argoland vient d’être résolu
- Sci News (Greece) – Εντοπίστηκε η χαμένη ήπειρος Argoland
- Ruetir (USA) – Argoland, the missing ancient continent, is discovered after 155 million years
- Dziennik (Poland) – Z powierzchni Ziemi zniknął cały kontynent. Badacze odkryli, gdzie jest Argoland
- Das Wetter (Austria) – Argoland: der verlorene Kontinent, der endlich entdeckt wurde!
- GK Today (India) – Discovery of the Lost Continent of Argoland
- Yahoo News (USA) – Scientists locate ‘lost continent’ of Argoland that vanished 155 million years ago
- Soy Nómada (Mexico) – Argolandia: Cientificos encuentran continente perdido en el fondo del mar
- N 24 (Mexico) – Científicos encontraron rastros del continente perdido de Argolandia
- E-Noticias (Chile) – ¿Qué?: científicos encuentran “Argolandia”, un continente perdido hace 155 millones de años
- Binoticias (Mexico) – Descubren los restos de Argolandia, un continente perdido por más de 155 millones de años en el mar
- SoCietifica (Brazil) – Após 155 milhões de anos, cientistas encontram Argolândia
- Afropages (France) – Chats sauvages et domestiques, Argoland et utilité de l’appendice : l’actu des sciences
- Bullfrag (USA) – They find a continent that was lost 155 million years ago
- Africa Press (Central African Republic) – Sur les traces d’un continent disparu : on a retrouvé Argoland
- Daily Hunt (India) – Argoland: This continent was lost 155 million years ago. We finally know where it is now
- Lao Dong (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa Australia mất tích 155 triệu năm tại Đông Nam Á
- 1 Peseshk (Iran) – میلیون سال پیش یک قاره ناپدید شد، اما این قاره کجا مدفون شده؟ تحقیقات جدید در این زمینه
- El Tiempo (Colombia) – Científicos encontraron rastros del continente perdido de Argolandia
- Segye (South Korea) – 1억5000만년전 호주에서 분리돼 동남아시아로 이동한 사라진 대륙 ‘아르고랜드’
- La Opinión (USA) – Científicos localizan por fin el “continente perdido” de Argolandia
- Courrier International (France) – Des chercheurs ont retrouvé Argoland, un paléocontinent éparpillé en Asie du Sud-Est
- Tech Z (Vietnam) – Lục địa mất tích bí ẩn hàng trăm triệu năm trước bỗng ‘tái xuất’, nằm ngay tại Đông Nam Á
- Fehmarn 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- 163 (China) – 1.15亿年前,整个大陆消失了。现在我们找到了它的藏身之处
- Dinero en Imagen (Spain) – Científicos encuentran continente perdido hace 155 millones de años
- Daily Motion (USA) – Ancient Continent Lost in Time has Finally been Found
- ZLSQLT (China) – 根据一项新的研究,在1.55亿年前从澳大利亚分离出来后似乎已经消失的阿尔戈兰(Argoland)大陆终于被发现了。
- Canal 26 (Spain) – Científicos localizan el “continente perdido” de Argolandia
- Scienze Notizie (Italy) – Milioni di anni fa scomparve un intero continente. Ora sappiamo dov’è
- Sierra County Sentinel (USA) – Ancient Continent Lost in Time has Finally been Found
- Haystack News (USA) – Ancient Continent Lost in Time has Finally been Found▼
- Voice of Alexandria (USA) – Ancient Continent Lost in Time has Finally been Found
- KTBS (USA) – Ancient Continent Lost in Time has Finally been Found
- SCNow (USA) – Ancient Continent Lost in Time has Finally been Found
- Gearrice (USA) – Argoland, the missing ancient continent, is discovered after 155 million years
- Sciences et Avenir (France) – Chats sauvages et domestiques, Argoland et utilité de l’appendice : l’actu des sciences en ultrabrèves
- Das Wetter (Germany) – Argoland: der verlorene Kontinent, der endlich entdeckt wurde!
- Tulsa World (USA) – Ancient Continent Lost in Time has Finally been Found
- Ticker TV (USA) – The Mysterious Journey of Argoland: A Fragmented Continent Hidden beneath Southeast Asia
- TS 2 (Poland) – Argoland: The Lost Continent of our PlanetTS 2 (Poland) –
- The Weather Channel (India) – Case of the Missing Continent: ‘Argoland’, Which Got Lost 155 Million Years Ago, Found Near Southeast Asia!
- Véras (Mexico) – ¿Continente perdido? Esto localizan científicos cerca de Australia Occidental
- SmallCapsNews (UK) – Scientists have found traces of the lost continent of Argoland
- WION (Inda) – Argoland: This continent was lost 155 million years ago. We finally know where it is now
- Hipertextual (Spain) – Encuentran un continente que se perdió hace 155 millones de años
- Sind News (Indonesia) – Lenyap 115 Juta Tahun Lalu, Benua Argoland Ditemukan Bersembunyi di Bawah Asia Tenggara
- CNN Indonesia (Indonesia) – Pakar Temukan Benua yang Hilang dari Indonesia
- Cong Dong (Vietnam) – Phát hiện lục địa bí ẩn Argoland tại Đông Nam Á
- Wired (Spain) – Descubren la localización de Argolandia, el “continente perdido”
- Daum (South Korea) – 1억5000만년전 호주에서 분리돼 동남아시아로 이동한 사라진 대륙 ‘아르고랜드’
- Chinese News (Australia) – .55亿年前澳洲大陆分裂的“碎大陆”被找到:在亚洲
- Diario Presente (Mexico) – Encuentran el “continente perdido” de Argolandia
- El Diario (USA) – Científicos localizan Argolandia, un “continente perdido”
- Ugly Hedgehog (USA) – An Entire Continent Went Missing—But Scientists Have Found It Again
- TV Azteka (Mexico) – ¡Increíble! Científicos localizan rastros de continente perdido Argolandia
- Lamoneta (Italy) – Argolandia
- Berita Baru (Indonesia) – Pakar Temukan Benua yang Hilang dari Indonesia
- Lritas (Lithuania) – Mokslininkai pagaliau atrado „dingusį žemyną“
- 24 Noticias (Spain) – Los científicos localizan el «continente perdido» de Argoland
- DW (Germany) – Científicos localizan el “continente perdido” de Argolandia
- Alvinet (France) – Articles similaires à Sur les traces d’un continent disparu : on a retrouvé Argoland
- Informer (Serbia) – Svet nauke na nogama, pronađen nestali kontinent koji se odvojio od Australije pre 155 miliona godina!
- Gizmodo (Brazil) – Cientistas encontram Argolândia, o continente que desapareceu no oceano
- TZ (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Afropages (France) – Sur les traces d’un continent disparu : on a retrouvé Argoland
- Sciences et Avenir (France) – Sur les traces d’un continent disparu : on a retrouvé Argoland
- SCMP (China) – Missing continent found in Asia 155 million years after splitting from Australia
- New Scientist (the Netherlands) – Geologen hebben het verdwenen continent Argoland gevonden
- Al Najm (Iran) – دانشمندان یک “قاره گمشده” را کشف کرده اند که گمان می رود بدون هیچ اثری ناپدید شده است
- CN Fossil (China) – 科学家终于发现了被认为已经消失得无影无踪的“失落的大陆”阿尔戈兰
- Noa (Albania) – Ka ekzistuar 155 milion vjet më parë/ Gjendet ‘kontinenti i humbur’ Argoland!Noa (Albania) –
- Escola Educaçāo (Brazil) – Mistério revelado? Cientistas revelam dados da pesquisa sobre um continente perdido
- Reddit (Mexico) – Argoland, así se separó y desapreció este continente de Australia: video
- Nase Tema (Czech Republic) – Vědci objevili v jihovýchodní Asii ztracený kontinent Argoland
- Informazione (Italy) – Svelato il mistero di Argoland: ritrovato il continente perduto da 150 milioni di anni
- Dotyk (Czech Republic) – Vědci našli ztracený kontinent, který se odlomil od Austrálie. Podívejte se, kam až doplul
- Well (Poland) – Naukowcy odnaleźli zaginiony kontynent. Mityczny Argoland ukrywał się w cieniu azjatyckiej dżungli
- Business Insider (USA) – An ancient missing continent was finally rediscovered 155 million years after it vanished
- Bobo (Indonesia) – Fenomena Alam Benua yang Hilang 155 Juta Tahun Lalu Ditemukan, di Mana Letaknya?
- Telepolis (Poland) – Naukowcy odnaleźli zaginiony ląd. Nie chodzi tu o Atlandydę
- Uno TV (Mexico) – Encuentran “piezas” de Argoland, el verdadero continente perdido: video
- The Messenger (USA) – ‘Lost Continent’ Discovered Hiding Under Southeast Asia
- Vice (the Netherlands) – Wetenschappers hebben het mysterie van een oud verloren continent opgelost
- Tedencia Tech (Colombia) – Descubre Argoland: El misterioso continente sumergido que desapareció sin avisar
- Hua Giang (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa biến mất 155 triệu năm trước
- Zeenews (India) – 15 कोटी वर्षांपूर्वी पृथ्वीवरुन कसा गायब झाला ऑस्ट्रेलियातील अर्गोलँड खंड; संशोधकांचा सर्वात मोठा खुलासा
- Eleftheria (Greece) – Εντοπίστηκε η χαμένη ήπειρος Argoland
- TV Sur (Peru) – Ciencia | Científicos descubren la ubicación de Argolandia, el continente perdido hace 155 millones de años
- France Topnews (France) – cet ancien continent disparu refait surface après 155 millions d’années
- Titrespresse (France) – Argoland, un continent que l’on pensait disparu il y a 155 millions d’années, a refait surface
- Günboyu (Turkey) – Bilim insanları uzun süredir şüpheleniyordu!155 milyon sonra ortaya çıktı
- Likavitos (Greece) – Οι επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν τη «χαμένη ήπειρο» (Video&Εικόνες)
- Otpor (Croatia) – Znanstvenici konačno pronašli izgubljeni kontinent
- National Geographic (Spain) – Argolandia: resuelven el misterio del continente perdido en el Sudeste Asiático
- Tecno Android (Italy) – Scoperto Argoland, il continente perduto da 150 milioni di anni
- Alkeemia (Estonia) – Kagu-Aasia kandis leidub kadunud muinasmandri tükke
- Sakhbedhadak (India) – नई स्टडी में वैज्ञानिकों खुलासा, 15 करोड़ साल पहले लुप्त हुआ था महाद्वीप
- Teller Report (USA) – Argoland. Discovery of a lost continent in the Pacific Ocean
- Manorama Online ( India) – ഓസ്ട്രേലിയയിൽ നിന്ന് പൊട്ടിമാറി ചിതറിപ്പോയ ഭൂഖണ്ഡം! ആർഗോലാൻഡ് കണ്ടെത്തി ശാസ്ത്രജ്ഞർ …
- Van Postasi Gazetesi (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland nereye gitti?
- Khoahoc (Vietnam) – Lục địa mất tích từ hàng trăm triệu năm trước tái xuất ở Đông Nam Á
- News 18 (India) – Argoland: ఎట్టకేలకు అర్గోలాండ్ ఖండాన్ని కనుగొన్న శాస్త్రవేత్తలు.. ఆ లాస్ట్ కాంటినెంట్ ఆసక్తికర విశేషాలు ఇవే!
- Trust my science (Franve) – Argoland ressurgit : la redécouverte d’un continent perdu depuis 155 millions d’années
- Yemen Publisher (Yemen) – آرغولاند.. اكتشاف قارة مفقودة في المحيط الهادي
- Tecnoguide (Italy) – Incredibile scoperta: Argoland, il continente perduto da 150 milioni di
- Sic Noticias (Portugal) – Descoberto “continente perdido” que se acreditava ter desaparecido sem deixar rasto
- Thathu (Sri Lanka) – වසර මිලියන 155ක් පැරැණි අභිරහසක් විසඳෙයි: ‘අතුරුදන්ව ගිය’ ආර්ගොලන්ඩ්(Argoland) මහාද්වීපය අන්තිමේ දී සොයාගැනේ
- Jeddah Post (Saudi Arabia) – آرغولاند.. اكتشاف قارة مفقودة في المحيط الهادي
- La Stampa (Italy) – Pronti per andare in vacanza ad Argoland? Ritrovate le isole che formavano l’antico continente perduto
- Demotivateur (France) – Introuvable depuis 155 millions d’années, un continent disparu refait surface
- Sat 1 (Germany) – Forscher entdecken, was mit dem verschollenen Kontinent “Argoland” passiert ist
- Everyeye (Italy) – Dopo 150 milioni di anni abbiamo trovato Argoland, il continente perduto
- SmallCapsNews (UK) – They discover a lost continent beneath the jungles of Asia
- Express (UK) – Lost continent of ‘Argoland’ finally FOUND after being buried for millions of years
- Spiritualia (Belgium) – Niet Atlantis, maar duizenden kilometers groot verloren continent ontdekt…
- Ziarul de Iasi (Romania) – Oamenii de știință au descoperit, în sfârșit, “continentul pierdut”, despre care se credea că a dispărut fără urmă
- Op-Online (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Realitatea (Moldova) – Oamenii de știință au descoperit, în sfârșit, „continentul pierdut”, despre care se credea că a dispărut fără urmă
- World News Today (USA) – Scientists Discover Argoland: The Continent That Broke Away from Australia
- Muy Interessante (Spain) – Argolandia: descubren un continente perdido bajo las selvas de Asia
- Mannheim 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Stirile (Romania) – Oamenii de știință au descoperit, în sfârșit, “continentul pierdut”, despre care se credea că a dispărut fără urmă
- Le Bonbon (France) – Pour réduire la consommation de viande, des chercheurs proposent une solution
- Newsbeezer (Belgium) – 155 miljoen jaar geleden verdwenen, duikt een continent weer op
- Pudhari News (India) – एक होते आर्गोलँड!
- Berita Satu (Indonesia) – Ilmuwan Akhirnya Temukan Benua yang Hilang di Australia, Bergabung ke Indonesia?
- The News (Romania) – Oamenii de știință au descoperit, în sfârșit, “continentul pierdut”
- Tauta Runa (Latvia) – Nīderlandes ģeologi okeāna dzelmē veikuši iespaidīgu atklājumu
- NTDVN (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa được cho là đã biến mất không dấu vết cách đây 155 triệu năm
- The Epoch Times (France) – Argoland: un mystérieux continent disparu depuis 155 millions d’années refait surface
- Prosieben (Germany) – Forscher entdecken, was mit dem verschollenen Kontinent “Argoland” passiert ist
- Dan Tri (Vietnam) – Lục địa mất tích từ hàng trăm triệu năm trước tái xuất ở Đông Nam Á
- Moustique & La Libre (Belgium) – La bonne nouvelle du jour : Argoland, ce morceau de continent disparu depuis 155 millions d’années, enfin retrouvé
- Valeurs Actuelles (France) – Argoland, le mystérieux continent disparu il y a 155 millions d’années, resurgit
- Karapaia (Japan) – 1億5500万年前に失われた大陸「アルゴランド」をついに発見
- Kontrast 1 (Norway) – Forsvant for 155 millioner år siden, reiser et kontinent seg igjen
- Real Clear Science (USA) – Lost Continent Discovered Hidden Beneath Jungles
- Stirile Pro TV (Romania) – Oamenii de știință au descoperit, în sfârșit, “continentul pierdut”, despre care se credea că a dispărut fără urmă
- Archeology Wiki (USA) – Finding Argoland: how a lost continent resurfaced
- Pudhari (India) – एक होते आर्गोलँड!
- Sachbedhadak (India) – नई स्टडी में वैज्ञानिकों खुलासा, 15 करोड़ साल पहले लुप्त हुआ था महाद्वीप
- Khoahoc (Vietnam) – Lục địa mất tích từ hàng trăm triệu năm trước tái xuất ở Đông Nam Á
- Au Tour de la France (France) – Le retour inattendu d’un continent perdu depuis des millions d’années
- France Live (France) – Le mystère du continent disparu Argoland vient d’être résolu
- Die Heutigen Nachrichten (Germany) – Forscher finden „verlorenen Kontinent“ – er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren
- Informazione (Italy) – Pronti per andare in vacanza ad Argoland? Ritrovate le isole che formavano l’antico continente perduto
- DH Net (Belgium) – Disparu il y a 155 millions d’années, un continent refait surface
- Kien Giang (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa biến mất 155 triệu năm trước
- Valeurs (France) – Argoland, le mystérieux continent disparu il y a 155 millions d’années, resurgit
- La Libre (Belgium) – Disparu il y a 155 millions d’années, un continent refait surface
- Demotivateur (France) – Introuvable depuis 155 millions d’années, un continent disparu refait surface
- Ça m’interesse (France) – Ce continent longtemps perdu a finalement été retrouvé !
- Le Bonbon (France) – Un continent ressurgit 155 millions d’années après avoir disparu !
- La Stampa (Italy) – Pronti per andare in vacanza ad Argoland? Ritrovate le isole che formavano l’antico continente perduto
- Moustique (Belgium) – La bonne nouvelle du jour : Argoland, ce morceau de continent disparu depuis 155 millions d’années, enfin retrouvé
- En Vols (France) – Un continent perdu refait surface après plus de 155 millions d’années
- Samagame (Germany) – Argoland, der Kontinent, der (fast) spurlos im Meer versunken ist
- Emlak Manset (Turkey) – Avustralya Açıklarındaki Kayıp Kıta, 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu
- Netcomsn (France) – Ce continent refait surface après avoir disparu… il y a 155 millions d’années
- Lefkada Zin (Greece) – Oι επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν επιτέλους την «χαμένη ήπειρο» – Θεωρούσαν ότι είχε εξαφανιστεί πριν από 155 εκατ. χρόνια
- BSC Happy Portal (Serbia) – „SKLOPLJENA SLAGALICA“: Pronađen ogroman komad Zemlje koji nedostaje 155 miliona godina
- Hello Scholar (India) – Lost Continent Found: Argoland Emerges from the Depths of Time
- Liputan 6 (Indonesia) – Terapung di Laut, Daratan Ini Ditemukan Setelah Hilang Selama 155 Juta Tahun
- Moi Truong & Doti (Vietnam) – Phát hiện lục địa biến mất 155 triệu năm trước
- Vietgiaitri (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa biến mất 155 triệu năm trước
- I Like It (Romania) – Un întreg continent a dispărut în urmă cu 115 milioane de ani. Acum cercetătorii au descoperit unde „se ascunde”
- Vajiram & Ravi (India) – What is Argoland?
- India Posts English (India) – Mayam 15.5 million years ago.. Appeared in the Asian continent! | Argoland continent separated from Australia discovered in Asia after 155 million years
- Hanauer Anzeiger (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- 7 Sur 7 (Belgium) – Ce continent refait surface après avoir disparu… il y a 155 millions d’années
- Dan Tri (Vietnam) – Lục địa mất tích từ hàng trăm triệu năm trước tái xuất ở Đông Nam Á
- Everyeye (Italy) – Dopo 150 milioni di anni abbiamo trovato Argoland, il continente perduto
- Slate (France) – Le mystère du continent disparu Argoland vient d’être résolu
- Xataca (Mexico) – Argoland, el continente que se perdió bajo el océano (casi) sin dejar rastro
- Voh (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa tách ra khỏi Australia và biến mất 155 triệu năm trước
- Baomoi (Vietnam) – Tìm thấy lục địa biến mất 155 triệu năm trước
- Geo (France) – Argoland, un continent que l’on pensait disparu il y a 155 millions d’années, a refait surface
- The Peterborough Examiner (UK) – Remains of 3,000-mile-wide ‘lost continent’ has been found
- Viznews (India) – धरती का खोया महाद्वीप आर्गोलैंड 15 करोड़ साल पहले कैसे हुआ गायब, नई स्टडी में वैज्ञानिकों ने कर दिया खुलासा
- Navtemporiki (Greece) – ΕΕ: Απαγόρευση χρήσης των δεδομένων για στοχευμένες διαφημίσεις από την Meta
- NCR Noticias (Costa Rica) – Científicos descubren la ubicación de Argolandia, el continente perdido hace 155 millones de años
- Revista Who (Albania) – Gjendet ‘kontinenti i humbur’ Argoland, gjeologët hedhin dritë mbi misterin 155 milion vjeçar
- New Science (Russia) – Арголанд выходит на поверхность: повторное открытие континента, потерянного 155 миллионов лет назад
- Nurubod (Uzbekistan) – Olimlar okean tubida qolib ketgan qit’ani topishdi
- National Geographic (USA) – Argolandia: resuelven el misterio del continente perdido en el Sudeste Asiático
- India Posts English (India) -Argoland: The scientists who finally discovered the continent of Argoland.. these are the interesting features of that lost continent..
- India Times (India) – क्या 15 करोड़ साल पहले गायब हुए महाद्वीप Argoland को वैज्ञानिकों ने ढूंढ निकाला?
- WA (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Trust my Science (Switzerland) – Argoland ressurgit : la redécouverte d’un continent perdu depuis 155 millions d’années
- Innsalzach 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Good News from Indonesia (Indonesia) – Argoland, Benua Hilang yang Menjawab Mengapa Keanekaragaman Hayati Indonesia Begitu Kaya
- Rosenheim 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Frankfurter Rundschau (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Berliner Zeitung (Germany) – Forscher spüren verschollenen Kontinent „Argoland“ auf
- Heidelberg24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Mangfall 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Günboyu (Turkey) – Bilim insanları uzun süredir şüpheleniyordu!155 milyon sonra ortaya çıktı
- Alkeema (Estonia) – Kagu-Aasia kandis leidub kadunud muinasmandri tükke
- Frankfurter Neue Presse (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Wasserburg 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Hypescience (Brazil) – Desvendando o mistério da Argolândia: Um continente perdido revelado
- scientific Inquirer (USA) – Finding Argoland: how a lost continent resurfaced
- Labuhanvbatu (Indonesia) – Terungkap Jejak Daratan Kuno Tersebar Terkubur di Bawah Negara Indonesia hingga Myanmar
- NBC News (USA) – Ancient continent lost in time has finally been found
- Quoshe (USA) – Scientists Solved the Mystery of an Ancient Continent That Disappeared
- Poisk News (Russia) – Ученые наконец-то обнаружили «потерянный континент», который считался бесследно исчезнувшим
- Hellas Now (Greece) – Ανακαλύφθηκε η χαμένη ήπειρος «Αργολάνδη» 155 εκατομμυρίων ετών
- The Limited Times (USA) – Researchers find ‘lost continent’ again – it disappeared 155 million years ago
- La República (Peru) – Científicos descubren la ubicación de Argolandia, el continente perdido hace 155 millones de años
- Dealtime (USA) – Scientists Solved the Mystery of an Ancient Continent That Disappeared
- 24 Hamburg (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- O Parla Pipas (Greece) – Οι επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν επιτέλους την «Xαμένη ήπειρο» – Θεωρούσαν ότι είχε εξαφανιστεί πριν από 155 εκατ. χρόνια
- Lykavitos (Greece) – Οι επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν τη «χαμένη ήπειρο» (Video&Εικόνες)Lykavitos (Greece) –
- Klik (Croatia) – Znanstvenici konačno pronašli izgubljeni kontinent: Nestao je prije 155 milijuna godina, a evo gdje se nalazi
- Gündem (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu!
- Merkur (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- HNA (Germany) – Forschung findet „verlorenen Kontinent“ – Er war 155 Millionen Jahre lang verschollen
- BNN (Hongkong) – Unveiling Argoland: The Continent Found in Fragments Beneath Southeast Asia
- Science Springs (USA) – Finding Argoland – how a lost continent resurfaced
- Kids News (Australia) – Lost continent ‘Argoland’ found after 155 million years
- UA Portap (Ukraine) – Науковці заявили, що знайшли втрачений 155 млн років тому континент (відео)
- Remscheider General-Anzeiter (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Echo 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Rosenheim 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Hightech FM (Russia) – Тайну пропавшего континента, который считался исчезнувшим, наконец-то раскрыли
- Hallo München (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Solinger Tageblatt (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Come-on (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Knowledia (USA) – Geologists Have Found ‘Lost Continent’ of Argoland
- Navbharra Times (India) – धरती का खोया महाद्वीप आर्गोलैंड 15 करोड़ साल पहले कैसे हुआ गायब, नई स्टडी में वैज्ञानिकों ने कर दिया खुलासा
- Vice (USA) – Scientists Solved the Mystery of an Ancient Continent That Disappeared
- Yunostsibiri (Russia) – RG: голландские учёные нашли древний затерянный континент Арголанд
- Greek Unboxing (Greece) – Ανακαλύφθηκε ηπείρος που εξαφανίστηκε πριν από 155 εκατομμύρια χρόνια
- Portaltele (Ukraine) – Нарешті вчені виявили «втрачений континент», який, як вважають, зник безслідно
- Es de Latina (Mexico) – Los científicos finalmente descubren el ‘continente perdido’ que se cree que desapareció sin dejar rastro
- ABNews (Russia) – Голландские ученые обнаружили следы затерянного в океане континента Арголанд
- Potok Media (Russia) – RG: голландскими учеными найден древний затерянный континент Арголанд
- Mangfall 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Akpars (Russia) – RG: найден учеными древний затонувший континент Арголанд
- WA (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Yuz (Uzbekistan) – Olimlar okean tubida qolib ketgan qit’ani topishdi
- Allgemeine Zeitung (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Innsalzach (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Frankfurter Neue Presse (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Wetterauer Zeitung (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- BG land 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Chiemgau 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Zarpa News (Greece) – Οι επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν επιτέλους την «χαμένη ήπειρο» – Θεωρούσαν ότι είχε εξαφανιστεί πριν από 155 εκατ. χρόνια
- The Chronicle (Australia) – Lost continent discovered after 155 million years as ‘missing piece’ is spotted at bottom of ocean
- Rosenheim 24 (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Newsbase (Greece) – Οι επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν επιτέλους την «χαμένη ήπειρο»
- Hallo München (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Novosty DNY (Russia) – Обнаружен потерянный континент Арголанд под джунглями Юго-Восточной Азии – «Процесс познания»
- Frankfurter Neue Presse (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Merkur (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- TZ (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Kreisbote (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- Finans Gümdem (Turkey) – 155 milyon yıllık gizem çözüldü: Kayıp kıta ‘Argoland’
- Hightech (Russia) – Тайну пропавшего континента, который считался исчезнувшим, наконец-то раскрыли
- Politic (Greece) – Οι επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν επιτέλους την «χαμένη ήπειρο»
- The Times of India (India) – ‘Argoland’: Scientists finally discover ‘lost continent’
- Navtemporiki (Greece) – Εντοπίστηκε έκρηξη κρυοηφαιστείου στον Πλούτωνα η οποία αποκαλύπτει τον υπόγειο ωκεανό του (βίντεο)
- Enikos (Greece) – Οι επιστήμονες ανακάλυψαν επιτέλους την «χαμένη ήπειρο» – Θεωρούσαν ότι είχε εξαφανιστεί πριν από 155 εκατ. χρόνια
- Frankfurter Rundschau (Germany) – Er verschwand vor 155 Millionen Jahren: Forscher entdecken „verschollenen Kontinent“ wieder
- ABC (Spain) – Resuelto el misterio de Argolandia, el continente perdido escondido bajo las selvas de Indonesia y Birmania
- Verve Times (India) – Scientists Uncover Elusive ‘Lost Continent’ Previously Believed to Have Mysteriously Disappeared
- Coupaki (Greece) – Εντοπίστηκε η χαμένη ήπειρος Argoland (βίντεο)
- Newstora (Greece) – Εντοπίστηκε η χαμένη ήπειρος Argoland (βίντεο)
- Crumpe (France) – Des scientifiques découvrent enfin un « continent perdu » qui aurait disparu sans laisser de trace
- Glavny (Russia) – Ученые обнаружили следы затерянного в океане континента Арголанд
- Muzambinho (Brazil) – Estudo revela continente perdido há 155 milhões de anos
- Telegraph Herald (USA) – Study: Remains of 3,000-mile-wide ‘lost continent’ discovered beneath ocean
- Merdeka (Indonesia) -Hilang 155 Juta Tahun Lalu, Benua Seluas AS Akhirnya Ditemukan di Dasar Laut
- Life (Hungary) – 155 millió éves, elveszett kontinens nyomára bukkanhattak tudósok
- Vansesi (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland nereye gitti?
- Keliling Dunia Yuk! (Indonesia) – Mengenal Argoland, Benua Asli Negara Indonesia?
- Neatorama (USA) – The Other Long Lost Continent, Argoland
- Tech Svet (Chech Republic) – Na dně oceánu byl po 155 milionech letech objeven ztracený kontinent z doby dinosaurů. Rozloha takzvaného Argolandu byla srovnatelná s velikostí Spojených států
- News.com (Australia) – Lost continent discovered after 155 million years as ‘missing piece’ is spotted at bottom of ocean
- BBC Mundo (UK) – El hallazgo de Argolandia, el continente desaparecido hace 155 millones de años
- Novaator (Estonia) – Kagu-Aasia kandis leidub kadunud muinasmandri tükke
- F1 Mundial (Mexico) – Los científicos finalmente descubren el ‘continente perdido’ que supuestamente desapareció sin dejar rastro
- The Sun (UK) – Lost continent discovered after 155 million years as 3,000-mile-wide ‘missing piece’ is spotted at bottom of ocean
- Livescience (USA) – Scientists finally discover ‘lost continent’ thought to have vanished without a trace
- Sahebkhabar (Iran) – بقایای یک قاره گمشده 155 میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس کشف شد
- Armanmeli (Iran) – کشف یک قاره گمشده 155 میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس
- Uncut News (Switzerland) – Wissenschaftler entdecken verlorenen Kontinent unter dem Dschungel
- Cikycaky (Slovakia) – Geológovia našli „stratený kontinent“ Argoland
- Review Berkasi (Indonesia) – Ahli geologi telah menemukan “benua yang hilang” di Argoland
- Conca Ternana (Italy) – I geologi hanno trovato il “continente perduto” in Argoland
- Kienthuc (Vietnam) – Các nhà khoa học chuyên về địa chất từ lâu đã nghi ngờ rằng, khoảng 155 triệu năm trước, một phần lục địa dài đã tách khỏi phía tây bắc của Australia và di chuyển đi nơi khác.
- Naftemporiki (Greece) – Εντοπίστηκε η χαμένη ήπειρος Argoland (βίντεο)
- Aviation Analysis (USA) – Discovering thousands of kilometers of the “lost continent”
- Scientias (the Netherlands) – Niet Atlantis, maar Argoland: duizenden kilometers groot ‘verloren continent’ ontdekt
- Akhbarejadid (Iran) – کشف بقایای یک قاره گمشده ۱۵۵ میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس هند
- Technologijos (Lithuania) – Slepiasi aiškiai matomoje vietoje. Po 155 milijonų metų pagaliau atrastas „dingęs“ žemynas (Video)
- Armanmeli (Iran) – کشف یک قاره گمشده 155 میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس
- Pravda (Russia) – GR: учёные нашли древний затерянный континент Арголанд
- Gazete Vatan (Turkey) – Argoland 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu
- Posta (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu! Avustralya’dan koptuktan sonra nereye gitti?
- Focus (Poland) – Geologiczna Atlantyda odkryta. Resztki prehistorycznego lądu „wypłynęły” na powierzchnię
- Mfame (USA) – 3,000-mile-wide ‘Lost Continent’ Discovered on Ocean Floor
- Mashable Türkiye (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu! Avustralya’dan koptuktan sonra nereye gitti?
- Lonradio (the Netherlands) – Geologen hebben het ‘verloren continent’ in Argoland gevonden
- Terra Daily (USA) – Finding Argoland: how a lost continent resurfaced
- Okvir (Croatia) -Na dnu okeana otkriveni ostaci 3.000 milja širokog ‘izgubljenog kontinenta’, kaže studija
- Eeook (China) – 研究称,在海底发现3000英里宽的“失落大陆”阿戈兰德遗迹
- Vista (Iran) – به گفته محققان، این قاره زمانی به اندازه پهنای ایالاتمتحده امتداد داشته است.
- Purson (Iran) – کشف بقایای یک قاره گمشده در کف اقیانوس!
- Khabarfoori (Iran) – بقایای یک قاره گمشده 155 میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس کشف شد
- Zawaya Media (United Arab Emirates) – العثور على قارة مفقودة في أعماق المحيط
- Kabar Farsi (Iran) – فیلم| کشف بقایای یک قاره گمشده 155 میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس – آفتاب نیوز
- Borna News (Iran) – بقایای یک قاره گمشده 155 میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس کشف شد
- Aftab News (Iran) – فیلم| کشف بقایای یک قاره گمشده ۱۵۵ میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس
- Ghatreh (Iran) – فیلم| کشف بقایای یک قاره گمشده ۱۵۵ میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس
- CMV (Venezuela) – Los geólogos han encontrado el «continente perdido» de Argoland
- Naya Approach (India) – पृथ्वी पर 7 नहीं 8 महाद्वीप थे||जाने विलुप्त हुआ था#Argoland🤔
- Berita Satu (Indonesia) – Ilmuwan Klaim Temukan Sisa Benua Argoland yang Hilang di Dasar Laut
- Dnevno (Hungary) – Pronašli smo davno izgubljeni kontinent Argoland: ‘Locirali smo ga nakon 155 milijuna godina’
- Paid for Articles (USA) – How Remains of 3,000-mile-wide ‘lost continent’ discovered on ocean floor, study says
- The Morning News (USA) – Geologists Discover Lost Continent After Millions Of Years
- Newser (Australia) – Geologists Have Found ‘Lost Continent’ of Argoland
- Novespravy (Slovakia) – Veľká záhada vyriešená: Našiel sa stratený kontinent! Pozrite sa na to
- Blic (Serbia) – PRONAĐEN DAVNO IZGUBLJENI KONTINENT Rešena misterija: Otkriveno je da se zapravo SKRIVA ISPOD AZIJSKIH DŽUNGLI (FOTO, VIDEO)
- Hiroszto (Hungary) – Több mint 150 millió év után megtalálhattak egy elveszett kontinenst
- Gazeta de Bucuresti (Romania) – Un nou continent necunoscut găsit pe Pământ. Cercetătorii au rămas muți de uimire
- Syri (Albania) – Zgjidhet misteri 155 mln vjeçar, gjendet ‘kontinenti i humbur’ Argoland
- NOA (Albania) – Ka ekzistuar 155 milion vjet më parë/ Gjendet ‘kontinenti i humbur’ Argoland!
- Milliyet (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
- Sputnik (Russia) – Геологи нашли в Индийском океане древний затерянный континент
- Involta (Russia) – Найден затерянный континент Арголанд, существовавший 155 миллионов лет назад
- Digiato (Iran) – بقایای یک قاره گمشده 155 میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس کشف شد [تماشا کنید]
- Sad Online (Iran) – بقایای یک قاره گمشده 155 میلیون ساله در کف اقیانوس کشف شد
- Zivot (Croatia) – Rešena drevna misterija: Otkriven davno izgubljeni kontinent ispod azijskih džungli VIDEO
- Metro Americas (USA) – Un continent perdu découvert dans les profondeurs de l’océan Indien
- Dita (Albania) – Me sipërfaqe sa SHBA dhe me xhungla të gjelbra, si u zhduk kontinenti i hershëm, Argoland
- Scientific Inquirer (USA) – Finding Argoland: how a lost continent resurfaced
- TVB Zorg (the Netherlands) – Wetenschappers ontdekken resten van 155 miljoen jaar oud verloren continent Argoland
- Vocentar (Northern Macedonia) – сензационално-откритие-изгубениот
- Poznat Svet (Czech Republic) – Vědci našli ztracený kontinent, který se odlomil od austrálie. podívejte se!
- Kibris Gazetezi (Northern Cyprus) – 155 milyon yıl önce kopmuştu, kayıp Argoland kıtası bulundu!
- Stiri (Moldova) – Cercetătorii au găsit un continent misterios îngropat în adâncuri
- Indo 1 (Indonesia) – Mitos dan Misteri Benua Argoland yang Kini Ditemukan, Bikin Kita Mata Terbelalak!
- Daily Geek Show (France) – Après des années de recherche, les géologues localisent enfin le continent perdu Argoland
- Top Albania Radio (Albania) – Zbulohen gjurmë mbi kontinentin antik të humbur Argoland!
- Ittifak (Turkey) – Milyonlarca yıldır kayıp olan kıta Argoland bulundu!
- Descopera (Romania) – Un continent considerat disparut pentru totdeauna a fost regasit dupa 155 de milioane de ani
- Rakyat Empa Lawang (Indonesia) – Benua Misterius yang Lama Hilang, Penemuan Argoland
- Express (Albania) – Me sipërfaqe sa SHBA e plot me xhungla, si u zhvendos dhe u copëtua kontinenti i hershëm i Argoland
- Novy Cas (Slovakia) – Veľká záhada vyriešená: Našiel sa stratený kontinent! Pozrite sa na to
- BZI (Romania) – Argoland, noul continent necunoscut găsit pe Pământ. Ce detalii au observat cercetătorii – VIDEOBZI (Romania) –
- Index (Hungary) – Több mint 150 millió év után megtalálhattak egy elveszett kontinenst
- En Son Haber (Turkey) – 155 milyon yıl önce kopmuştu: Uzun süredir kayıp olan Argoland kıtası bulundu!
- Newsbeezer (Australia) – Scientists discover remnants of the lost continent of Argoland
- Vox (Albania) – With an area the size of the USA and with green jungles, how the early continent, Argoland, disappeared
- Marine Insight (USA) – Scientists Rediscover the Remnants of a Long-lost Continent
- Atlas Obscura (USA) – An Entire Continent Went Missing—But Scientists Have Found It Again
- Newsful Fox Updates (USA) – Geologists reconstruct history of the lost continent of Argoland
- Daily motion (USA) – Long lost continent of Argoland is FOUND: 3,100-mile chunk of land was
- Unilad (USA) – Scientists discover remains of 155 million-year-old lost continent
- Stiri Locale (Romania) – Argoland, noul continent necunoscut găsit pe Pământ. Ce detalii au observat cercetătorii – VIDEO
- Sozcu TV (Turkey) – 155 milyon yıl önce kopmuştu: Uzun süredir kayıp olan Argoland kıtası bulundu!
- Review Bekasi (Indonesia) – Para ilmuwan telah menemukan sisa-sisa benua Argoland yang hilang
- Przecław (Poland) – Naukowcy odkryli pozostałości zaginionego kontynentu Argoland
- Uyumhaber (Turkey) – Kayıp Argoland Kıtası 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu!
- Estrategizando (Portugal) – Descoberta da Argoland, o continente perdido na históriaEstrategizando (Portugal) –
- Informacja Lokalna (Poland) – Scientists Discover Long-Lost Continent at Bottom of the Ocean
- Passione Tecnologica (Italy) – Scoperto il continente scomparso: era qui, la scienza mette punto al mistero millenario
- Ozgeographics (Australia) – ediscovery of Argoland: The Lost Continent Hidden for 155 Million Years
- Srbia Danas (Serbia) – SENZACIONALNO OTKRIĆE Izgubljeni kontinent pronađen skriven ispod azijatskih džungli
- Naslovi (Bosnia) – Naučnici ispod džungle otkrili davno izgubljeni kontinent: Rešena misterija stara 155 godina arhipelag u aziji krio tajnu (video)
- More Správ (Czech Republic) – Argoland: hluboko v útrobách džungle objevili ztracený kontinent
- Ziaristi (Romania) – Un nou continent necunoscut găsit pe Pământ. Cercetătorii au rămas muți de uimire
- Nestia (USA) – Lost continent of ‘Argoland’ finally FOUND after being buried for millions of years
- Pravda (Russia) – Scientists have solved the mystery of a vanished continent
- Detikinet (Indonesia) – Sisa-sisa Lempeng Tektonik Kuno Terungkap di Kalimantan
- Enbursa (Turkey) – 155 milyon yıllık kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu!
- Descopera (Romania) – Un continent considerat dispărut pentru totdeauna a fost regăsit după 155 de milioane de ani
- Rakyatempatlawang (Indonesia) – Benua Misterius yang Lama Hilang, Penemuan Argoland
- Sozcu TV (Turkey) – 155 milyon yıl önce kopmuştu: Uzun süredir kayıp olan Argoland kıtası bulundu!
- Resta News (Sweden) – Forskare upptäcker rester av den förlorade kontinenten Argoland
- Kuatbaca (Indonesia) – Penemuan Misterius: Benua Argoland yang Lama Hilang
- Articleify (USA) – Mysterious Lost Continent of Argoland Found After 155 Million Years
- Enson Haber (Turkey) – 155 milyon yıl önce kopmuştu: Uzun süredir kayıp olan Argoland kıtası bulundu!
- The Sacramento Bee (USA) – Remains of 3,000-mile-wide ‘lost continent’ discovered on ocean floor, study says
- Le Nouvel Ordre Mondial (Cocos Islands) – Une ancienne plaque tectonique découverte par des scientifiques
- Miami Herald (USA) – Remains of 3,000-mile-wide ‘lost continent’ discovered on ocean floor, study says
- More Správ (Czech Republic) – Argoland: hluboko v útrobách džungle objevili ztracený kontinent
- Minu Fiyah (Saudi Arabia) – اأركولاند المفقودة كتشف العلماء بقايا قارة
- Review Bekasi (Indonesia) – Para ilmuwan telah menemukan sisa-sisa benua Argoland yang hilang
- Play of the Game (Turkey) – Bilim adamları kayıp kıta Argoland’ın kalıntılarını keşfettiler
- CWV (Venezuela) – Los científicos descubren los restos del continente perdido Argoland
- Eventoplus (Argentina) – Los científicos han descubierto los restos del continente perdido de Argoland
- EVZ (Romania) – Un nou continent necunoscut găsit pe Pământ. Cercetătorii au rămas muți de uimire
- AI Hub Insider (USA) – Scientists discover the remains of the lost continent of Argoland
- Mediarun Search (USA) – Scientists have discovered a part of the Earth that disappeared 155 million years ago
- Nascereignora (Italy) – VIDEO: trovate tracce di Argolandia, un continente perduto
- Ziarul Profit (Romania) – Descoperirea secolului: Un nou continent necunoscut găsit pe Pământ VIDEO
- National Geographic (Poland) – Tajemnica zaginionego kontynentu sprzed 150 mln lat wyjaśniona. Naukowcy wiedzą, co się stało z Argolandią
- Noa (Albania) – Ka ekzistuar 155 milion vjet më parë/ Gjendet ‘kontinenti i humbur’ Argoland!
- 24 News Recorder (USA) – A huge chunk of Earth has just been found that has been missing for 155 million years
- Aktüelit (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland’ın parçaları bulundu
- Techno New Voice (Russia) – Майже Атлантида. Учені знайшли залишки загубленого континенту Арголанд
- Ansa (Italy) – Ritrovati i resti del continente perduto argolandia video
- Nidaalwatan (Saudi Arabia) – العثور على قارة أرغولاند المفقودة
- The Limited Times (USA) – The lost continent of Argoland was found 155 million years after it broke away from Australia – voila! tourism
- Ziare (Romania) – Experții au făcut descoperirea secolului: Un nou continent necunoscut găsit pe Pământ VIDEO
- News 18 (India) – कालपर्यंत तर इथं काहीच नव्हतं; अचानक तिथं जे दिसलं ते पाहून शास्त्रज्ञही हैराण
- Milliyet (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
- Patronlar Dünyasi (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
- CNN Türk (Turkey) – 155 milyon yıllık gizem: Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
- Kibris Postasi (Northern Cyprus) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
- Marshall News (India) – अचानक प्रकट हुआ पूरा का पूरा ‘महाद्वीप’, हैरान रह गए वैज्ञानिक भी
- Aktuel Bilgiler – Avustralya Açıklarındaki Kayıp Kıta, 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu
- Portalnet (Chile) – Los restos de argoland un continente perdido han sido finalmente encontrados
- Gen Medya – Kayıp kıta Argoland’ın parçaları bulundu
- Rekabet (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta bulundu
- Aventuras na Historia (Brazil) – Geólogos encontram destino de supercontinente ‘perdido’ há 155 milhões de anos
- Tin Moi (Vietnam) – Lục địa bị mất Argoland vẫn hiện diện nhưng ở dạng rời rạc
- Poisk News (Russia) – Ученые решили геологическую загадку затерянного континента Арголанд
- Oceania Topnews (Australia) – Long lost continent of Argoland is FOUND: 3,100-mile chunk of land was thought to have broken off from western Australia 155million years ago and slipped under Earth’s crust
- Gelen Haberler (Turkey) – Kayıp Kıta Argoland 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu
- News Yu (Russia) – Scientists have found the lost continent of Argoland
- Fanpage (Italy) – Scoperti i resti di Argolandia, continente perduto staccatosi dall’Australia 157 milioni di anni fa
- Bursa Hakimiyet (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu
- Akit (Turkey) – Hollandalı yerbilimciler dünyaya ilan etti: yaklaşık 155 milyon yıl önce, kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu! Heyecanlandıran keşif
- Gazete Kalem (Turkey) – Kayıp Kıta Argoland 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu: İşte ‘Gizlendiği’ Yer
- Ittifak (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu… Çarpıcı gelişme! Yeni bulgulara ulaşıldı
- Aydin Post (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu! Ancak bölünmüş halde
- Diyarbakir Yeni Gun (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
- Evenementul Istoric (Romania) – Eticheta: “Argoland”
- Metro (UK) – A massive chunk of Earth missing for 155 million years has just been found
- Scienze Notizie (Italy) – Il destino perduto di Argoland: un microcontinente frammentato nascosto nel Sud-Est asiatico
- Coast to Coast AM (USA) – Lost Continent Argoland Located 155 Million Years After It Broke From Australia
- Rosario 3 (Argentina) – Encontraron evidencia de un continente perdido a 5.500 metros bajo el océano Índico
- Gazete Duvar (Turkey) – 155 milyon yıllık gizem çözüldü: Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
- Gazete Pencere (Turkey) – Malt tankına işeyen işçinin görüntüleri satışları vurdu: Güney Kore’de gündem ‘çişli bira’
- Gazete Merhaba (Turkey) – 155 Milyon Yıllık Gizem Çözüldü
- Elips Haber (Turkey) – 155 milyonluk kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
- Marmara Gasetesi (Turkey) – 155 Milyon Yıllık Gizem Çözüldü: Kayıp Kıta Argoland Bulundu
- Upworthy (USA) – Geologists discover lost continent Argoland 155 million years after it drifted away from Australia
- Resumo (Brazil) – Os cientistas determinaram o paradeiro de uma grande parte da Austrália que se separou num passado distante.
- Milat (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland’a ilişkin yeni keşif
- Alto Adige (Italy) – Ritrovati i resti del continente perduto Argolandia VIDEO
- UK Times (UK) – Long lost continent of Argoland is FOUND: 3,100-mile-long chunk of land was thought to have broken off from western Australia 155million years ago and slipped under Earth’s crust
- Head Topics (Indonesia) – eolog Akhirnya Temukan Pecahan Benua Kuno Argoland yang Hilang
- Video 7 (Turkey) – işte 155 milyon yıl önce yok olan Argoland’ın parçaları…
- Metro Americas (Mexico) – Nuevas revelaciones sobre Argoland: El continente perdido que sigue existiendo
- Daily Star (UK) – Ancient continent longer than North America found after ‘slipping under Earth’s crust’
- Muratisbilir (Turkey) – Avustralya Açıklarındaki Kayıp Kıta, 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu
- Hayka Offnews (Bulgaria) – Какво се е случило с Арголандия, континентът, отцепил се от Австралия
- Sawahweb (Saudi Arabia) – طويلة: يُعتقد أن قطعة أرض مساحتها 3100 ميل قد انفصلت عن غرب أستراليا منذ 155 مليون سنة وانزلقت تحت قشرة الأرض
- Bursa 5N1K (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta ‘Argoland’ milyonlarca yıl gömülü kaldıktan sonra ortaya çıkarıldı
- Son Dakka Haber (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
- Noticiero Universal (Spain) – Los restos de Argoland, un «continente perdido», han sido finalmente encontrados
- MyScience (USA) – Finding Argoland: how a lost continent resurfaced
- Time News (USA) – Scientists Discover Evidence of a Lost Continent That Drifted Away from Australia Millions of Years Ago
- Nine for News (the Netherlands) – Wetenschappers ontdekken verloren continent onder de jungle
- Imeteo (Slovakia) – Rúti sa na nás mohutná Jadranka. Prinesie intenzívne búrky a ku nám aj výdatný dážď
- Vosvete (Slovakia) – Vedci našli stratený kontinent Argoland. Pozrite sa, kde sa teraz nachádza!
- Cursor (Russia) – Ученые раскрыли тайну “затерянного” континента, которой 155 млн лет – видео
- Useit (Romania) – Continentul pierdut al Pământului a fost descoperit în sfârșit. Cum a rămas ascuns Argoland până acum
- Bursada Bugun (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta bulundu
- Yeni Bakış (Turkey) – Jeologlar şokta… 155 milyon yıl sonra ortaya çıktı: ‘Argoland’ kıtasının yeri bulundu!
- Mystery Planet (Argentina) – Los restos de Argoland, un «continente perdido», han sido finalmente encontrados
- Ordo News (USA) – Geologists found traces of the continent of Argoland
- Media Indonesia (Indonesia) – Geolog Akhirnya Temukan Pecahan Benua Kuno Argoland yang Hilang
- Heritage Daily (USA) – Geological puzzle of lost continent of Argoland solved
- Yenicag (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu
- Heritage Daily (USA) – Geological puzzle of lost continent of Argoland solved
- 24 RG (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland’ın parçaları bulundu
- Magazine Greenlife (France) – Argoland : quel est ce continent perdu récemment redécouvert par les chercheurs ?
- Kayıp Rhıtım (Turkey) – Kayıp Kıta Argoland 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu: Güneydoğu Asya’daki Ormanların Altında ‘Saklanıyormuş’
- Webbilim (Turkey) – Avustralya Açıklarındaki Kayıp Kıta, 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu
- Focus (Ukraine) – Ховався у всіх на виду. Після 155 млн років вчені нарешті виявили “загублений” континент
- Jurnalci (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland’ın parçaları bulundu
- Vigour Times (USA) – Discover the Fascinating Tale: How a 3,100-Mile Chunk of Land Vanished beneath Earth’s Surface 155 Million Years Ago!
- Alerta Geo (Spain) – Descubierto el continente perdido ‘Argoland’, enterrado durante millones de años , según estudio publicado
- David Icke (UK) – Long lost continent of ‘Argoland’ is FOUND: 3,100-mile chunk of land was thought to have broken off from western Australia 155million years ago and slipped under Earth’s crust
- Inergency (USA) – Finding Argoland: How a lost continent resurfaced
- Italy 24 (Italy) – Remains of lost continent Argoland found
- Deutschlandfunk Nova (Germany) – Verschollene Kontinente: Was von “Argoland” noch übrig ist
- Brobible (USA) – Scientists Have Found The Lost Continent Argoland, Missing For 155 Million Years
- Daily Mail (UK) – Long lost continent of Argoland is FOUND: 3,100-mile chunk of land was thought to have broken off from western Australia 155million years ago and slipped under Earth’s crust
- Budun (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu: İşte ‘gizlendiği’ yer
- Rambler (Russia) – Пропавший континент Арголанд нашелся под джунглями Индонезии
- Ege Telegraf (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
- Technik Sapiens (Germany) – Verlorener Kontinent vor Australien nach 155 Millionen Jahren gefunden
- Easy London (France) – Le continent perdu d’Argoland est enfin retrouvé après avoir été enseveli pendant des millions d’années
- Hayka (Russia) – Пропавший континент Арголанд нашелся под джунглями Индонезии
- Webtechno (Turkey) – Avustralya Açıklarındaki Kayıp Kıta, 155 Milyon Yıl Sonra Bulundu
- Chip (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland 155 milyon yıl sonra bulundu: İşte ‘gizlendiği’ yer
- The Debrief (USA) – The ‘Lost’ Continent of Argoland Has Finally Been Found, Solving a 155 Million-Year-Old Mystery
- Halk TV (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland’ın parçaları bulundu
- TGRT Haber (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu! Ancak bölünmüş halde
- The Science Times (USA) – Lost Continent Argoland Still Present But in Fragmented Form [Study]
- Newsbeezer (Malaysia) – The lost continent of Argoland lies 155 million years after it separated from Australia
- MSN (USA) -Scientists discover remnants of lost continent Argoland
- Science blog (USA) – Finding Argoland: How a lost continent resurfaced
- Indy100 (USA) – Scientists discover remnants of lost continent Argoland
- Talknews (UK) – Do you know what Argolandia is? Lost continent found in jungles of Southeast Asia – Executive Digest
- TGCom News (Italy) – I resti del continente perduto furono ritrovati dopo sette anni di ricerche
- Dividend Wealth (UK) – The remains of the lost continent were found after seven years of searching
- One News Page (UK) – Finding Argoland: How A Lost Continent Resurfaced
- TV100 (Turkey) – Dünya tarihindeki hiçbir yerde böyle bir şeyin varlığı yazmıyordu… Araştırmacılar ormanı kazdıklarında yer altından çıktı. Hepsi büyülendi
- Vietnam.vn (Vietnam) – Phát hiện lục địa mất tích bên dưới rừng rậm
- Head Topics (USA) – Finding Argoland: How a lost continent resurfaced
- VN Express (Vietnam) – Phát hiện lục địa mất tích bên dưới rừng rậm
- Şarkul Avsat (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
- The Orkney News (UK) – Searching for Lost Continents Beneath the Sea
- Independent (Turkey) – Kayıp kıta Argoland bulundu
- Vietnam Posts (Vietnam) – Discover the lost continent beneath the jungle
- Deutschlandfunk (Germany) – Was vom verschollenem Kontinent „Argoland“ noch übrig ist
- Chof 360 (UK) – How a lost continent resurfaced
- 24 (Hungary) – Elveszett földrész darabjaira bukkantak
- Zap (Portugal) – Foi finalmente encontrado Argoland, o continente que se separou da Austrália há 155 milhões de anos
- BNN (Hongkong) – A World in Stories: From Bobi’s Farewell to Argoland’s Discovery
- Opp Today (USA) – Finding Argoland: The History of a Lost Continent Resurfaces
- Express (UK) – Lost continent of ‘Argoland’ finally found after being buried for millions of years
- TS 2 (Nederland) – Het Lot van Argoland: Het Ontrafelen van de Reis van een Verloren Continent
- ES Euro (UK) – How the lost continent of Argoland resurfaced
- Bali Citizen (Indonesia) – Sisa-sisa benua yang hilang ditemukan setelah tujuh tahun penelitian
- Europapress (Spain) – Cómo resurgió el continente perdido de Argolandia
- Vista al Mar (Spain) – Argolandia está escondida bajo las verdes selvas de gran parte de Indonesia y Myanmar
- TV Meteo (Poland) – Naukowcy odnaleźli zaginiony kontynent. Ukrył się pod cennym przyrodniczo obszarem
- Earth.com (USA) – Argoland: Unraveling the mysteries of a lost continent
- Scienze Notizie (Italy) – Un continente perduto ritrovato sotto l’Indonesia e il Myanmar
- IXTB (Russia) – Арголанд: как геологи нашли потерянный континент под джунглями Индонезии
- Newswise (USA) – Finding Argoland: how a lost continent resurfaced
- Es de Latino (USA) – Descubren el continente perdido Argoland escondido bajo las selvas del sudeste asiático
- Phys.org (USA) – Finding Argoland: How a lost continent resurfaced
- Newsweek (USA) – Lost Continent Argoland Discovered Hidden Beneath Jungles
- Pressbee (USA) – Lost Continent Argoland Discovered Hidden Beneath Jungles of Southeast Asia
- SMI Today (Russia) – Арголанд: «потерянный континент», найденный под Индонезией и Мьянмой
- BNR Nieuwsradio (the Netherlands) – Restanten van verloren continent na zeven jaar onderzoek gevonden
- Menstois (Russia) – Арголанд: потерянный континент найденный под индонезией и мьянмой
- Mirage (Australia) – Lost Continent Argoland Resurfaces: Discovery
- Technology Networks (USA) – Argoland, “the Lost Continent”, Found Under Indonesia and Myanmar
- Eurekalert (USA) – Finding Argoland: how a lost continent resurfaced
- Idaho Statesman (USA) – Lost Continent Argoland Discovered Hidden Beneath Jungles
- TS 2 (USA) – The Fate of Argoland: Uncovering the Journey of a Lost Continent
- ISP Page (USA) – The Lost Continent of Argoland Found in Southeast Asia, Geologists Discover
- Traveling Geologist (Canada) – Searching for lost plates of the paleo-Pacific in Sabah, Malaysian Borneo with Suzanna van de Lagemaat
- Traveling Geologist (USA) – Ophiolites, sediments, and drills on the Andaman Islands with Douwe van Hinsbergen
- ML/Actu (France) – La fissuration de la croûte terrestre par un supervolcan a provoqué une rotation des plaques.
- La Tribune (Canada) – Des supervolcans à l’origine des plaques tectoniques?
- Le Nouvelliste (Canada) – Des supervolcans à l’origine des plaques tectoniques?
- La Voix de l’Est (Canada) – Des supervolcans à l’origine des plaques tectoniques?
- Le Soleil (Canada) – Des supervolcans à l’origine des plaques tectoniques?
- Techno-Science.net (Canada) – Des supervolcans à l’origine des plaques tectoniques ?
- ULaval nouvelles (Canada) – Des supervolcans à l’origine des plaques tectoniques?
- Jura Forum (Germany) – Kontinental-Pirouetten
- Scinexx (Germany) – Supervulkan ließ Erdplatte rotieren
- Focus Online (Germany) – Supervulkan ließ Erdplatte rotieren – Folgen bis nach Europa
- Geology Page (USA) – Supervolcano fed from Earth’s mantle caused crustal plates to rotate
- ML Actu (France) – La fissuration de la croûte terrestre par un supervolcan a provoqué une rotation des plaques.
- Iconic Verge (USA) – Supervolcano fed from Earth’s mantle caused crustal plates to rotate
- Pro-Physik (Germany) – Wenn Kontinente Pirouetten drehen
- Research in Germany (Germany) – Continental Pirouettes
- News FR24 (France) – Un supervolcan alimenté par le manteau terrestre a provoqué la rotation des plaques crustales
- Kompas (Indonesia) – Gunung Berapi Super di Mantel Bumi Membuat Lempeng Kerak Bumi Berotasi
- News Beezer (Indonesia) – Super volcanoes in the earth’s mantle cause the earth’s crust to rotate
- Samachar Central (India) – Supervolcano fed from Earth’s mantle caused crustal plates to rotate
- The CEED blog (Norway) – How to split Earth’s crust in two – from India to Turkey
- Science Daily (USA) – Supervolcano fed from Earth’s mantle caused crustal plates to rotate
- Notizie Scientifiche (Italy) – Spaccatura della crosta terrestre provocata da supervulcano ha causato rotazione delle placche
- DWeb News (South Africa) – Kontinentale pirouette: Supervulkaan wat uit die aarde se mantel gevoer is, het korsplate laat draai
- Press-News.org (USA) – Continental pirouettes
- My Droll (USA) – Supervolcano fed from Earth’s mantle caused crustal plates to rotate
- Funtitech (USA) – A catastrophic eruption supplied by the Earth’s mantle caused the crustal plate to rotate
- Phys.org (USA) – Continental pirouettes: Supervolcano fed from Earth’s mantle caused crustal plates to rotate
- Eurekalert (USA) – Continental pirouettes
- RTL Nieuws (Netherlands) – Vulkaan ontdekt in de Noordzee: ‘Een toevalstreffer’
- NOS Journaal (Netherlands) – Mulciber vulkaan ontdekt in Noordzee (our reconstruction movie was used, from 11:20)
- Wetenschap.nu (Netherlands) – Nieuwe vulkaan ontdekt in Nederlandse ondergrond