In August and September 2006, a field work was carried out by a team from Utrecht University, existing of two junior researchers Flora Boekhout and Hemmo Abels, and two MSc students Wolter Bosch and Maartje Hamers. The team focussed on the geological history (notably basin evolution) in the Donbas foldbelt, southeastern Ukraine. This project is funded by Shell Exploration and Production Netherlands, and is carried out in close cooperation with the Free University of Amsterdam, Shell Ukraine, Nauka Navtogas and research institute Chernigiv. My role in this project concerned acquisition and supervision of the fieldresearch project, which for me meant two weeks of field work supervision (apart from the work back in the lab). Here, pictures are shown from the fieldwork, including a few excursion days in the field when all parties were present.
The team...
Flora Boekhout, junior researcher at Utrecht University
Hemmo Abels, junior researcher at Utrecht University
Maartje Hamers, MSc student at Utrecht University
...and Wolter Bosch, MSc student at Utrecht University
Sasha Kitshka, an Ukrainian specialist on the geology of the Donbas fold-belt, joined the entire trip and provided us with the wealth of knowledge he collected in the past well as Kostja, a PhD student from Kiev
Academic supervision is carried out by Randell Stephenson (Free University of Amsterdam)...
Cor Langereis from Utrecht University (here together with his PhD student Maud Meijers, who also visited the field team)
...and friendly, grown-up me.
Supervision from the side of Shell Exploration and Production was carried out by Douwe van der Meer (with whom I work on several other scientific topics concerning plate tectonics, see other parts of my site)...
...and Mark Geluk, also from Shell Exploration and Production Netherlands.
During the excursion, we were joined by a representative from Shell Ukraine, Slava Shymanovskyi...
...Sergiy Stovba (Nauka Navtogas)
...and Anatoliy Vertjukh (Geological Research Institute Chernigiv)
An impression... Below, you'll find a photo impression of the activities of this fieldwork and the scenery of the Donbas region around Donetsk in Ukraine, without further'll be able to fill in the gaps I'm sure ;)
...captions please :)