In August 2006, a fieldwork was carried out in Bulgaria by Guillaume Dupont-Nivet and myself, together with out student Karen Oud and our Bulgarian colleague Radoslav Nakov. Aim of this trip was to collect samples from the Eocene-Miocene of the Moesian platform and the Oligocene volcanic suite covering the Rhodope nappe stack that overthrusted the Moesian platform. We aim to reconstruct the Neogene rotational history of the platform, to test whether there is a Neogene kinematic link between the Aegean and Carpathian orogenic systems. Results are expected in spring 2007. Below, you will find photos of this sampling trip, that was carried out within the context of the Netherlands Research School of Integrated Solid Earth Sciences (ISES).
The team...
Guillaume Dupont-Nivet
Karen Oud
Radoslav Nakov
...and me :)
...and the shadow of our conscience
The activities...
Cleaning sites...
drilling some more...
...making friends with the quarry owner, by drilling holes in his polished carbonates :)
Drilling nice exotic basalt on a cliff edge :)
KT's workout...
Measuring and sample collection...
Guillaume and Radoslav measuring, me drilling (KT taking pictures :p)
Finding KT's boundary, and crossing it of course :)
Finding new sites...
Guillaume and Radoslav living on the edge...
Radoslav and me measuring drilled cores
The result...
A finished site...
muddy geologists...
(guess why they're muddy :))
washing themselves in a fountain :)
knackered students...
thirsty geologists who are willing to drink everything...
Drivers going beeserk...
Geologists faking an interest in biology...
...and cleaning
KT's hidden side...
Just watch and behold the vicious truth...
...and finally some snapshots
country village
the river Danube (Rumania at the other side)
dike in the Rhodope
fossil trees from the Carboniferous
volcanoes in the Rhodope
and scenic lakes :)